Daily Archives: July 31, 2014

Mars Squares Jupiter (August 1, 2014)


Your Lords of Mean­ing and Means are hav­ing a moment with one another…

They are bound to one anoth­er these two.

Jupiter shapes your Inten­tion and Goals,

Mars pro­vides the Pro­pelling Force.

From one you set your Sights…

From the oth­er you make it so…

The Key is Right Intention,

Form­ing an inte­gral bal­ance with

Right Action.

Jupiter is your Avatar of Truth & Prin­ci­ples, hold­er of your Beliefs and Philoso­phies, your Reli­gions and Sci­ences too. He is the pre­serv­er, pro­tec­tor of the hard won Wis­dom of those who came before you…and you need this Gift of Truth to help you find your way. For you are a self-aware spir­i­tu­al being, and so you need this, you real­ly need to know that all of this, that your life and that all of Life, that it all some­how makes sense.

You look to the Ancient Wis­dom and Great Souls, those revered Teach­ers, to the great pre­cepts passed down in Reli­gions, you look to the great Philoso­phers and to the var­i­ous ways in which you may approach the fun­da­men­tal ques­tions of that life behind each life…Where did I come from, Why am I here…and Where am I going? You seek and hope­ful­ly are able to form your own Par­a­digm or World-View, you cre­ate the bound­aries and mean­ings of your world, and so you abide in the struc­tures and facts that make sense of what you encounter in this life.

Mars is your Avatar of Desire and Action, pro­vid­ing you with the Life-Force-Sub­stance by which to reach out and stride forth as you seek to move ever upwards upon the Path­way of Per­fec­tion. For as it was in “the begin­ning”, at the Sacred Cross­ing point from non-being into all of this that you call Cre­ation, there was and always will be, for it is ever-present in the Eter­nal Now, there will always be behind every speck and mote, plan­et and star, behind it All, there is the First Desire, the pri­mal Desire of the One who sought/seeks to Become through and by all the count­less lives and loves of all of you

Ide­al­ly, the Beliefs you hold will pro­vide the guid­ance for what you Desire, and your Actions will forge and form that Truth into a mean­ing-filled Real­i­ty. But there are times, such as now, when the dance of Mars and Jupiter will come to a seem­ing­ly more dis­so­nant or chal­leng­ing turn. When plan­ets align in this way, it seems as if two irrec­on­cil­able Ener­gy-Forms are pulling and push­ing upon you. You will feel that your only recourse is to cleave to one side or one way of being and to sup­press or deny the other…But this is not “the way”, this is not your Path of Spir­it, this is not the way to move from dark­ness into the Light.

You are an Intel­li­gent Spir­it, and you are here in these con­flict­ed realms in order to learn how to bring togeth­er what has come apart. You are a Life-Con­scious­ness-Ener­gy Field and it is through Intel­li­gence, Love and Will that you can and will heal these appar­ent divides. You are here to be the Liv­ing Bridge of Under­stand­ing, by which the so-called divi­sions of nature will become healed and made whole.

The par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge (real­ly, your par­tic­u­lar oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow) is formed by Mars in Scor­pio form­ing a square with Jupiter in Leo. Though many will com­ment or write about the neg­a­tiv­i­ty or vio­lence of this align­ment, (for in some minds cer­tain aspects or plan­ets or signs are bet­ter or worse, good or evil), the truth is that Ener­gy is nei­ther “good” or “bad”, what mat­ters is Spir­i­tu­al Con­scious­ness, what mat­ters is the lev­el of Aware­ness of the being or group of beings expe­ri­enc­ing these flows of ener­gy in, through and around them.

The essence of the challenge/opportunity is this: Mars in Scor­pio is pushing/pulling one and all to act with greater Pas­sions and Actions to break through the fear of Sep­a­ra­tion and Loss and claim the prize of a Deep­er, Trans­for­ma­tive Union. Yet if pas­sions are too inflamed, and desires pur­sued too strong­ly, if one par­ty push­es or pulls too hard it might very well vio­late the spir­i­tu­al integri­ty of the oth­er. Rather than form­ing a bet­ter shared, sacred space through mutu­al sac­ri­fice, the excess­es inflam­ing one or both into fear-based pas­sions will force one anoth­er into an arrange­ment that ends bad­ly for both.

Jupiter is hold­ing forth from the realm of Hon­or and Respect, from the regal realm that is Leo. Jupiter is shap­ing, inform­ing and hope­ful­ly calm­ing the Pas­sions of Mars, by firm­ly yet Lov­ing­ly remind­ing Mars that a Union formed upon the vio­la­tion of another’s integri­ty will only end by dimin­ish­ing both. Jupiter reminds Mars that a healthy Union is lived and demon­strat­ed by act­ing with the inten­tion guid­ed by the Love for what is best for the oth­er, and this fol­lows from the prin­ci­ple that you must love the oth­er as you love your­self, and you would nev­er wish to have your­self or your space be dimin­ished by such mis­placed desires. All unions are formed by lov­ing, mutu­al and inte­gral sac­ri­fice, for your love for each oth­er means you wish what is best for one another.

Sac­ri­fice means “to make sacred”, and it is only right and prop­er that you give up the less­er things in your life for the Greater qual­i­ties of Life. But it is a false sac­ri­fice to implore, per­suade or force anoth­er to sur­ren­der their core beliefs, prin­ci­ples or val­ues even if it were to lead to some (illu­sion­ary) space of togeth­er­ness. If some­one is forced into a false sac­ri­fice, they have been made to sur­ren­der their core to anoth­er’s ego, and what made them who and what they are is lost in a vain attempt to forge a Union that is based upon a lie, formed upon fear and not by love.

The Lords of Truth and Desire have aligned, and

You must walk the Mid­dle Way,

With Right­eous­ness and through Right Action.

You will find that Path of Truth,

By fol­low­ing the true mean­ing of the word “Phi­los­o­phy”…

For though most will know that Phi­los­o­phy means “the Love of Wisdom”,

It’s truer mean­ing is held and revered by those who are wise,

Phi­los­o­phy means tru­ly “The Wis­dom of Love”.

Desire Truth,

Act by Love,

Just Love.