Daily Archives: June 20, 2014

Sun Enters Cancer – The Summer Solstice (June 21, 2014)


Four Realms to find your way…

There being Four Paths, Four Ener­gies and Four Forms…

That Forge the One True Path.

You are here to live as you are, the One Life,

You are here to find and live all of these ways which form,

The Way.

So far in this Astro­log­i­cal Year, you have come through three of the Sacred Four: You have met your Pur­pose­ful Pres­ence in Fire, found your Lov­ing Sub­stance in Earth and shown your Intel­li­gent Adept­ness in Air. And so there remains but one realm for you to square the cir­cle and find your whole­ness in this first Round of Four.

Now you enter into the first Realm of Feel­ing, where you are to be made whole with­in and with­out in this first of the Three Fours that make up your year of the Twelve Sacred Orders of the Liv­ing Ones. For it is these Prin­ci­pal­i­ties who form that Lumi­nous Band of Spir­i­tu­al Causal­i­ty you know as the Zodi­ac. There is but One Ener­gy, Spir­it, which dif­fer­en­ti­ates into these Four Ele­ments and Three Modal­i­ties of Manifestation.

Today you mark the pas­sage of you and your world into the realm known as Can­cer, the first of the three Water Signs. Where­as Fire bestowed Inspi­ra­tion and Vision, and by Earth you Explored Sub­stan­tial Forms, and by Air you were led and lift­ed to your Greater Under­stand­ing, it is in this realm of Water that you reach the depths of Feel­ing that lov­ing­ly embraces and cen­ters you upon your own true core.

Yet equal­ly, it is this very Self-Cen­ter­ing upon and by the ever-renew­ing Waters of Life-Spir­it that reminds you of and holds you to one anoth­er too. For in these feel­ings of Remem­brance, Rec­ol­lec­tion and Mem­o­ry, forged and formed by that lumi­nous and long Sil­ver Cord of your many Lives and Loves, of Fam­i­ly and Friends, by find­ing your­self by and in those roots of what makes you “you”, it is by this that you equal­ly find that you share in this Com­mon Core of Feel­ing-Truth with one anoth­er too.

It is here in Can­cer that you rejoice and cel­e­brate the Foun­tain-Source Truth that all in Cre­ation come from One Root, and that this is the ori­gin of and forms the lumi­nous lov­ing bonds that are your true and abid­ing con­nec­tions with one anoth­er. In Truth, you in and through all of your many worlds and lives are made up by and through your expe­ri­ences with every oth­er being, and them with you. Inex­tri­ca­bly and won­der­ful­ly, you are “All for one and One in the All”.

And when you expe­ri­ence this in your Soul, that is when you will feel those delight­ful and reas­sur­ing shiv­ers and Goose­bumps of Truth, for you have come home to this most Sacred space of Awe, Rev­er­ence and abid­ing Love too.

It is here in Can­cer that you Feel, “That I am what I am, and I feel this too”.

Cel­e­brate this moment, when your Sun “stands still”,

For you are at a Turn­ing in the sea­sons of your Life.

This is a time that reminds you of whence you came

Ful­filled by what abides with­in the core of you.

You are part of long and illus­tri­ous Family,

Whose ori­gin stretch­es back beyond all your reckoning.

From the One came you, you who are the many,

And all of you and all of Life is this Creation,

Mov­ing through Space, Like a Riv­er of Light,

All of you togeth­er upon a Jour­ney of Self-Becoming,

That leads you out­ward, beyond the beyond and back again.

Yet, you are also head­ing Home­ward, drawn ever homeward,

Singing your way back with, for and to your Family,

Back to your Source of Light and Love,

Home­ward to the One.

Mercury Conjuncts Sun (June 19, 2014)



Her­mes skips across the face of your Star…

Yes, it is anoth­er “New Moon” for you and your Mind.

It is a time to pause, to be still, to be qui­et and listen,

For the Voice of the Silence is speak­ing to you now.

You have need of this, for qui­etude and peace of mind.

This is your time of attunement,

To align your source, your Tran­scen­dent or High­er Mind,

With the your phys­i­cal or Earth­ly Mind.

For your Low­er Mind, is your vehi­cle of per­ceiv­ing and knowing,

It is the mind you must work through in this realm of matter.

Here on Earth, you grow and learn by and through,

These Prac­ti­cal, Con­cretized embod­i­ments of Spirit-Thought,

Which form the Ener­gy-Mat­ter you know as your Real World.

Three times a year Mer­cury will move past you and seem­ing­ly go back­wards across the face of the Sun. But of course he is just pass­ing you by as he races around the Sun on his inside track…But what mat­ters is your expe­ri­ence, for your Real­i­ty, and your per­cep­tions and Self-Real­iza­tions, and your Self-Lim­i­ta­tions too are here upon this Earth. This is where you must learn, and grow and become ful­ly illu­mined and so awak­ened and aligned to the Divine that resides with­in you.

Since June 7th, Mer­cury has been ret­ro­grad­ing, first in Can­cer and now in Gem­i­ni, and today he reach­es the “half-way point” of his ret­ro­grade cycle as he pass­es between you and your star. This tran­sit of Mer­cury over the Sun brings the next Infu­sion of Solar Force, which is the purest of Spir­it-Ener­gy that can be expe­ri­enced with­in this plane of Life-Forms. Here you receive a Bless­ing from the Sun, which com­ing as Pure Spir­it is and must be mod­u­lat­ed by and then passed on to you by your Avatar of Mind, dear Mer­cury, your mes­sen­ger of the Gods.

This gift that Mer­cury now offers to you is enshrined with­in the intel­li­gent adept­ness that is Gem­i­ni. Your capac­i­ty to think dialec­ti­cal­ly, to com­pare and con­trast posi­tions and points of view, to hold two dia­met­ri­cal­ly oppo­site posi­tions at the same time so as to exam­ine and under­stand them, to ques­tion and chal­lenge these idea-forms (and your­self) and then ques­tion again, this is how you move from those more cir­cum­scribed thought-forms to ever more nuanced yet all-encom­pass­ing (and com­pas­sion­ate) under­stand­ings of your world and of your­self too.

Your ways of Think­ing-Being can and will become “out of phase” with both the world around you as well as with your own inward­ly unfold­ing path or jour­ney of Spir­i­tu­al Self-Becom­ing. Though your present-day Par­a­digm and its result­ing “Facts” have proven them­selves ade­quate to your pre­vi­ous efforts to under­stand the path that you walk upon in this world, you will also need to remain vig­i­lant and alert to the neces­si­ty that there is but one fun­da­men­tal truth that will ever pro­pel your journey…you are here to Grow. There is much that you have learned, much that you now know, but real­ly you should under­stand by now that you have much, much fur­ther to go than you have come so far…

In the still­ness of this moment…

The Light of a Greater Aware­ness is offered up to you…

Be Wise, Be Humble

Be Gra­cious and full of Gratitude.

Ques­tion Everything!

Let go of your certainties,

For they will only take you down those “dead ends”…

Have that Liv­ing Faith which con­stant­ly seeks and questions,

The Liv­ing Spir­it that Grows and Grows…

And do what you have always done.

For you are a Spir­it Awak­en­ing and your only choice is,

As it will always be,

To Walk on.