Daily Archives: September 21, 2014

Sun Enters Libra (September 22, 2014)


You come out of Non-Being,

From what some would call “No Thing”,

A Pre­cious, Won­drous Spir­i­tu­al Spark of the Divine.

You are a Lumi­nous Beam­ing of the One Super­nal Light.

You are endowed, as is all of Spir­it, with the urge to Grow, to become Ful­ly Aware and Awakened.

You jour­ney through many realms and stages of Consciousness,

Through your many, many worlds, through your many lives and experiences,

You move out of the Dark­ness and into the Light, as you lift your­self from:

Sim­ple Awareness…To Per­son­al or Self-Awareness…to Transper­son­al Awareness.

There you will be com­plete as Human, at-one-ness with your High­er Self, abid­ing in Lucid­i­ty and Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

You emerge from the Hosts of Light, a bright beam­ing par­ti­cle of Spir­it whose pere­gri­na­tions through Forms and Worlds, as an Infin­i­tes­i­mal danc­ing through Infini­ties, finds you seek­ing and search­ing, inward­ly and out­ward­ly, ever long­ing to become one with your High­er Self with­in as also with the Cre­ation that is all around you.

You spin your webs of des­tiny and always and ever behind them all you will find, as you forge these innu­mer­able path­ways of the Sil­ver Chord of Spir­it, you find that it was always there, your essen­tial Being…That in your Ori­gin there too is your Des­tiny, to be one with the One.

The Astro­log­i­cal Year has come to this most spe­cial turn­ing point again. Four Sea­sons mark your year, Four Turn­ings in your bob­bing and weav­ing Spi­ral Dance around your Star. In this play of Lights and Shad­ows, of wax­ing and wan­ing Ener­gy-Forms, the Fall Equinox marks the time you will more con­sid­er­ate­ly and con­scious­ly join hands with one anoth­er, and forge togeth­er your hopes and dreams that are made of your expe­ri­ences with and through one another.

Libra is the Gate­way to your Return. For as you look into the eyes of your part­ner, as you gaze into the win­dow of the soul of your beloved, you will see look­ing back at you “the pres­ence”, the aware­ness of aware­ness that is also there with­in you. Yet, not quite “you”, for each spark of the Divine is dif­fer­ent, each is a lumi­nous mon­ad of the One. Yet the one before you is, as you look into their eyes once more, they are so famil­iar to you…and it is then that you will trem­ble and bow down as you see beyond the present shells into this well of full­ness, of ancient mem­o­ries and your future lives too.

You are drawn to one anoth­er, again and again, because you have made one anoth­er in life after life. You are your rela­tion­ships, and they also are made of and by you. There is no way real­ly to undo or untan­gle you from one anoth­er, for all your expe­ri­ences that have made you “you”, these have been formed and forged with and through them. Your Sil­ver Chords of Des­tiny weave around and through one anoth­er, forg­ing a tapes­try of Light and Love that is your Karmic Bridge to your greater real­i­ty of the Love that holds the whole of Cre­ation in the Heart of the One.

It is time to cel­e­brate your Relationship…

To the one who is before you,

To the One who is always within.

For you are nev­er alone…

You are always loved…

For­ev­er and Ever,
