Daily Archives: June 30, 2014

Mercury Turns Direct (July 1, 2014)


You have had your three weeks of wondering,

Of ques­tion­ing, re-exam­in­ing and self-reflecting.

It was your pre­cious pause, a space-time for inward con­tem­pla­tion and meditation,

For mak­ing your way clos­er, towards Peace of Mind.

Now Mercury’s loop­ing from Water to Air and back continues,

And it is time for you to move for­ward too,

Guid­ed by your refreshed Thought-Forms, and

Inspired by your renew­al of Feeling-Forms.

The Dance of Her­mes shifts, and your Avatar of Mind moves for­ward once again. He calls to you, and you need to bend your atten­tion out­wards once again. Here is what I wrote about this shift in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Mer­cury Direct (July 1 until Octo­ber 4)

It is time to apply those lessons and dis­cov­er­ies about your Feelings/Thoughts that you have made over the past three weeks. Know­ing bet­ter how they won­der­ful­ly influ­ence one anoth­er, you can take with you that more nuanced blend of mind/feeling now as you move out­ward­ly to bring this under­stand­ing into your con­duct and communications.

Mercury’s weav­ing of your sens­es and sen­si­bil­i­ties cre­ates the thought-formed matrix that inte­gral­ly links your out­er and inner worlds, of what is “out there” with your reflect­ing mir­ror of that “in here”. This par­tic­u­lar series of Mer­cury ret­ro­grades, of Water to Air and back to Water, is help­ing you to bet­ter under­stand the true nature of you and your mind.

For though it is com­mon­ly accept­ed that there is some sort of divide between your “think­ing” self and your “feel­ing” or emo­tion­al self, this is real­ly not true in your real nature, in your life and the world around you, for real­ly they and you are all togeth­er as one. The Truth is you are a whole, a con­stel­la­tion of Energy-Forms.

All of these so called “parts” of you can­not be sep­a­rat­ed from one anoth­er, nor can they func­tion at all with­out each of them being as they are and will always be, as being whole and part of one anoth­er too. They are the many ones of you their greater One, and as such they are all held togeth­er and guid­ed by your High­er Self. That High­er Self is your One, who gath­ers and holds all of these many parts of you, who lov­ing­ly forms your Pres­ence of One­ness as your spark of the Divine.

You Think and you Feel, and much of how and what you know as your Knowl­edge or Know­ing is because you have fused and meld­ed your Ratio­nal-Objec­tive Mind with your Intu­itive-Feel­ing Mind. You can only per­ceive and under­stand so much with the present-day devel­op­ment of your sens­es and rea­son­ing pow­ers. But with your Intu­ition­al nature, and guid­ed by your High­er Self in the end, you are able to stretch beyond those lim­its and reach deep­er and high­er than rea­son alone can ever bring you.

Your Mind and your Feel­ings are not at odds with one anoth­er, they are com­pan­ions in your jour­ney, each nec­es­sary and sup­port­ive to one anoth­er and to you. They are con­stant­ly engaged in a beau­ti­ful Dance of Mean­ing where­by you “Rea­son-Intu­it-Rea­son-Intu­it…” in a vir­tu­al spi­ral of mean­ing, as you con­stant­ly expand into an ever more encom­pass­ing expe­ri­ence of your­self and your world.

Mer­cury moves forward…

And so shall you.

You have Clear­er Thoughts, Fin­er Feelings,

The Inte­gral Path your only Way,

To Live in Light and by Love,

To be One.