Monthly Archives: May 2014

Full Moon in Scorpio – The Buddha Moon (May 14, 2014)



The Promise will be kept…

The Hier­ar­chy of Light will not fail…

And, you will nev­er, ever walk alone.

For you are embraced and protected…

By the Wis­dom, Grace and Love

Of the Awak­ened Ones.

Today is the Full Moon for the month of Tau­rus, this is the Full Moon in Scor­pio. It is at this time of the year that cel­e­bra­tions and cer­e­monies are held around the world. This is the Fes­ti­val known as Wesak, this is the Full Moon of the Buddha.

It is held that Sid­dhārtha was born at, achieved enlight­en­ment dur­ing, and final­ly left his mor­tal frame by such a full moon as tonight’s. Today, Seers, Teach­ers and Stu­dents will bow their heads and give thanks and praise to he who was the first to lift him­self out of spir­i­tu­al bondage, to become Self-Awak­ened, to become a tru­ly Self-ful­filled human. This achieve­ment, of human Apoth­e­o­sis, this is the goal of each and every human, and the Bud­dha is the lov­ing, benef­ic bea­con of inspi­ra­tion for one and for all.

Every Full Moon brings a Spir­i­tu­al mes­sage for you, a teach­ing that you need to under­stand and apply in your life as you seek to fol­low the one true path, the Noble Path of Awak­en­ing and Self-Ful­fill­ment. For you are on that path in one form-stage or anoth­er, you are here to grow and even­tu­al­ly become an Illu­mined One too. One day, you will join that com­pa­ny of Light and Love who guide and inspire all who yet sojourn upon this Earth.

The Seed that was plant­ed at the New Moon of Tau­rus two weeks ago now reach­es its moment of revelation…Two Ways, Two Paths and Two Truths of Being stand revealed by the Light of this Full Moon. One is of Tau­rus, the oth­er of Scor­pio. Each with­out the oth­er is real­ly only a half-truth, for each is part of the oth­er, each is inte­gral to the oth­er. The High­er Truth that embraces all of these Truths in the Riv­er of Life, this Cir­cle called the Zodi­ac, is that there is but One Way of Being, there is but One Way, The Path of Inte­gra­tion, the Noble Path of Spir­i­tu­al Integri­ty and Wholeness.

The Great Inte­gral Les­son of Taurus/Scorpio is con­tained in the ever-unfold­ing para­dox­es you encounter as you move from world to world and life to life. For you are an Immor­tal pass­ing through many mor­tal forms, and though each world and each life is pre­cious to you, you are there in that form for a short time in the end. The Bud­dha taught of this, he reit­er­at­ed a fun­da­men­tal truth about the con­sti­tu­tion of this Uni­verse, that most of Cre­ation is formed by com­pos­ites, and all of these are tem­po­rary and ephemer­al. There is noth­ing “per­ma­nent” in these mor­tal realms, and this includes your low­er vehi­cles or bod­ies which you require to dwell upon this Earth.

There is an immor­tal core that moves with you from life to life…but there will nev­er be again the you that you know now. For how could that be, as you might very well return in a vast­ly dif­fer­ent cul­ture, in a far dis­tant time, and most like­ly change your gender…How could you pos­si­bly be the “same”? But the “pres­ence” who is behind who you are, the watch­er who is ever watch­ing, guid­ing and inspir­ing you to your next great­est self-real­iza­tion, the one who is draw­ing you ever clos­er to your even­tu­al Awak­en­ing, that is your High­er Self, that is your Immor­tal Core, and that is who returns again and again and draws togeth­er the var­i­ous pieces of you to begin a New Life, and your Beloved does this with and for you in life after life.

The great les­son of the Bud­dha, is that he demon­strat­ed and spoke of this truth: that you are here to learn to live the weav­ing way of spir­it, to live as an Immor­tal in the these tem­po­ral realms by lead­ing with Love and non-attach­ment. You must move through these realms of Spir­it-Mat­ter, to bring Love and Light into mat­ter and so lift your­self and these forms high­er and high­er. But you must also know and fol­low the path that is formed by your Dia­mond Cen­ter, that you are an Immor­tal, and there is no form, no life and no world that will be your ves­sel forever…for your one and only Spir­i­tu­al imper­a­tive is that you are here to grow. You must move in and out of all these realms, to form into, grow through and release your­self, again and again.

There is a prayer that is offered at such sacred cer­e­monies as will be wit­nessed tonight. It is the Great Invo­ca­tion that in some form or oth­er has been passed down since the first human on Earth became self-aware:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Sun Opposite Saturn (May 10, 2014)


You are a self-lumi­nous spark of the Divine,

A resplen­dent jew­el of Pure Potentiality,

A sin­gu­lar sparkling drop,

In an Ocean of Spir­i­tu­al Wonder.

You are part of a nev­er-end­ing Sto­ry of Unfoldment,

For you are the Self-Becom­ing cre­ator of You,

And a co-cre­ator of these worlds you trav­el through too.

You can and will become any­thing that you can imagine…

That is your Truth, that is your Destiny.

Yet at any one moment in your journey,

You will have to face the many choic­es already made,

That served to make what is real, yet now cir­cum­scribes you too.

Though each Form you take is anoth­er step in your Self-Fulfillment,

Each Life and Body is equal­ly your “fall” into Self-Limitation.

This is “The Para­dox”: You are an Immor­tal in a mor­tal frame, and

You can only grow by Lim­i­ta­tion, by you falling into Matter.

You can only become through being some “Thing” for a time,

Yet, being Immor­tal, you must also let go of that form at the appoint­ed time,

For you must con­tin­ue your jour­ney, as

You have far to trav­el, in this and many, many oth­er realms too.

Your one Spir­i­tu­al imper­a­tive is to grow,

Your one true Des­tiny is Super­nal, and

Your Splen­dor is to be ever revealed in the Divinity,

That shines through in all your lives,

As you Jour­ney through the Stars.

Today you stand between the two Plan­e­taries of your Becoming:

The Sun is your Avatar of Pure Poten­tial, and Sat­urn the Avatar of any Real­i­ty that you have made of you. Their year­ly cycle marks this path of your self-unfold­ing/­self-lim­it­ing jour­ney in your ever­last­ing jour­ney of Self-Becoming.

Six months ago the Sun and Sat­urn met in their con­junc­tion and so began anoth­er cycle of self-unfold­ment for you. Now they have reached their “Full Moon” moment, and you need to pause and con­sid­er, you need to look both Inward and Out­ward. You need to look back from where you have come, and to brave­ly face the here and now. For it is by this that you can then cast your gaze for­wards and so con­sid­er well your inten­tion of how you will strive to draw that much clos­er to your Destiny.

It is time once again to take anoth­er mea­sure of your under­stand­ing of this inte­gral spir­i­tu­al process, that your Self-Ful­fill­ment comes through your Self-Lim­i­ta­tion. You must pour your Infi­nite Poten­tial into ves­sels of Lim­i­ta­tion, for this is how you learn to work and play in all the realms of Spirit-Matter.

Though you will be attached to cer­tain expe­ri­ences of tri­umph and suc­cess, and why would you not, you will learn over time that these are mere­ly your well-deserved rewards for lessons mas­tered long ago. You will find your truer trea­sures come through seem­ing­ly more bit­ter fruits…your errors, mis­takes and fail­ures, that these are how you learn to become what you are yet to be, for they remind you that you have much to still learn of this world, and of your­self too.

Your High­er Self knows this, that you are here to mas­ter your­self and these worlds, and you can only do this by learn­ing to choose what is good and true. That you can only dis­cov­er this when you fall into error, reap the kar­ma and so learn to choose bet­ter the next time around…and the next time after that, and so on. You earn your Wis­dom, you find the one True Path because it is the only way to become, it is the only way, it is “The Way” to become a Star.

You are here, in this most pre­cious place, in this King­dom of Human, where you are giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to choose (and often to choose poor­ly), and so face those con­se­quences you made…and so, over time, over count­less years and lives, you learn to choose Love and Kind­ness and Con­sid­er­a­tion, you learn you are here to cre­ate “The Good”…and so you will join those who have gone ahead of you, and you with they will become con­scious co-cre­ators of “the good”, of what is Beau­ti­ful and Lov­ing and True.

Today you stand between all that may be, and all that is so far. You have come very far, and you have very far to go, that is true.

But you are not alone, not ever…

And there is the promise and help of those who wait for you.

Who have been where you are now…

And just like you, they learned to choose, and

They Chose to Grow

They Chose to Care

They Chose Love.

Venus Enters Aries (May 2, 2014)


You are here to lead with Light,

You are here to lead with Beauty,

You are here to lead by Love.

Venus, your bright burn­ing “Star of the Morn­ing”, is ris­ing from the waters of Pisces to begin a new cycle of danc­ing through the stars. It is a new day and a New Year for the Avatar of your Val­ue. This is your dawn­ing day, this is your shin­ing star…this is the sea­son to “spring ahead” with your Heart.

Though your own natal posi­tion of Venus will guide your authen­tic aes­thet­ic and social sen­si­bil­i­ties, as Venus moves through the 12 signs of the Zodi­ac it is most essen­tial and impor­tant for you to appre­ci­ate and look through each and all of these inte­gral lens­es of love too. Though your own Venus might be in Vir­go or Aquar­ius, you have some­where with­in you each of the Signs, and they will each show you anoth­er facet of val­ue, beau­ty and love…and of you.

For you are here to grow, and you need to under­stand and encom­pass these var­ied forms of Beau­ty and Love that you will learn and mas­ter as you move ever clos­er to a life sub­lime. Venus is your Light Bear­er, and she brings you this gift, she shows you how to approach your expe­ri­ence of Beau­ty and Love in every sea­son of your life.

Venus was mov­ing through Pisces for the past few weeks, and your heart was drawn that much clos­er to a high­er expres­sion of com­pas­sion and sac­ri­fice. As always, though stim­u­lat­ed by the shift­ing ener­gies that swirl around and through you, it was and will always be your high­er self who led you onwards, and it was this greater self who inspired you to dis­solve the bound­aries between I and Thou. You slipped beyond your mor­tal heart, and expe­ri­enced a love that was more trans-per­son­al. You found, even if only for a heav­en­ly moment, that you could abide in the Truth that every­thing and every­one is part of the Divine, and so feel and know that all are relat­ed to one anoth­er, all are one in the Love of the One.

But each realm and sea­son of life must yield to the next, each melody of Beau­ty and Love must be sung for the Song of Spir­it to be com­plete, and so it is time to find your Melody of the Eter­nal Flame, it is time to Sing of Love renewed.

For Venus in Aries is a return to Source, to the essen­tial expe­ri­ence of who you are. Before you can tru­ly enjoy any­thing of beau­ty, before you can be loved by anoth­er or love any­one as they should be loved, you must first have this inte­gral expe­ri­ence and so under­stand the true nature of your­self. You must draw ever clos­er to the truth that Beau­ty and Love are for­ev­er the core that makes you who you are.

In your heart of hearts is the Foun­tain Source of Spir­it, and this is your Beloved. Abid­ing there is the Divin­i­ty that uncon­di­tion­al­ly Loves you, that holds you and all of Cre­ation by this force that thrills through­out the entire Cos­mos. That as much as you are loved uncon­di­tion­al­ly, so you should know that you are here to go forth and be your­self pure­ly and lov­ing­ly. That by expe­ri­enc­ing this pure love of your­self, you will open the door­way to the true enjoy­ment of the beau­ty of the world and of your love for one another.

Venus in Aries brings you back to what comes first, to this first Les­son of Love. Your Val­ue, your Beau­ty and your Love are beyond mea­sure for they orig­i­nate in the Spark of the Divine with­in you, and you will unfold from with­in your­self this Song of Cre­ation for­ev­er and ever.

Venus in Aries is about your Love of you which is the reflect­ed won­der of the Love of the One for all. You are loved, you are spe­cial and your pres­ence and pur­pose will be revealed by your Atti­tude and Inten­tion, that being made by Love, you are here to be Lov­ing and to Act by Love.

You are here to shine a Light…

You are Divine.

You are Beautiful.

And, you are here to lead with Love.