Daily Archives: September 26, 2014

Mercury Enters Scorpio (September 27, 2014)



The Third Water/Air Dance begins…

Mer­cury dives into the deep­en­ing Waters of Scor­pio now…

Time to pierce beyond the forms and for­mal­i­ties of your relationships…

Time to take you and your beloved into the Heart of your Union.

For this is the most impor­tant ques­tion you must answer in your life: How do you do this, how can we two become one with­out los­ing our­selves? How can we join and not be lost in one another…or fail to join and so lose one anoth­er? How can we become one and also remain as two? How can we be more our­selves by being togeth­er than we can ever be apart? How?

Per­haps you will find the way, (for it is on you to do this in your own way and in your own time), as Mer­cury weaves his way, back and forth between these realms of Water and Air once more. Per­haps it is this very loop­ing and turn­ing back of Mer­cury that will show you a way through and beyond so as to fuse your Rea­son­ing and your Feel­ing and hold them as one too. That in this dance of Spir­it-Forms you will find a way to bring togeth­er your Head and your Heart, and so bring you and your beloved to that spe­cial place of being even more true to your­selves, yet also togeth­er and true to one anoth­er too.

Yes, Mer­cury is mak­ing anoth­er round between the realms of Water and Air…

Mer­cury is poised to turn ret­ro­grade once more this year on Octo­ber 4th, and retrace his steps and so back into the Air Sign of Libra on Octo­ber 10th, then to turn for­ward once more on Octo­ber 25th, and final­ly re-enter the realm of Scorpio/Water on Novem­ber 8th.

This is the final of three such Air-Water-Air-Water shifts this year. These were the triple gifts of Mer­cury to you this year, offer­ings to help you leap the seem­ing divide between your Thoughts and Feel­ings, between your Head and your Heart. Mer­cury, the mes­sen­ger, as your guide and teacher, is here to help you remem­ber and trust who and what you are, to help you become as you were, are and will always be…a liv­ing Spir­it of remark­able Wis­dom, Love and Will.

The first dance of Water and Air was February/March with Aquar­ius-Pisces, the sec­ond was in May/June with Gem­i­ni-Can­cer, and now this mag­i­cal ful­crum of Air and Water in Libra and Scor­pio com­pletes your Tri­ad of Truth, of the Inte­gral Way that is the path of Spir­it for you this year.

The dance of Scor­pio-Libra-Scor­pio will require you to bring your fullest mea­sure of your capac­i­ty to face your fears of rejec­tion and loss, to be fierce­ly fear­less if you wish to join as you need and must with one anoth­er. Your great­est strength will be revealed by your open­ing up to one anoth­er, and that your vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty will be as a sign of your char­ac­ter and strength. That in and by your love and com­mit­ment to one anoth­er, you will bridge the sep­a­ra­tion formed by the fear that stands between one anoth­er. To join togeth­er tru­ly, you must sac­ri­fice some­thing for one anoth­er and pass beyond fear-based bound­aries, you must forge that shared, sacred space where you will ulti­mate­ly hold noth­ing back from one anoth­er. You will cross into that sacred space where you can be as one, unit­ed and whole with one anoth­er, and even more tru­ly your­self too.

Yet, in some of these attempts to make the Union real, you may go beyond what is right and rea­son­able, you may end up being “the sac­ri­fice” rather than mak­ing a sac­ri­fice. That is why, as Mer­cury returns to Libra, that is why you may find a refresh­ing renew­al of your objec­tiv­i­ty and sense of bal­ance is offered to you. With Mercury’s help, you can try to forge a truer rela­tion­ship that folds togeth­er your Pas­sion for Union with your Rea­son of what is Right­eous and Fair too. For what would be the point of sac­ri­fic­ing what makes you “you”?

You are a com­plex hier­ar­chy of Ener­gy-Mat­ters: from Spir­it, to Mind, to Feel­ing, to Body…and all must work togeth­er, and they must blend, join, coop­er­ate and mod­u­late one anoth­er in a del­i­cate dance or bal­ance of sen­si­bil­i­ties in order for you to be as you will become one day, an awak­ened Dream-Mak­er wor­thy to be a con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Creation.

Fol­low Mer­cury, your Guide and Mes­sen­ger now as he weaves togeth­er Water and Air.

Be as a child of this Cre­ative Play­ground of Light and Love…

Blow­ing Bub­bles of Spir­i­tu­al Sub­stance and Truth.

Let your Airy Thoughts be Lov­ing­ly caressed…

By your Deep Felt Feel­ings for one another.

Let your Pas­sion­ate Desires be Mind­ful­ly expressed…

By your Lov­ing Thoughts to care for one another.

Be your Truth, Mind­ful and Loving…

Be the Cre­ator of We,

Be the Cre­ator of You.