Daily Archives: July 25, 2014

New Moon in Leo (July 26, 2014)


Your Muse of Mem­o­ry and Remem­brance returns to her beloved…

Time to dip your chal­ice of grace,

Into the Ever-Renew­ing Waters of Life and Love.

Your Star and Moon kiss…

And a New Gift of Spir­it is impart­ed to your world,

Time to turn and face your New Dawn, as always,

With Faith, with Hope and with Love.

Your Day­keep­er and Night­watch­er begin anoth­er new cycle of mean­ing as the Moon aligns once more with the Sun. This time your Sun and Moon will join one anoth­er in the Regal Realm of Leo.

Each New Moon is like a seed­ing, an offer­ing and release of a new spir­i­tu­al spark of Inspi­ra­tion. Much like your own beat­ing heart, the Sun/Moon cycle is for you the heart­beat of spir­i­tu­al ener­gy. The Moon receives this gift from the Heart/Sun and then weaves her way around you, dis­pens­ing these ener­gy-forms through you and to your world, until she returns once more to meet the Sun in about 28 days and receive her next gift of Solar Force…and your next beat in Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it begins.

The Gift of Leo is real­ly all about you being you. This is the Sun’s Sign; here is the Avatar of your Heart. Each New Moon builds upon what came before, each Gift of Spir­it elic­its the next. The pre­cious, pri­or gift was from Can­cer, this was the Gift from your Soul. Can­cer brought you clos­er to your home, and you renewed your feel­ings that will ever embrace and cen­ter you through your foun­da­tions of fam­i­ly, cul­ture and spirituality.

Now in the Leo New Moon, there is an answer­ing surge of ener­gies which draws upon these refreshed roots. Now you seek your­self, to see your­self through and by the release of this renewed sense of self. You will stretch your­self into bet­ter roles and upon bet­ter stages, you will renew your forms of Cre­ativ­i­ty, Lead­er­ship and Love.

Leo is the Answer to what you felt in Can­cer; You seek to put “out there” some­thing more of what you felt “in here”. Each sign unfolds and become what is next, and so on and so on. At each New Moon, as today, you should pause and be still, and lis­ten to the Winds of the Spir­it singing to you of your Heart and your Soul. You are meant to let these ener­gies lift and inspire you, and they will.

Yet, in Truth there is, always and for­ev­er, a con­tin­u­ous stream­ing of these Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies, danc­ing and swirling, inter­twin­ing and blend­ing, coun­ter­point­ing and bal­anc­ing one another…for these are the Liv­ing Waters of the Cos­mos, this is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

These Signs are your Songs of Spir­it, with 12 fun­da­men­tal themes that them­selves become dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed into count­less nuanced expres­sions and com­bi­na­tions. They form a cho­rus of Light and Love that is the Ener­gy-Sub­stance that fills the Spaces of Space. This is the Plero­ma, the mys­tery of the Pres­ence made Man­i­fest, for there is only the One.

Tonight, there is but darkness,

No Moon will light your way.

For she is with her Beloved,

The Ruler of the Day.

Tonight lis­ten carefully,

For the Songs from high above.

Your Heart and Soul, now joined together

In Faith, and Hope and Love.