Daily Archives: July 19, 2014

Saturn Turns Direct (July 20, 2014)



The Lord of Real­i­ty is turn­ing again…

He turns to lead you out­wards now.

For your Des­tiny is formed and forged…

By this weav­ing of your Hopes & Dreams,

Into these worlds of Forms and Matter.

You are here upon this Earth…

To draw down and weave your Wonders.

Wield­ing the Twelve, Sacred Light­full Ener­gies from on high,

You bring to realms of Shad­owed Pathways,

Some greater mea­sure of your love,

You bring your World and your­self out of the darkness,

Self-Illumined…you shine by a more super­nal Light.

I wrote of this turn­ing in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Sat­urn Direct (July 20 until March 14, 2015)

The Avatar of Real­i­ty has fin­ished anoth­er jour­ney with­in, and now it is time to move with the Lord of Man­i­fes­ta­tion to make more real what you wish for you and yours. You have had the past four and a half months to exam­ine your Fears regard­ing Union, of join­ing with or more deeply with one anoth­er. You need­ed this oppor­tu­ni­ty to make your­self more ready, to face the source of this fear, “the dweller on the thresh­old”. Now you both can try again to find that deep­er, sweet­er promise made by two becom­ing one with one another.

Sat­urn is the Lord of Man­i­fes­ta­tion, the Avatar of the Hier­ar­chy of Cau­sa­tion. He is your Keep­er of Respon­si­bil­i­ties and your stead­fast com­pan­ion on this Path­way of Pur­pose­ful­ness. For you are here because of one spir­i­tu­al imper­a­tive, you are here to become, you are here to unfold all of your potentials…you are here quite sim­ply to Grow.

To do this you must mas­ter all of these Ener­gy-Forms found through­out the many Dimen­sions and Worlds through which you jour­ney. Of all of these Lessons of Life, per­haps the most daunt­ing yet most filled with sweet promise is the chal­lenge posed with­in this Realm of Scor­pio. For it is here that you are chal­lenged to over­come the most appar­ent yet most illu­sion­ary con­di­tion of your jour­ney through Forms.

You are, it would seem, a dis­tinct sep­a­rate enti­ty from all the oth­er human as well as oth­er Life-Forms. Your expe­ri­ence of your Mat­ter-Body is that you come into the world as sep­a­rate and alone, and you strive through­out your life to over­come this sep­a­ra­tion, and to expe­ri­ence some greater or less­er mea­sure of a one­ness with one anoth­er. Yes, you may suc­cumb to the echoes of your Past, to the fear of being alone, of being aban­doned or reject­ed again. Yet if you do, then this very Ener­gy-Form of fear may cre­ate the very pain-filled real­i­ty that becomes your life…and so it this Illu­sion formed by your Past that you must pierce through and transcend…it is your Dweller on the Thresh­old, and you must under­stand and be your Truth before you may pass beyond this shadow.

For the Truth of Spir­it is that you are Nev­er Alone, not ever. With you, for­ev­er and ever, is your High­er Self, your Beloved whose ever­last­ing expe­ri­ence abides in the Con­nect­ed­ness and One­ness of all of this Cre­ation, and whose love for you is unbound­ed and uncon­di­tion­al. To the extent, as you jour­ney in life after life, that you can strive to feel and expe­ri­ence this love that is there with­in you, and to lift your Con­scious­ness and hold your Aware­ness with and by your High­er Self, then to that same extent will you expe­ri­ence “the peace which pass­es all under­stand­ing”. For you will find that you are by your Ori­gin and so are you Des­tined too, to have always been held by, and that you will for­ev­er dwell in, and you will for­ev­er grow through the Love of the One for you and all those who jour­ney with you through these Mate­r­i­al Worlds.

For the last many months you were giv­en yet anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er this fear of Sep­a­ra­tion that lies with­in you, a fear formed by the echoes of past fail­ures, by the ancient pains of rejec­tion and loss, and to real­ize that it is these very echoes which cast­ing for­ward into the present day might lead you to act with doubt, hes­i­tan­cy and fear and so bring about the very expe­ri­ence of loss you were so des­per­ate­ly seek­ing to avoid.

But going forth now with a greater under­stand­ing about your own nature and of the One Life in which you tru­ly abide, you can do what must be done…You must press beyond all that fear, you must be Fear­less and extend your­self to the oth­er, and offer to them the oppor­tu­ni­ty of join­ing you in a more Lov­ing Space of Union…and it just might be, it just might become, that the ancient shad­ows fall away and the Love that is there, that was and will always be there, will become the Real­i­ty of your many, many days, and lives to come…

Let go of your Fears…

Be the Love that is your True Nature…

Cre­ate your Lov­ing Space with One Another…

Step out of the Shadows…

And into your Love and the Light.