Monthly Archives: August 2014

Sun Enters Virgo (August 22–23, 2014)

Virgo2014Your Jour­ney is a Spi­ral Dance of Spirit,

You soar up and you sweep down, you go back and you go forth.

Through the Innu­mer­able Ener­gies and Forms of this Cosmos,

Your Jour­ney is this sto­ry of Spirit,

It is the Path of Light that is Con­scious­ness in Motion.

It is the Infin­i­tes­i­mal mov­ing towards Infinities,

It is the Innu­mer­able many who are also the One.

The Cycles of Life, of Day and Night, of Weeks and Months, of Sea­sons and Years roll on…To every moment, in every turn­ing, in Sea­son after Sea­son, there is a mean­ing and mes­sage for you.

The num­bers of your life are Three and Four. There are three modes of expres­sion: Car­di­nal, Fixed and Muta­ble which form the three phas­es of each sea­son dur­ing the year; and there are Four Ener­gy-Forms of real­iza­tion: Fire, Earth, Air and Water which are the four orders of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

These in their Twelve-Fold com­bi­na­tions become the Liv­ing Ones, the Twelve Signs of the Zodi­ac which form and inform you. They mark and give mean­ing to your jour­ney through your many lives, loves and worlds. In this Lumi­nous Rib­bon of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it your pur­pose is sim­ple but pro­found, you are here to Grow. You are here to dis­cov­er and unfold your infi­nite poten­tial, for with­in you is Pure Love, with­in you shines a spark of the Divine.

There is a rhythm to this Song of Life:

There is a Time to Begin,

There is a Time to Hold, and

There is a Time to Release.

You begin by mov­ing into a new For­ma­tion; You hold as reach your Ful­fill­ment; and then, to grow you must “walk on” and become some­thing more, again. You do this mys­te­ri­ous­ly and won­drous­ly by “let­ting go”. You slip beyond what you have so far become by mov­ing through these Tran­si­tion­ing Trans­for­ma­tions that form your path of Imma­nence and Self-Tran­scen­dence, for you are Spir­it and this is your Jour­ney of the Self-Becoming.

The Sea­sons of Spir­it are turn­ing once more, those Ide­al­is­tic Visions of Fire must once more yield to the Sub­stan­ti­a­tions that are of Earth, the Fixed Sign that is Leo must yield now to the Muta­ble Sign of Virgo.

Through all four of the Muta­ble signs, as a Sea­son ends and leads you into the next, you must adapt and adjust, you will break apart and recom­bine and so form your­self into ever more adept expres­sions of your essen­tial nature. This is your time to expe­ri­ence your self-unfold­ing nature in the mean­ings and mes­sages of Virgo.

There is an essen­tial need to expe­ri­ence an “order” to your life and world. That the rhythms formed by the flow and com­bi­na­tion of Spir­it-Mat­ter cre­ates a res­o­nance of mean­ing between your inner world and these out­er real­i­ties. You expe­ri­ence you and your world as aligned with one anoth­er, and in the myr­i­ad pieces and parts you can ascer­tain a greater whole with­in which you and all of these count­less lives abide. That when you feel this Truth in Order you reside in your place of Peace, you know and feel that all of “this” makes sense, that Life is good and that your Life is Beau­ti­ful too.

Yet the one insis­tent behind all of “this”, the con­stant beat­ing Heart of Spir­it is Growth, and this dri­ving imper­a­tive brings about your need to deal with the neces­si­ty of change. There is no order that can remain as it was, for you are unfold­ing your poten­tial from with­in as are all the oth­er life-forms around you as well. There is no Sta­t­ic Order, no “Per­fec­tion” or final Form…There is Order and Re-Order­ing, Form­ing and Re-Form­ing, all is in motion, all of this Cos­mos is a stream­ing of Ener­gy-Forms that is Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it on a Jour­ney from the One to the Many and back to the One.

Behind the many lives and worlds, behind the for­ma­tions and refor­ma­tions, through­out the orders and re-order­ings, there is the Pres­ence, there is the aware­ness of aware­ness, there is “that”…behind and through­out it all there is the One. For you this pres­ence is your High­er Self, your Beloved, who holds you to your path of becom­ing and the ful­fill­ment of your part in the Greater Good. So that when you are able to align your present cir­cum­stance to be in accord with this res­o­nance of Beau­ty and Truth, you find your place of Peace. It is not found “out there”, it is formed by the rela­tion­ship between the Good that is with­in you and the Good that you make out there. It is formed by fol­low­ing the Path of Love that flows from with­in you, and releas­ing that Love so as to make this World of Beau­ty around you too.

The mes­sage of Vir­go is this…

You are here to find Peace with­in yourself,

You are here to Align yourself,

With the Beau­ty of your World.

You are here to see the Love within,

And the Beau­ty that is around you,

And live them as they are,

They are one and the same.

Walk in Beauty,

Live in Love,

Be at Peace.

Mercury Enters Virgo (August 15, 2014)


Skip­ping swift­ly now…

Your Muse of Mind­ful­ness sings anoth­er melody,

Time to show your Atten­tion to Detail,

To Raise your Per­cep­tive­ness and Dis­cern­ment too.

Cir­cum­spec­tion, Grace and Humility,

That is the Vir­go way,

Her­mes the Mes­sen­ger of the Gods,

Sounds the Trum­pet of Truth.

Time to Bend your Light of Self-Awareness,

To Refine your Con­scious­ness and Conscience,

For you are here to bet­ter yourself,

And to make a bet­ter world too.

Mer­cury dances out of Leo and into his own sign of Vir­go. For the next 18 days your Avatar of Per­ceiv­ing and Com­mu­ni­cat­ing is encour­ag­ing you to attend to your need for Whole­ness, to help you find your way to Peace. Though your own Mer­cu­r­ial dis­po­si­tion will be your ordi­nary and every­day “Think­ing-Way”, that will form, shape and char­ac­ter­ize your men­tal­i­ty, you will always find even greater mean­ing­ful­ness by attun­ing your own aware­ness to these shifts that Mer­cury will offer to you in this expe­ri­ence of the “Mind of the Now”.

Just as in your dai­ly prepa­ra­tions to antic­i­pate and adapt to the phys­i­cal con­di­tions that you expe­ri­ence in cli­mate change and the weath­er, you also need to appre­ci­ate and inte­grate your own thought­ful nature by and through these mod­u­la­tions in the flow of Mind-Forms too. This peri­od of Mer­cury brings an oppor­tu­ni­ty for one and all to per­ceive, ana­lyze and com­mu­ni­cate with that lens­ing lucid­i­ty that comes through Virgo.

After stretch­ing and per­form­ing, after cre­at­ing and releas­ing your love by your mind, you have a need now to attend to the improve­ment of your craft. The Fires of Leo did and do inspire you, but it is in the Earthy times of Capri­corn, Tau­rus and Vir­go that you bring your dreams into sub­stan­tial and sus­tain­able forms of self-realization.

What was an inspi­ra­tion becomes a method, what was a vision becomes the real­iza­tion and life of an adept. For out of the chaos of creativity…form, ele­gance and beau­ty are formed. There is mean­ing in the parts as they form into a greater whole, a mean­ing that is more clear­ly revealed and cel­e­brat­ed as your atten­tion to detail and the intri­cate link­ing of parts to one anoth­er is made into this fin­er work of art, revealed by this life that is you.

You are an appren­tice in the world of spir­it, ever hon­ing your­self and your works into ever fin­er degrees of Grace and Beauty.

Let Her­mes lead you now upon the Path­way of Perfection.

For you are here for one thing only…

Dri­ven by one Imper­a­tive Impulse…

You are here to Grow.

Your are to let go of the less­er, and

To rise into the greater,

With adept­ness and by humility.

You are here to be made Whole,

You are here to be at Peace.

You are because of Love,

You are here to be that Love.

Venus Enters Leo (August 12, 2014)


Your Avatar of Beau­ty and Love,

Light-Bear­er, her­ald of the Dawn,

Dear Venus, here to lead you out from within.

You rise, from the Home Waters of Cancer,

Your heart leaps, and pulls you,

Towards one anoth­er now.

For hav­ing met your truer “Self”,

The Heart and Root of your Soul,

Your yearn­ing now is clear, to see in one another,

The Truth you did behold.

You found the “Secret of Life”,

Bind­ing all of Cre­ation, as One…

The Love is there inside, always.

Always there, wait­ing, abid­ing, guid­ing you

In every life, in time after time…

The Love for your­self, and for one anoth­er too.

You feel and know this Love within,

As it is every­where around you too.

Look, there it is…

In the Fires of Your Star, and

In the Eyes of your Beloved.

Who looks upon you, through and beyond

This mere mor­tal frame of you, and

Pro­found but sim­ple words, are heard once more,

I see you there, I see and feel you there,

I remem­ber who we were,

I under­stand who we are, and

I love you.”

We are for one another,

As we were, are and will ever be,

Time and time again.

Love can­not be sundered,

This Light will nev­er fail.

I Love and am Loved.

I shine like the Sun, we are Stars.

For Love.

By Love,

All is Love.

Full Moon in Aquarius (August 10, 2014)


You are a very spe­cial one…

And, you are one of many, many oth­er ones too.

To be a one of kind,

You also must be part of these many also.

You are a dreamer,

Yet your dreams are tru­ly made of one another.

You are the one, you are the many,

Who are all for one,

And one for All.

The Sun will set and your Moon will rise. You will stand, in awe and with won­der, for there you are a being of light between these keep­ers of the Light. The Guardian of the Day and the Watch­er of the Night bow to one anoth­er once more. Their Dance of Light and Shad­ows is the pri­ma­ry and arche­typ­al rela­tion­ship of mean­ing for your jour­ney in this most mate­r­i­al sphere of spir­i­tu­al striving.

At each Full Moon you are made aware once more about the para­dox­i­cal nature of Spir­i­tu­al Truths, of the what and how in this pulling and push­ing between oppo­si­tion­al forces in your jour­ney. That it is in and by this inter­play and dance of light-forms that you will be guid­ed to the Noble Mid­dle Way of Love and Inte­gral Truth. At each moment in this cycle, the Sun holds forth as the foun­tain-source of Spir­i­tu­al Forces stream­ing around and through you. He sets the pri­ma­ry tone of what you are to hold to and be guid­ed by day after day. But it is the lov­ing duty of the Moon to be your inter­locu­tor of these immense ener­gies. She is there to mod­u­late these Solar Forces and all the plan­e­tary ener­gies, as she weaves her webs of mean­ing around and through you on your home here upon the Earth.

Today, the Full moon finds the Sun declaim­ing the virtues of Leo, and your burn­ing bright desire is your need to be rec­og­nized, appre­ci­at­ed and respect­ed for the very spe­cial one that you are. But your need for this can be over­stretched, and the seek­ing for approval or the desire to be appre­ci­at­ed make you act in such a man­ner that is actu­al­ly con­trary or false to your true path and nature. If you too much accom­mo­date to what the audi­ence wish­es from you, and shape who you are so as to only give them what they want, you will not con­tribute the unique gift of your voice and song to the cho­rus of Life and Spirit.

This is the reminder of which dear Luna brings to you now. She stands oppo­site to the Sun and holds forth from Aquar­ius. For you need to remem­ber, that you are not “you” except by the many oth­ers who are part of you too. For through count­less worlds and lives, and for count­less years in this life now, innu­mer­able souls have loved and guid­ed, shaped and formed you into who you are. Your pow­ers and abil­i­ties, your goals and your dreams, your sen­si­bil­i­ties and your soul are made not just by you alone…Truly you are made by and through this Liv­ing Web of Lives, by the Loves of the many, and this is what makes you “you”. What makes you are your com­pan­ions and friends, your fam­i­lies, your loves and the many lives that have touched you…and you do this for them as well.

One human, alone and with no oth­ers, bereft of this web of inter­re­la­tion­ships of shared Expe­ri­ences, Feel­ings, Thoughts and Dreams, well that is tru­ly unimag­in­able. You could not be human, you could not become human, you could not think, feel or dream as human with­out these webs of expe­ri­ence that you call Life…For you are real­ly a “We” as much as you are a “me”.

You are a dream­er, and you are here to dream for one another…Your dreams are made of one anoth­er, as what you wish for, what you strive for is to share your lives and loves with one anoth­er. It is not the “things” that mat­ter in this mate­r­i­al world, it is you, and you and you…it is the Liv­ing, Lov­ing Spir­it that is the Dream you walk in, the Dreams you Dream are what you cre­ate with one anoth­er, it is all of this…it is Love, and it is Life.

Tonight…dance in the Light of the Moon.

Be your­self, and be true to one another.

Dream your dream, and dream for one another.

Love your­self, and love one another.

Dance in the Light of the Moon.

Dance, Live and Love.

Dream for one another,

Love one another.