Daily Archives: July 20, 2014

Uranus Turns Retrograde (July 21, 2014)


How do you become more than you are?

How to you rise above your mere con­di­tioned being, of being a prod­uct of “caus­es and effects”, how do you become more than the accu­mu­la­tion of those incre­men­tal changes that are the result of action and reaction?

Three Inte­gral Gifts pro­pel your ever­last­ing Jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing, Three Divine Attrib­ut­es endow you with the abil­i­ty to be the Imag­i­neer, Believ­er and Cre­ator of you.

The secret to your Quick­en­ing, to your remark­able Self-unfold­ing Growth is because you (and real­ly the whole of this Cre­ation) are con­sti­tut­ed as a Hier­ar­chi­cal Spir­i­tu­al Being, endowed with many gifts that range from the Phys­i­cal, to the Emo­tion­al to the Men­tal and on up into the most sub­lime Spir­i­tu­al Qual­i­ties. With­in these High­er Parts of you, in your Spir­i­tu­al Core, there is found the source of this Self-Unfold­ing pro­pelling force that dri­ves your whole jour­ney through the Spaces of Space.

There, abid­ing in your High­er Self, is a Spark of the Divine, which is itself formed by a most Holy Trin­i­ty of Three Inte­gral Prin­ci­ples. And it is these three Prin­ci­ples of Spir­it that form your link with the Divine, “whose Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”. That Divine Spir­it is the Great Unknown, (though many have tried to describe or name it, but tru­ly it is inex­press­ible, unnam­able) so we fee­bly yet most rev­er­ent­ly and humbly call this “the All”, or “Atman”, or “The One” or sim­ply “That”.

These Holy Three, that form your Divine Core, are the three Forms of Spir­it that you will expe­ri­ence in your Human form as: your Freer Mind, your Uncon­di­tion­al Love and your Cen­tered Will. Today Uranus, who is the Avatar of the first of these three, The Prin­ci­ple or Spir­it of Free Mind, is turn­ing retrograde.

For the next 5 months, you are giv­en anoth­er annu­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to do a most essen­tial and nec­es­sary task if you wish lift your­self up and move a lit­tle more quick­ly upon your Lumi­nous path­way of Ful­fill­ment. For though you may expe­ri­ence the delays and imped­i­ments to your jour­ney as being all “out there”, the true locus of your lim­i­ta­tions are most­ly to be found with­in yourself.

And so here it is, your Good News! You are endowed with a remark­able abil­i­ty, to use this Gift from your High­er Self, from your High­er or Freer Mind, and think in such a way that you are able to bend your ordi­nary or every­day mind around the walls of your own real­i­ty-mak­ing. You are able to rise above what formed your con­di­tion­al under­stand­ing, to stand out­side of your­self for a time, and con­sid­er oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ties, oth­er path­ways of Believ­ing, See­ing and then Acting…For you are Spir­it and you are here upon a Jour­ney where­in you will claim your Birthright and so free your­self so that you might become a ful­ly con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Creation.

You can turn this Uranus Lamp of Aware­ness now back upon your­self. By this you are able to lift your­self beyond your own self-cast shad­ows and see what you have missed or mis­un­der­stood until now. You have to think once again “out­side the box”. It is this very box of belief that you built to explain and move through your world, and it is these very thought-forms which have “boxed you in”. This box of belief is formed by your par­a­digm, your assump­tions, prin­ci­ples, truths and facts, and though these were pos­si­bly ade­quate and func­tion­al and “true” at some lev­el of being, they can only take you so far…

You are old­er now, wis­er now, and you need to stop lean­ing upon your old crutch­es formed of half-truths and false con­vic­tions. For you are a Liv­ing Spir­it, and you need to ques­tion and learn, and to ques­tion and learn, again and again…You have to think Spir­i­tu­al­ly. You have to con­sid­er your­self and your world by think­ing Crit­i­cal­ly and by think­ing Cre­ative­ly, which means to be con­stant­ly self-crit­i­cal and to also cir­cle and cycle back with a renewed approach, to ques­tion again and again, and then again…and always and for­ev­er, you must approach the won­der and mys­tery of this uni­verse, you must seek to under­stand the Divin­i­ty of which you are a part with the great­est Rev­er­ence and Humility…for you do not yet understand.

Uranus is the elic­i­tor of your Intu­ition­al Mind. It flash­es upon your low­er mind, which is bound by its set ways and forms, and reveals some­thing just beyond what you can present­ly com­pre­hend. It helps you to rise above your dichotomies and dual­i­ties, which have been formed main­ly by your old assump­tions, and per­ceive a high­er plane that will lead to a greater inte­gra­tion and uni­ty of Thought-Forms.

Uranus frees you to think again, to won­der what might be, and by burn­ing away your shad­owed thoughts you will find that many of your present day prob­lems dis­solve in the light of Brighter Beliefs.

Your High­er Self, through the Avatar of Uranus, is call­ing to you now…

Step out of your shad­ows and draw clos­er to the Light.

For you abide in an Ocean of Con­scious­ness, and

You are a most pre­cious drop in this Sea of Spirit.

Let the Waters of the Greater Aware­ness into your Heart,

Let the Wis­dom, Love and Will of the One be your guide.

Lift up your­self, and become what you are to be…

Be Wise, Be Lov­ing, Be Strong.

Be Free.