Daily Archives: August 14, 2014

Mercury Enters Virgo (August 15, 2014)


Skip­ping swift­ly now…

Your Muse of Mind­ful­ness sings anoth­er melody,

Time to show your Atten­tion to Detail,

To Raise your Per­cep­tive­ness and Dis­cern­ment too.

Cir­cum­spec­tion, Grace and Humility,

That is the Vir­go way,

Her­mes the Mes­sen­ger of the Gods,

Sounds the Trum­pet of Truth.

Time to Bend your Light of Self-Awareness,

To Refine your Con­scious­ness and Conscience,

For you are here to bet­ter yourself,

And to make a bet­ter world too.

Mer­cury dances out of Leo and into his own sign of Vir­go. For the next 18 days your Avatar of Per­ceiv­ing and Com­mu­ni­cat­ing is encour­ag­ing you to attend to your need for Whole­ness, to help you find your way to Peace. Though your own Mer­cu­r­ial dis­po­si­tion will be your ordi­nary and every­day “Think­ing-Way”, that will form, shape and char­ac­ter­ize your men­tal­i­ty, you will always find even greater mean­ing­ful­ness by attun­ing your own aware­ness to these shifts that Mer­cury will offer to you in this expe­ri­ence of the “Mind of the Now”.

Just as in your dai­ly prepa­ra­tions to antic­i­pate and adapt to the phys­i­cal con­di­tions that you expe­ri­ence in cli­mate change and the weath­er, you also need to appre­ci­ate and inte­grate your own thought­ful nature by and through these mod­u­la­tions in the flow of Mind-Forms too. This peri­od of Mer­cury brings an oppor­tu­ni­ty for one and all to per­ceive, ana­lyze and com­mu­ni­cate with that lens­ing lucid­i­ty that comes through Virgo.

After stretch­ing and per­form­ing, after cre­at­ing and releas­ing your love by your mind, you have a need now to attend to the improve­ment of your craft. The Fires of Leo did and do inspire you, but it is in the Earthy times of Capri­corn, Tau­rus and Vir­go that you bring your dreams into sub­stan­tial and sus­tain­able forms of self-realization.

What was an inspi­ra­tion becomes a method, what was a vision becomes the real­iza­tion and life of an adept. For out of the chaos of creativity…form, ele­gance and beau­ty are formed. There is mean­ing in the parts as they form into a greater whole, a mean­ing that is more clear­ly revealed and cel­e­brat­ed as your atten­tion to detail and the intri­cate link­ing of parts to one anoth­er is made into this fin­er work of art, revealed by this life that is you.

You are an appren­tice in the world of spir­it, ever hon­ing your­self and your works into ever fin­er degrees of Grace and Beauty.

Let Her­mes lead you now upon the Path­way of Perfection.

For you are here for one thing only…

Dri­ven by one Imper­a­tive Impulse…

You are here to Grow.

Your are to let go of the less­er, and

To rise into the greater,

With adept­ness and by humility.

You are here to be made Whole,

You are here to be at Peace.

You are because of Love,

You are here to be that Love.