The Galactic Center – Looking Homeward (June 24–25, 2014)



You can­not “see” this far, not yet…

You can­not tru­ly com­pre­hend what or who is there…

You can­not, but you will someday.

It is hid­den, for this impen­e­tra­ble Dark­ness occults the bright­est of Lights and Splendor.

From this Cen­tre of Spir­it, from this Spin­ning Place of Wonder…

All went forth to become this Galaxy,

To par­take in this won­drous spi­ral­ing dance of Light and Shadows.

For you and all of Cre­ation are mak­ing your Way out and back again,

Your Pirou­et­ting Progress through what you know as Time,

And through all these Sacred Spaces of Space you call Home.

Your Jour­ney is the Sto­ry of Spir­it Becoming,

Stretch­ing back beyond all knowing,

And reach­ing for­wards as you Return to the One.

But you can sense some­thing, you feel there is more, and so you know in your heart and soul that there is more to you than “this” life on Earth. There is more than your wak­ing and sleep­ing, more than your labors and your rest­ing, and that there must be more than just being young and grow­ing old too.

You have a feel­ing, and in those inti­ma­tions and whis­pers you will find an assur­ance, that there is some­thing far beyond this Earth­ly life. You may and should won­der what is it all for, why and how you and all of this came to be, and to where it is all going…

And as before so you will now “look up”…and you will behold the Glo­ry that is around you, and you will humbly real­ize that you are part of this won­der too.

Like those who came before you, you will see an Order in these Star­ry Spaces. That above you is Beau­ty and Splen­dor wheel­ing all around, it is The Cos­mos, it is your Universe…and you are part of this Beau­ty too.

All of this Cre­ation wheel around the One, around this Cen­ter that is a Dark­ness that con­ceals the Bright­est of Lights…And from this all have come and will return someday.

Yes­ter­day, tonight and tomor­row and for the next sev­er­al days, you should take a moment. Look to the south, around 11 pm or mid­night or 1 am. Look up and let your­self be filled by the majesty and the won­der of it all. You will see a riv­er of Light stream­ing across the Night Sky. Arch­ing from the hori­zon and up to the left. What you are look­ing at is what is known as “The Milky Way”.

You are look­ing towards the cen­ter of your galaxy and that Milky Path is cre­at­ed by mil­lions of stars who are there between you and the cen­ter of this Galaxy. Then, if you look up, to the right you will see a very bright and unblink­ing star, which is actu­al­ly the plan­et Sat­urn. Then if you look fur­ther to your left you will see a bright red­dish star, Antares who is about the 15th bright­est star for you. Then just to the left of Antares, about as far again as Sat­urn appears from Antares, and direct­ly in front of you, there you will find your­self look­ing into “The Deep”, into the very heart of your Galaxy.

You are look­ing to that point in space around which we all revolve, from which we all came forth, and to which we shall all return…You are in the pres­ence of the Mys­tery, and so you should bow, and hold your­self with rev­er­ence and feel the Love that is there for you. For you gaze upon,

The One.

You came from the One, you abide in the One, and to the One you will return.

There you see your Ori­gin, there you see your Destiny,

There you see your Alpha and your Omega,

There it is,


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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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