Daily Archives: September 7, 2014

Full Moon in Pisces (September 8, 2014)


You walk the path of awakening…

You yearn to find your peace within,

And so there­by to have it sur­round you too.

You search for the mean­ing of life.

You look and long for under­stand­ing, and

One day you will know, you will real­ize, that

The Answers were always there, for they are in fact,

With­in you as much as they sur­round you too.

Look up at your elder broth­ers and sis­ters, the Plan­ets, Stars and won­ders above.

Their wheel­ing motions in the spaces of Space,

Regale and Inspire you with these ancient Songs of Life and Spirit.

They weave their Webs of Des­tiny and Truth,

Which also forms your Robe of Glo­ry too.

You are here to learn, you are here to grow…

And you will understand,

For that is your Des­tiny too.

You are to become out­ward­ly what you are in your inmost.

You are a Hier­ar­chy of Energy-Forms,

From bare­ly con­scious, sleep­ing Par­ti­cles of Dust,

On up to your Radi­ant Cen­ter of Illu­mined Light and Love.

And your whole jour­ney is this lift­ing up of all your var­i­ous bodies,

Into ever high­er, sweet­er and most sub­lime Realms.

You are here to be Full-Filled, to come into your place of Peace,

By, through and with this Resplen­dent Truth and Light and Love.

Anoth­er Full Moon will Light your way tonight. Anoth­er Gift of Spir­it will arch across the heaven’s above. Your Day­keep­er and Night­watch­er will greet one anoth­er once more. As the Sun sets the Moon will rise, and they will once again point the way towards the one true Path, the Inte­gral Path that is the Way of Spirit.

As the Sun holds now and shines by the Truth that is Vir­go, the Moon will answer with her reflec­tive light and pro­vide what is most nec­es­sary as a Bal­ance and Coun­ter­point by the Truth that is of Pisces. For this is the way of it. There is no one path or way, there is no one truth which can stand alone and apart, (except in that all these ways and truths are held in the Truth that there is but One Spirit)…for there is the One, the Divine with­in which all live and grow, and all are held togeth­er by one Truth-Force, Love.

All the melodies and themes of spir­it depend upon one anoth­er for their full­ness and mean­ing­ful­ness. They can­not be sep­a­rat­ed, for it is this Greater Truth that there is but One Spir­it, which will appear to you in count­less facets and forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion. Each theme or melody is true, but you will find its greater mean­ing is only dis­cerned in the light of this con­trast and bal­ance as exem­pli­fied in moments such as the Full Moon.

The Truth of Vir­go is there to hold you to the path of Crit­i­cal Dis­cern­ment. It is by this Gift that you are to con­stant­ly seek for your own self-improve­ment and growth. By using your ever-grow­ing aware­ness, you are able to free your­self from your ancient pat­terns of self-real­iza­tion that have out­lived their effi­ca­cy and now stand as your self-lim­i­ta­tions instead. You rise into more mean­ing­ful under­stand­ings and forms of expres­sions, which in turn can only take you so far. When you reach a cer­tain lev­el of dis­com­fort, or pain or suffering…you turn, you seek to under­stand and accept, and you let go and grow…again.

But Inte­gral to this process of Self-Tran­scen­dence is the oppo­site Gift of Spir­it found in the Realm of Pisces. For it is in Pisces that you expe­ri­ence the Grace of Faith, it is here in Pisces that you encounter your true source of Self-over­com­ing and Self-Tran­scen­dence. You are a Dream­er, you are an Imag­i­neer, and what you Believe you will become. The Truth of Vir­go, that you have the Sen­si­bil­i­ty and Intel­li­gence to dis­cern what is and what is not, what works and what does not. The greater truth is that this gift of Vir­go is made pos­si­ble and real by the Inspi­ra­tions of Pisces which fill your heart and soul with the Shin­ing Light of Love that is behind the whole of this Cre­ation. You need Vir­go to know How to do what you do; you need Pisces and your Imag­i­na­tion to Light your way of Dream­ing beyond what is, and so become what you are yet to be.

Stand tonight in the Middle,

Take the Noble Path of Integration…

Watch your star as it sets, watch your moon rise.

Hold them both togeth­er, embrace Vir­go and Pisces.

You are the Seek­er, you are the Dreamer.

You are here to Learn, to Grow…

To Dream,

To Believe,

To Love and be Loved.