Hermes skips across the face of your Star…
Yes, it is another “New Moon” for you and your Mind.
It is a time to pause, to be still, to be quiet and listen,
For the Voice of the Silence is speaking to you now.
You have need of this, for quietude and peace of mind.
This is your time of attunement,
To align your source, your Transcendent or Higher Mind,
With the your physical or Earthly Mind.
For your Lower Mind, is your vehicle of perceiving and knowing,
It is the mind you must work through in this realm of matter.
Here on Earth, you grow and learn by and through,
These Practical, Concretized embodiments of Spirit-Thought,
Which form the Energy-Matter you know as your Real World.
Three times a year Mercury will move past you and seemingly go backwards across the face of the Sun. But of course he is just passing you by as he races around the Sun on his inside track…But what matters is your experience, for your Reality, and your perceptions and Self-Realizations, and your Self-Limitations too are here upon this Earth. This is where you must learn, and grow and become fully illumined and so awakened and aligned to the Divine that resides within you.
Since June 7th, Mercury has been retrograding, first in Cancer and now in Gemini, and today he reaches the “half-way point” of his retrograde cycle as he passes between you and your star. This transit of Mercury over the Sun brings the next Infusion of Solar Force, which is the purest of Spirit-Energy that can be experienced within this plane of Life-Forms. Here you receive a Blessing from the Sun, which coming as Pure Spirit is and must be modulated by and then passed on to you by your Avatar of Mind, dear Mercury, your messenger of the Gods.
This gift that Mercury now offers to you is enshrined within the intelligent adeptness that is Gemini. Your capacity to think dialectically, to compare and contrast positions and points of view, to hold two diametrically opposite positions at the same time so as to examine and understand them, to question and challenge these idea-forms (and yourself) and then question again, this is how you move from those more circumscribed thought-forms to ever more nuanced yet all-encompassing (and compassionate) understandings of your world and of yourself too.
Your ways of Thinking-Being can and will become “out of phase” with both the world around you as well as with your own inwardly unfolding path or journey of Spiritual Self-Becoming. Though your present-day Paradigm and its resulting “Facts” have proven themselves adequate to your previous efforts to understand the path that you walk upon in this world, you will also need to remain vigilant and alert to the necessity that there is but one fundamental truth that will ever propel your journey…you are here to Grow. There is much that you have learned, much that you now know, but really you should understand by now that you have much, much further to go than you have come so far…
In the stillness of this moment…
The Light of a Greater Awareness is offered up to you…
Be Wise, Be Humble
Be Gracious and full of Gratitude.
Question Everything!
Let go of your certainties,
For they will only take you down those “dead ends”…
Have that Living Faith which constantly seeks and questions,
The Living Spirit that Grows and Grows…
And do what you have always done.
For you are a Spirit Awakening and your only choice is,
As it will always be,
To Walk on.