Uranus Turns Retrograde (July 21, 2014)


How do you become more than you are?

How to you rise above your mere con­di­tioned being, of being a prod­uct of “caus­es and effects”, how do you become more than the accu­mu­la­tion of those incre­men­tal changes that are the result of action and reaction?

Three Inte­gral Gifts pro­pel your ever­last­ing Jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing, Three Divine Attrib­ut­es endow you with the abil­i­ty to be the Imag­i­neer, Believ­er and Cre­ator of you.

The secret to your Quick­en­ing, to your remark­able Self-unfold­ing Growth is because you (and real­ly the whole of this Cre­ation) are con­sti­tut­ed as a Hier­ar­chi­cal Spir­i­tu­al Being, endowed with many gifts that range from the Phys­i­cal, to the Emo­tion­al to the Men­tal and on up into the most sub­lime Spir­i­tu­al Qual­i­ties. With­in these High­er Parts of you, in your Spir­i­tu­al Core, there is found the source of this Self-Unfold­ing pro­pelling force that dri­ves your whole jour­ney through the Spaces of Space.

There, abid­ing in your High­er Self, is a Spark of the Divine, which is itself formed by a most Holy Trin­i­ty of Three Inte­gral Prin­ci­ples. And it is these three Prin­ci­ples of Spir­it that form your link with the Divine, “whose Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”. That Divine Spir­it is the Great Unknown, (though many have tried to describe or name it, but tru­ly it is inex­press­ible, unnam­able) so we fee­bly yet most rev­er­ent­ly and humbly call this “the All”, or “Atman”, or “The One” or sim­ply “That”.

These Holy Three, that form your Divine Core, are the three Forms of Spir­it that you will expe­ri­ence in your Human form as: your Freer Mind, your Uncon­di­tion­al Love and your Cen­tered Will. Today Uranus, who is the Avatar of the first of these three, The Prin­ci­ple or Spir­it of Free Mind, is turn­ing retrograde.

For the next 5 months, you are giv­en anoth­er annu­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to do a most essen­tial and nec­es­sary task if you wish lift your­self up and move a lit­tle more quick­ly upon your Lumi­nous path­way of Ful­fill­ment. For though you may expe­ri­ence the delays and imped­i­ments to your jour­ney as being all “out there”, the true locus of your lim­i­ta­tions are most­ly to be found with­in yourself.

And so here it is, your Good News! You are endowed with a remark­able abil­i­ty, to use this Gift from your High­er Self, from your High­er or Freer Mind, and think in such a way that you are able to bend your ordi­nary or every­day mind around the walls of your own real­i­ty-mak­ing. You are able to rise above what formed your con­di­tion­al under­stand­ing, to stand out­side of your­self for a time, and con­sid­er oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ties, oth­er path­ways of Believ­ing, See­ing and then Acting…For you are Spir­it and you are here upon a Jour­ney where­in you will claim your Birthright and so free your­self so that you might become a ful­ly con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Creation.

You can turn this Uranus Lamp of Aware­ness now back upon your­self. By this you are able to lift your­self beyond your own self-cast shad­ows and see what you have missed or mis­un­der­stood until now. You have to think once again “out­side the box”. It is this very box of belief that you built to explain and move through your world, and it is these very thought-forms which have “boxed you in”. This box of belief is formed by your par­a­digm, your assump­tions, prin­ci­ples, truths and facts, and though these were pos­si­bly ade­quate and func­tion­al and “true” at some lev­el of being, they can only take you so far…

You are old­er now, wis­er now, and you need to stop lean­ing upon your old crutch­es formed of half-truths and false con­vic­tions. For you are a Liv­ing Spir­it, and you need to ques­tion and learn, and to ques­tion and learn, again and again…You have to think Spir­i­tu­al­ly. You have to con­sid­er your­self and your world by think­ing Crit­i­cal­ly and by think­ing Cre­ative­ly, which means to be con­stant­ly self-crit­i­cal and to also cir­cle and cycle back with a renewed approach, to ques­tion again and again, and then again…and always and for­ev­er, you must approach the won­der and mys­tery of this uni­verse, you must seek to under­stand the Divin­i­ty of which you are a part with the great­est Rev­er­ence and Humility…for you do not yet understand.

Uranus is the elic­i­tor of your Intu­ition­al Mind. It flash­es upon your low­er mind, which is bound by its set ways and forms, and reveals some­thing just beyond what you can present­ly com­pre­hend. It helps you to rise above your dichotomies and dual­i­ties, which have been formed main­ly by your old assump­tions, and per­ceive a high­er plane that will lead to a greater inte­gra­tion and uni­ty of Thought-Forms.

Uranus frees you to think again, to won­der what might be, and by burn­ing away your shad­owed thoughts you will find that many of your present day prob­lems dis­solve in the light of Brighter Beliefs.

Your High­er Self, through the Avatar of Uranus, is call­ing to you now…

Step out of your shad­ows and draw clos­er to the Light.

For you abide in an Ocean of Con­scious­ness, and

You are a most pre­cious drop in this Sea of Spirit.

Let the Waters of the Greater Aware­ness into your Heart,

Let the Wis­dom, Love and Will of the One be your guide.

Lift up your­self, and become what you are to be…

Be Wise, Be Lov­ing, Be Strong.

Be Free.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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