How do you become more than you are?
How to you rise above your mere conditioned being, of being a product of “causes and effects”, how do you become more than the accumulation of those incremental changes that are the result of action and reaction?
Three Integral Gifts propel your everlasting Journey of Self-Becoming, Three Divine Attributes endow you with the ability to be the Imagineer, Believer and Creator of you.
The secret to your Quickening, to your remarkable Self-unfolding Growth is because you (and really the whole of this Creation) are constituted as a Hierarchical Spiritual Being, endowed with many gifts that range from the Physical, to the Emotional to the Mental and on up into the most sublime Spiritual Qualities. Within these Higher Parts of you, in your Spiritual Core, there is found the source of this Self-Unfolding propelling force that drives your whole journey through the Spaces of Space.
There, abiding in your Higher Self, is a Spark of the Divine, which is itself formed by a most Holy Trinity of Three Integral Principles. And it is these three Principles of Spirit that form your link with the Divine, “whose Center is Everywhere and whose Circumference is Nowhere”. That Divine Spirit is the Great Unknown, (though many have tried to describe or name it, but truly it is inexpressible, unnamable) so we feebly yet most reverently and humbly call this “the All”, or “Atman”, or “The One” or simply “That”.
These Holy Three, that form your Divine Core, are the three Forms of Spirit that you will experience in your Human form as: your Freer Mind, your Unconditional Love and your Centered Will. Today Uranus, who is the Avatar of the first of these three, The Principle or Spirit of Free Mind, is turning retrograde.
For the next 5 months, you are given another annual opportunity to do a most essential and necessary task if you wish lift yourself up and move a little more quickly upon your Luminous pathway of Fulfillment. For though you may experience the delays and impediments to your journey as being all “out there”, the true locus of your limitations are mostly to be found within yourself.
And so here it is, your Good News! You are endowed with a remarkable ability, to use this Gift from your Higher Self, from your Higher or Freer Mind, and think in such a way that you are able to bend your ordinary or everyday mind around the walls of your own reality-making. You are able to rise above what formed your conditional understanding, to stand outside of yourself for a time, and consider other possibilities, other pathways of Believing, Seeing and then Acting…For you are Spirit and you are here upon a Journey wherein you will claim your Birthright and so free yourself so that you might become a fully conscious Co-Creator of this Creation.
You can turn this Uranus Lamp of Awareness now back upon yourself. By this you are able to lift yourself beyond your own self-cast shadows and see what you have missed or misunderstood until now. You have to think once again “outside the box”. It is this very box of belief that you built to explain and move through your world, and it is these very thought-forms which have “boxed you in”. This box of belief is formed by your paradigm, your assumptions, principles, truths and facts, and though these were possibly adequate and functional and “true” at some level of being, they can only take you so far…
You are older now, wiser now, and you need to stop leaning upon your old crutches formed of half-truths and false convictions. For you are a Living Spirit, and you need to question and learn, and to question and learn, again and again…You have to think Spiritually. You have to consider yourself and your world by thinking Critically and by thinking Creatively, which means to be constantly self-critical and to also circle and cycle back with a renewed approach, to question again and again, and then again…and always and forever, you must approach the wonder and mystery of this universe, you must seek to understand the Divinity of which you are a part with the greatest Reverence and Humility…for you do not yet understand.
Uranus is the elicitor of your Intuitional Mind. It flashes upon your lower mind, which is bound by its set ways and forms, and reveals something just beyond what you can presently comprehend. It helps you to rise above your dichotomies and dualities, which have been formed mainly by your old assumptions, and perceive a higher plane that will lead to a greater integration and unity of Thought-Forms.
Uranus frees you to think again, to wonder what might be, and by burning away your shadowed thoughts you will find that many of your present day problems dissolve in the light of Brighter Beliefs.
Your Higher Self, through the Avatar of Uranus, is calling to you now…
Step out of your shadows and draw closer to the Light.
For you abide in an Ocean of Consciousness, and
You are a most precious drop in this Sea of Spirit.
Let the Waters of the Greater Awareness into your Heart,
Let the Wisdom, Love and Will of the One be your guide.
Lift up yourself, and become what you are to be…
Be Wise, Be Loving, Be Strong.
Be Free.