Daily Archives: July 11, 2014

Full Moon in Capricorn (July 12, 2014)


The Sun will set,

Your Moon will rise.

It is time to remember,

Where you came from, and

Why you are here…

The Cycle of the Sun and Moon is the sig­na­to­ry or pri­ma­ry expe­ri­ence you have of your spir­i­tu­al path, of this won­drous dance in spir­it that is your jour­ney through the stars. Their cycle, which moves from New Moon to First Quar­ter to Full Moon to Last Quar­ter, and then back to the next New Moon in about 28 days, illus­trates the arche­typ­al, self-unfold­ing rela­tion­ship of mean­ing that will help you find your way towards the Light. They form the pri­ma­ry exam­ple of these lov­ing Gifts of the Spir­it in which all the oth­er plan­e­tary pairs help to cir­cum­scribe, pro­pel and inform your life in this Cir­cle of Spir­it, this fam­i­ly of plan­ets with which you jour­ney through the spaces of space and beyond.

It would seem that the Sun and Moon form a “dance of dual­ism”, with each express­ing a mean­ing spe­cif­ic to their nature, as well as mod­u­lat­ed by the sign that they are pass­ing through. That each forms a coun­ter­point to the oth­er, and that their dance with one anoth­er, and through the signs, forms an ever-unfold­ing “weav­ing of mean­ing”, of inspi­ra­tional mes­sages, and by this they cre­ate a liv­ing tes­ta­ment of the inte­gral spir­i­tu­al ener­gy-forms for you and your world.

But you need to step back from this appear­ance and rec­og­nize a fun­da­men­tal truth…That every such rela­tion­ship is not formed by only two points, as in this arche­typ­al dance of the Sun and the Moon…really in each and every pair there are actu­al­ly Three! For, as in this instance, here is the Sun, and there is the Moon, but low and behold, between them both there you are, here upon your beloved Earth. It is you, this third ele­ment, who by being a liv­ing spir­it forms a Tri­ad of Truth that is the bridge and inte­gra­tion of these ever-unfold­ing “Pairs of Pres­ence and Polarity”.

Tonight the Sun will set and the Moon will rise, and you will wit­ness once more the beau­ty of this pri­ma­ry rela­tion­ship for your world, as the Lights of your Life stand oppo­site to one anoth­er again. The Full Moon is a time of rev­e­la­tion, a time to acknowl­edge that the Truth of the Sun, and the Truth of the Moon can only be under­stood in their whole­ness by being seen and held as they are, togeth­er. The Full Moon brings to a cli­max of mean­ing, tran­scen­dence and res­o­lu­tion what was lov­ing­ly offered to you about 2 weeks before at the pri­or New Moon.

The seed­ing of that New Moon was in Can­cer, and it remind­ed you of your Ori­gins and Roots. That in your begin­ning there was the One, who became the many of which you are one of these ones. That you are in your heart to feel your­self to be part of this great fam­i­ly of Spir­it, and that the fun­da­men­tal truth of every mote and speck in this Cre­ation, of every crea­ture, plan­et, star and plan­e­tary sys­tem, that in this whole­ness there is found the fun­da­men­tal truth, that “we are all relat­ed”, we all come from the One, and that we are all made of one anoth­er in, through and by our love for one another.

In Can­cer you feel this con­nec­tion, to your fam­i­ly, to your vil­lage, to your clan, tribe, nation and to your world…and if you allow your spir­it to lift you just high enough, then you can look out upon these won­drous spaces that sur­round you too…and you will trem­ble and feel the awe­some truth, and so shout to the stars wheel­ing above you, “There you are, there is my fam­i­ly, there are my fathers and moth­ers, there are my sis­ters and broth­ers, there they are, all my rela­tions, sweep­ing across these heav­en­ly spaces above…and there, there is my home too”…

And from this Truth-Seed­ing springs tonight the nec­es­sary and inte­gral real­iza­tion that is embod­ied by the Capri­corn Full Moon. If you are indeed an insep­a­ra­ble part of the “One Fam­i­ly”, that indeed all of this Cre­ation is indeed the One Life of Spir­it, then each of you is respon­si­ble to and for one anoth­er too. You are here to take care of your Moth­er and Father (as they have tak­en care of you), you are here to care for your Sis­ter and your Broth­er, to Love and Pro­tect your home world of Earth, and all these oth­er worlds too…They are your fam­i­ly and you are theirs…They are there to take care of you, and you are here to care for them, for what is there hold­ing you all with one anoth­er is the one true Ener­gy-Form, which you call Love.

The Seed of Ori­gin that is sown in every time of Can­cer will lead you now to this “Fruit of Ful­fill­ment”, and this is the tes­ta­ment of Capri­corn: You are to Feel at one with your­self and with your world; You are to ful­fill this feel­ing by being Respon­si­ble for and to one anoth­er too. These Truths can­not be divid­ed nor you from your­self, your ori­gin is your des­tiny, to Love and be Loved is your Truth and Des­tiny too.

Watch your Star set,

Then turn and watch your Moon rise.

Feel these Roots of your Beginnings,

Then shoul­der your Respon­si­bil­i­ties too.

You are here to Feel this Truth,

That you are here for One Another,

You are Fam­i­ly, and you are here,

To Care for one another.

You are here because of Love,

You are to Love one anoth­er too.