Daily Archives: June 10, 2014

Neptune Turns Retrograde (June 9, 2014)


Time to turn your Lamp of Lucid­i­ty inwards,

Towards Silence…Contemplation…Meditation.

Time to turn to the mys­ter­ies and wonders

Found upon the path of a Trans-Per­son­al Life.

Time to draw clos­er to your true mis­sion and goal,

The Ego-Tran­scend­ed, the Self-Fulfilled.

It is Time to Con­sid­er and move beyond mere appearances…

Time to push beyond the veils of Self-Delu­sion and Fear,

Yes, it is time to face the Truth,

It is time to meet your Self.

Nep­tune Ret­ro­grade (June 9 until Novem­ber 15)

The Avatar of Intu­ition and Dreams is turn­ing your atten­tion inwards. For the next five months you will do well to lis­ten more care­ful­ly to the prompt­ings of your Intu­itive Self who whis­pers to you from and of your Immor­tal­i­ty. It is time to dream a lit­tle more, to imag­ine a bet­ter you by fol­low­ing the path of Mys­tery and your Muse. It is most tru­ly a time to look with won­der at the Cre­ation with­in and around you.

Of course your ordi­nary, every­day life must and will go on. But it can­not hurt and will cer­tain­ly help if you remem­ber that you are here for much more than the labors and enjoy­ments that Earth-Life requires and also rewards you with.

Though you need to be atten­tive to these Whis­pers of the Spir­it each and every day, when Nep­tune is ret­ro­grade the need and ease of mov­ing inwards is more read­i­ly undertaken.

Enjoy your qui­et walks in a garden…

Breathe deeply the salty air that comes from the ocean waves…

Look up at the Mag­is­te­r­i­al Heav­ens at night and consider…

Infin­i­ty With­in, Infin­i­ty Without.

Be at Peace.

Be at One.

Just Be.