Monthly Archives: July 2014

Mars Squares Jupiter (August 1, 2014)


Your Lords of Mean­ing and Means are hav­ing a moment with one another…

They are bound to one anoth­er these two.

Jupiter shapes your Inten­tion and Goals,

Mars pro­vides the Pro­pelling Force.

From one you set your Sights…

From the oth­er you make it so…

The Key is Right Intention,

Form­ing an inte­gral bal­ance with

Right Action.

Jupiter is your Avatar of Truth & Prin­ci­ples, hold­er of your Beliefs and Philoso­phies, your Reli­gions and Sci­ences too. He is the pre­serv­er, pro­tec­tor of the hard won Wis­dom of those who came before you…and you need this Gift of Truth to help you find your way. For you are a self-aware spir­i­tu­al being, and so you need this, you real­ly need to know that all of this, that your life and that all of Life, that it all some­how makes sense.

You look to the Ancient Wis­dom and Great Souls, those revered Teach­ers, to the great pre­cepts passed down in Reli­gions, you look to the great Philoso­phers and to the var­i­ous ways in which you may approach the fun­da­men­tal ques­tions of that life behind each life…Where did I come from, Why am I here…and Where am I going? You seek and hope­ful­ly are able to form your own Par­a­digm or World-View, you cre­ate the bound­aries and mean­ings of your world, and so you abide in the struc­tures and facts that make sense of what you encounter in this life.

Mars is your Avatar of Desire and Action, pro­vid­ing you with the Life-Force-Sub­stance by which to reach out and stride forth as you seek to move ever upwards upon the Path­way of Per­fec­tion. For as it was in “the begin­ning”, at the Sacred Cross­ing point from non-being into all of this that you call Cre­ation, there was and always will be, for it is ever-present in the Eter­nal Now, there will always be behind every speck and mote, plan­et and star, behind it All, there is the First Desire, the pri­mal Desire of the One who sought/seeks to Become through and by all the count­less lives and loves of all of you

Ide­al­ly, the Beliefs you hold will pro­vide the guid­ance for what you Desire, and your Actions will forge and form that Truth into a mean­ing-filled Real­i­ty. But there are times, such as now, when the dance of Mars and Jupiter will come to a seem­ing­ly more dis­so­nant or chal­leng­ing turn. When plan­ets align in this way, it seems as if two irrec­on­cil­able Ener­gy-Forms are pulling and push­ing upon you. You will feel that your only recourse is to cleave to one side or one way of being and to sup­press or deny the other…But this is not “the way”, this is not your Path of Spir­it, this is not the way to move from dark­ness into the Light.

You are an Intel­li­gent Spir­it, and you are here in these con­flict­ed realms in order to learn how to bring togeth­er what has come apart. You are a Life-Con­scious­ness-Ener­gy Field and it is through Intel­li­gence, Love and Will that you can and will heal these appar­ent divides. You are here to be the Liv­ing Bridge of Under­stand­ing, by which the so-called divi­sions of nature will become healed and made whole.

The par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge (real­ly, your par­tic­u­lar oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow) is formed by Mars in Scor­pio form­ing a square with Jupiter in Leo. Though many will com­ment or write about the neg­a­tiv­i­ty or vio­lence of this align­ment, (for in some minds cer­tain aspects or plan­ets or signs are bet­ter or worse, good or evil), the truth is that Ener­gy is nei­ther “good” or “bad”, what mat­ters is Spir­i­tu­al Con­scious­ness, what mat­ters is the lev­el of Aware­ness of the being or group of beings expe­ri­enc­ing these flows of ener­gy in, through and around them.

The essence of the challenge/opportunity is this: Mars in Scor­pio is pushing/pulling one and all to act with greater Pas­sions and Actions to break through the fear of Sep­a­ra­tion and Loss and claim the prize of a Deep­er, Trans­for­ma­tive Union. Yet if pas­sions are too inflamed, and desires pur­sued too strong­ly, if one par­ty push­es or pulls too hard it might very well vio­late the spir­i­tu­al integri­ty of the oth­er. Rather than form­ing a bet­ter shared, sacred space through mutu­al sac­ri­fice, the excess­es inflam­ing one or both into fear-based pas­sions will force one anoth­er into an arrange­ment that ends bad­ly for both.

Jupiter is hold­ing forth from the realm of Hon­or and Respect, from the regal realm that is Leo. Jupiter is shap­ing, inform­ing and hope­ful­ly calm­ing the Pas­sions of Mars, by firm­ly yet Lov­ing­ly remind­ing Mars that a Union formed upon the vio­la­tion of another’s integri­ty will only end by dimin­ish­ing both. Jupiter reminds Mars that a healthy Union is lived and demon­strat­ed by act­ing with the inten­tion guid­ed by the Love for what is best for the oth­er, and this fol­lows from the prin­ci­ple that you must love the oth­er as you love your­self, and you would nev­er wish to have your­self or your space be dimin­ished by such mis­placed desires. All unions are formed by lov­ing, mutu­al and inte­gral sac­ri­fice, for your love for each oth­er means you wish what is best for one another.

Sac­ri­fice means “to make sacred”, and it is only right and prop­er that you give up the less­er things in your life for the Greater qual­i­ties of Life. But it is a false sac­ri­fice to implore, per­suade or force anoth­er to sur­ren­der their core beliefs, prin­ci­ples or val­ues even if it were to lead to some (illu­sion­ary) space of togeth­er­ness. If some­one is forced into a false sac­ri­fice, they have been made to sur­ren­der their core to anoth­er’s ego, and what made them who and what they are is lost in a vain attempt to forge a Union that is based upon a lie, formed upon fear and not by love.

The Lords of Truth and Desire have aligned, and

You must walk the Mid­dle Way,

With Right­eous­ness and through Right Action.

You will find that Path of Truth,

By fol­low­ing the true mean­ing of the word “Phi­los­o­phy”…

For though most will know that Phi­los­o­phy means “the Love of Wisdom”,

It’s truer mean­ing is held and revered by those who are wise,

Phi­los­o­phy means tru­ly “The Wis­dom of Love”.

Desire Truth,

Act by Love,

Just Love.

Mercury Enters Leo (July 31, 2014)


Your Avatar of Mes­sag­ing and Mind has fin­ished his loop­ing between the ele­ments of Air and Water. Since May 7th, Mer­cury has gone back and forth between Airy Gem­i­ni and then into the Waters of Can­cer on May 29th, ret­ro­grad­ing back into Gem­i­ni on June 17th, and then mov­ing for­ward and back into Can­cer on July 12th. Today he final­ly enters the Fires of Leo and your men­tal­i­ty will be more sen­si­tive about and atten­tive to your needs for Authen­tic­i­ty, Hon­or and Respect.

Your own posi­tion of Mer­cury, and the aspects it forms to the oth­er place­ments in your chart, is the pri­ma­ry indi­ca­tor of your own men­tal dis­po­si­tion. But as Mer­cury moves through the twelve signs in “real time”, you will find it ben­e­fi­cial and illu­mi­nat­ing to attend to the mod­u­la­tion of mean­ing­ful­ness that he brings to the World as Ideas or Thought-Forms. You will enhance your own self-knowl­edge, as well as bet­ter under­stand the var­ied approach­es of oth­ers, by attun­ing your­self to these shift­ing ener­gy-forms that form the bridge of con­scious­ness you cre­ate by and through your thought­ful exchanges with others.

Where­as his time in Can­cer brought to the fore con­cerns and con­ver­sa­tions about Secu­ri­ty and Car­ing, of where you come from and what you hold to as your core beliefs, Leo is about mov­ing from this more cen­tered space now to reveal your­self in Ways and by Means that express and affirm the unique per­son that you are. Mer­cury in Leo is about your Authenticity.

When you speak from your core, when you lis­ten and then release as guid­ed by your Heart and your High­er Self, then you will be true to the real you. You pay homage to all the lives that came before, that made you what you are today, as you also keep faith with your con­nec­tion to all the lives that are yet to be. You keep to the Noble Mid­dle Path, the Sil­ver Cord that binds Past, Present and Future into the Real­i­ty of the One Life that is Now. Mer­cury in Leo is about your Honor.

When you are root­ed in your Authen­tic­i­ty, and when you Hon­or the past, present and future by liv­ing Life in the Now, then you ful­fill your pur­pose as you sing your song in the Tem­ple that is Truth. You show your divin­i­ty by humil­i­ty, for by this you are true to the Divine that is with­in you. You treat oth­ers as your­self, for this is the Law, and by this you live by Love. You live your Truth in Self-Respect; and you show Respect by the Love you share with every oth­er being that you encounter.

Yes, Mer­cury in Leo is about express­ing who you real­ly are…

Mer­cury in Leo is about Authenticity…

You are here to be true to you.

Mer­cury in Leo is about Honor…

You are here to keep your faith.

Mer­cury in Leo is about Respect…

You are here to love one another.

Yes, you are here to Know, Hold and Live by Love,

You are here to Love.

New Moon in Leo (July 26, 2014)


Your Muse of Mem­o­ry and Remem­brance returns to her beloved…

Time to dip your chal­ice of grace,

Into the Ever-Renew­ing Waters of Life and Love.

Your Star and Moon kiss…

And a New Gift of Spir­it is impart­ed to your world,

Time to turn and face your New Dawn, as always,

With Faith, with Hope and with Love.

Your Day­keep­er and Night­watch­er begin anoth­er new cycle of mean­ing as the Moon aligns once more with the Sun. This time your Sun and Moon will join one anoth­er in the Regal Realm of Leo.

Each New Moon is like a seed­ing, an offer­ing and release of a new spir­i­tu­al spark of Inspi­ra­tion. Much like your own beat­ing heart, the Sun/Moon cycle is for you the heart­beat of spir­i­tu­al ener­gy. The Moon receives this gift from the Heart/Sun and then weaves her way around you, dis­pens­ing these ener­gy-forms through you and to your world, until she returns once more to meet the Sun in about 28 days and receive her next gift of Solar Force…and your next beat in Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it begins.

The Gift of Leo is real­ly all about you being you. This is the Sun’s Sign; here is the Avatar of your Heart. Each New Moon builds upon what came before, each Gift of Spir­it elic­its the next. The pre­cious, pri­or gift was from Can­cer, this was the Gift from your Soul. Can­cer brought you clos­er to your home, and you renewed your feel­ings that will ever embrace and cen­ter you through your foun­da­tions of fam­i­ly, cul­ture and spirituality.

Now in the Leo New Moon, there is an answer­ing surge of ener­gies which draws upon these refreshed roots. Now you seek your­self, to see your­self through and by the release of this renewed sense of self. You will stretch your­self into bet­ter roles and upon bet­ter stages, you will renew your forms of Cre­ativ­i­ty, Lead­er­ship and Love.

Leo is the Answer to what you felt in Can­cer; You seek to put “out there” some­thing more of what you felt “in here”. Each sign unfolds and become what is next, and so on and so on. At each New Moon, as today, you should pause and be still, and lis­ten to the Winds of the Spir­it singing to you of your Heart and your Soul. You are meant to let these ener­gies lift and inspire you, and they will.

Yet, in Truth there is, always and for­ev­er, a con­tin­u­ous stream­ing of these Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies, danc­ing and swirling, inter­twin­ing and blend­ing, coun­ter­point­ing and bal­anc­ing one another…for these are the Liv­ing Waters of the Cos­mos, this is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

These Signs are your Songs of Spir­it, with 12 fun­da­men­tal themes that them­selves become dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed into count­less nuanced expres­sions and com­bi­na­tions. They form a cho­rus of Light and Love that is the Ener­gy-Sub­stance that fills the Spaces of Space. This is the Plero­ma, the mys­tery of the Pres­ence made Man­i­fest, for there is only the One.

Tonight, there is but darkness,

No Moon will light your way.

For she is with her Beloved,

The Ruler of the Day.

Tonight lis­ten carefully,

For the Songs from high above.

Your Heart and Soul, now joined together

In Faith, and Hope and Love.

Mars Enters Scorpio (July 25, 2014)


Final­ly! Mars is mov­ing on…

After all, he has been sail­ing through the Sign of Libra now for over 7 months. When you con­sid­er that on aver­age Mars is in a sign for about 40 days or so, being in one sign for 230 days is sig­nif­i­cant. He entered Libra in ear­ly Decem­ber, went ret­ro­grade on March 1st, then turned direct on May 19th, and is final­ly exit­ing Libra today.

You might have hoped for, or believed that hav­ing your Avatar of Desire cir­cling and cycling through the sign that rules Rela­tion­ship, Har­mo­ny, Jus­tice and Equal­i­ty, that this would have mod­u­lat­ed, mit­i­gat­ed and healed many rela­tion­ships in the world, (and cer­tain­ly many did ben­e­fit from this Prime Mover pro­vid­ing the req­ui­site surge of Ener­gy-Forms to go beyond fear-formed walls, and so it did help part­ners and/or groups to re-estab­lish or re-assert a greater bal­ance with­in their relationships).

But all of these ener­gies that course through and around you, that come from with­in you as much as they sur­round you, these ener­gies, well they are just energies…They elic­it and stim­u­late whomev­er and what­ev­er they encounter…and what mat­ters, always for you, is the lev­el of aware­ness with which you Cre­ate or Receive or Release these Ener­gy-Forms into your world.

So yes, for more healthy rela­tion­ships and more evolved beings, the effects of Mars in Libra would have proved uplift­ing and heal­ing, as it can and should be. For those less able to respond to the ener­gies in such a man­ner, or if per­haps only one half of the rela­tion­ship could or would, well things cer­tain­ly could have tak­en a more dis­rup­tive course…For Mars is Pas­sion, Mars is Desire…and Desire denied often turns to Hurt…and those hurts often lead to Anger…and that Anger, being a mal-formed Ener­gy-Form, that will lead to self-hurt or Vio­lence towards some other.

But these results, the Good and the Bad, this is not the fault of Mars, for as the Bard wise­ly put it in his play “Julius Cae­sar”, when Cas­sius tell Brutus:

The fault, dear Bru­tus, is not in our stars,
But in our­selves, that we are underlings.”

The Path you seek to walk is the Path­way of Under­stand­ing, the Noble Mid­dle Way that leads to Wis­dom and Self-Deter­mi­na­tion. The Key is Self-Con­trol, and that no mat­ter what you encounter, what­ev­er man­ner of Ener­gy-Form, whether felic­i­tous or neg­a­tive, it is “on you” what you do with that. You are a Self-Con­scious being and you must choose.

The anal­o­gy that I use to illus­trate this truth in my per­son­al read­ings runs a lit­tle like this:

Life is like going through a series of door­ways, and there is always some­one pass­ing through the door ahead of you, and some­one fol­low­ing along behind. Now, if that per­son going through before you hap­pens to slam that next door in your face…well, you should know that is pre­cise­ly then and there that you face anoth­er seem­ing­ly small but actu­al­ly very pro­found karmic test. You are endowed with self-aware­ness, you have a choice. The ener­gy of that door slam­ming is indeed neg­a­tive, it car­ries a neg­a­tive valence or charge.

But you, you have a choice. If you, as you go through that door, remain less aware or self-con­scious, if you take the “easy path” and do noth­ing to change that ener­gy-expe­ri­ence, and mere­ly let the door slam in the face of the next soul who comes after you…then that ener­gy-form, which may have been passed down for who knows how long will con­tin­ue to be expe­ri­enced as a neg­a­tive force yet again, and per­haps for quite some time, again and again and again. The world will remain the same, or it like you might stum­ble backwards…but.

But, if you instead have the Pres­ence of Mind, if you fol­low the gen­tle whis­pers from your High­er Self, if you engage the self-aware­ness/other-aware­ness that you are here for, then you will choose to hold that door open…and the World will smile. For you took an Ener­gy-Form that had been the bear­er and pain for per­haps count­less years, you stood at the Cross­ing Point between the dark­ness and the Light and you chose to do what is Good, you chose to do what is Right…you Chose Love. And you and your World moved that much clos­er to the Light.

For this is how you and your world are redeemed, healed and brought clos­er to the One. Although great efforts and grand ges­tures will cer­tain­ly play a major role too upon the Path of Love, it is in these pre­cious moments, in the lit­tlest of ges­tures, it is in and by these small kind­ness­es and con­sid­er­a­tions that your Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it will find and forge the Path­way of Light and Love.

You are here to be Trans­form­ers, that in and by your Tri­par­tite Spir­i­tu­al Core, you will by the Sacred Three: Be guid­ed by your High­er Con­scious­ness, act with Uncon­di­tion­al Love and redeem the world through your Cen­tered Will. You are here to turn what is Neg­a­tive into some­thing Pos­i­tive, trans­form what is Hurt­ful into Kind­li­ness, and elim­i­nate Fear by the one True Pow­er that is Love. This is why you are here.

Now Mars moves on, and until mid-Sep­tem­ber he will swim through the Waters of Scorpio…and you and your world will find that the Ener­gy-Forms of your life and the world around you will become even more inten­si­fied, the issues of your life will be more deeply probed, and so your rewards of choos­ing well, well they will be even greater for you and your world too.

But the risks, well they will be greater also. For the prize is great in Scor­pio, but the shad­ow of fear is stronger here too…For now Mars takes you and your Desires into the Heart of the Mys­tery, into that Sacred Space where “the Mag­ic” can hap­pen, where two may become One, and where the illu­sion that is sep­a­ra­tion may be tran­scend­ed. Mars takes you now into that Sacred Realm where your Rebirth is Forged and the proof of your Immor­tal­i­ty will be found.

The Desire of Mars in Scor­pio, is the Desire of Union. It is here that you wish to join with one anoth­er in so many mys­te­ri­ous and won­drous ways, to come clos­er than ever to one anoth­er and expe­ri­ence some greater or less­er mea­sure of Self-Tran­scen­dence. You long to slip beyond the Illu­sion of your Mat­ter-Body, to set aside your earth­ly vehi­cle of Self-Lim­i­ta­tion, and to move into some form of Phys­i­cal-Emo­tion­al-Men­tal-Spir­i­tu­al Space where­in you expe­ri­ence a One­ness with one another.

But, as in every realm you move through there is the Promise and the Hope, and there is Kar­ma too. You are your his­to­ry, and your past actions and their effects will echo down to find you in your present cir­cum­stances. There is good here, there is much good that you have done and lessons you have learned. You have come a long, long way and mas­tered not a few lessons of life.

But, there is less good too, those errors and mis­steps, those fail­ures and defeats, and you must work with it all. For only you can lift these shad­ows you cast upon your­self, only you can choose to work with your High­er Self and build upon your lessons learned and so lift your­self out of the those shad­ows and into the Light.

Your Desire now is for Union; your Fear is the fear of Rejec­tion, your fear is the fear of loss and sep­a­ra­tion. You must be brave, you must become Fear­less, for in truth you have noth­ing to fear. You must do your part, to extend your hand and space to the oth­er and ask them to join you there.

They can either agree, and your heart will leap and the shad­ows will fall. Or, they could say “no”, but then it was not to be, and you must move on and wait for anoth­er time. But, if you let the fear take hold of you, and by so doing it will hold you back from mak­ing the nec­es­sary space of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to meet one anoth­er in and through, well then what might have been can­not be…and that would be a cru­el and true Tragedy.

You must see that it is your Heart and your Love that make you strong. And that with this strength you will show it now by being what many might con­sid­er to be a sign of weak­ness. You must be vul­ner­a­ble, you need to be open and accept­ing and cre­ate a more lov­ing space to join togeth­er in, and it will be this, it is this that will be a true sign of your Spir­i­tu­al Strength, for it flows from your heart, it is your true self, it is Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

Only in this way will you form and forge your unions.

Only in this way will you set one anoth­er free…

To turn to the Light and to lift those shadows…

Formed by your ancient fears of rejec­tion, loss and death.

Turn instead to one another,

To the light stream­ing out and to one another…

To know Love,

To be Love,

To be One.

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2014)


The Pulse of Life moves on,

All eyes fixed now upon the Cen­ter Stage.

It is time to shine, it is time to stretch…

It’s time to dance among the Stars.

Yes, it’s that time again,

It is Time to hear the Lion’s Roar!

Your month in the Waters of Life must yield now to this realm of Solar Fires. Hav­ing found a greater mea­sure of your Self in your Roots, in the expe­ri­ences of Home and Fam­i­ly and Tra­di­tions, in those embrac­ing Feel­ings that are rec­ol­lect­ed, remem­bered and shared in the Time that is Can­cer, and hav­ing by these Feel­ings found a greater mea­sure of your Self being Cen­tered and Secured upon your truest Foun­da­tions, hav­ing Felt this and done this it is time now to release your­self in more Authen­tic Ways of Cre­ativ­i­ty, Lead­er­ship and Love…

It is your time to Shine, to stretch your­self upon New Stages, to take up alto­geth­er new Roles of Self-Real­iza­tion, to Love your­self and one anoth­er as you were meant to be loved, Unconditionally.

The Leo Space, wher­ev­er it may be found in your chart, is that place in which you need to be rec­og­nized in your Truth and Essence, to expe­ri­ence the Heart of you. And, if you have come to a greater accep­tance and truth about the nature of your heart and of your love, then mag­i­cal things will begin to happen.

When you take a stand, as when you lead…you will turn and see that your com­pan­ions are fol­low­ing you, for they now know the real you and they trust you. And, when you cre­ate, now draw­ing from your well of Authenticity…they will say to you, “I see you there in your Creation!”

And when you love, as you can and now know how to do, Uncon­di­tion­al­ly, then you will see that they too are then able to return what you bestowed upon them…You gave to them and now receive what is the great­est and truest form of Love, and all will be good…and you will dance togeth­er under the stars.

For what you seek in the oth­er, is what you must first find and hold with­in yourself…you need to be seen in your truth, to be loved for who you are, Uncon­di­tion­al­ly. And you are so love. You have always and will for­ev­er be so loved by the beloved who is your High­er Self. And once you tru­ly come to know and expe­ri­ence this abid­ing Source of Love, then you will be able to rec­og­nize the one before you in their truth too. You will know and under­stand that the same love that holds you to your truth is also with them. That what you are able to give, is what you shall receive, no more and no less.

For the Love you have with­in, and the love that you share with one anoth­er is the Indi­vis­i­ble Force that holds this whole Cre­ation as it tru­ly is: It is One Life, One Spir­it and One Love.

You have always looked for that spe­cial sign of recog­ni­tion, for that some­one spe­cial to see you for who you real­ly are. You need them, you long to hear them say to you, as they look beyond your mate­r­i­al veils, as they see beyond what is mere appear­ance, they see into your soul and say, “I see you there, I remem­ber this spe­cial feel­ing, I know you, I know who you are…and I love you”.

To be loved, you must be true to who and what you are…and you must love the oth­er as yourself…for in truth they are. For just as you are loved by your High­er Self, so are they too, there is no dif­fer­ence, for in the end there is only Truth, Accep­tance and Love.

It is time to release the Love that is your Life-Force-Sub­stance and let it fill your Life and World with Light.

It is time to live the Love that is yours…

Love your­self,

Love one another,

Just Love.