Monthly Archives: September 2014

Mars Enters Sagittarius (September 13, 2014)


The Spir­its of Fire are stirring…

From Uranus in Aries,

Round to Jupiter in Leo,

Mars joins them now to make this Shin­ing Trio.

A Tri­ad of Inten­tion, of Love and of Truth…

These are the Gifts of Spir­it, these Tri­par­tite Blessings,

Lov­ing­ly embrac­ing you and your World.

Mars is mov­ing on, sweep­ing out of the mys­te­ri­ous depths of Scorpio’s waters, where the secrets of life and the keys to your immor­tal­i­ty lie. He leaps and bounds into the realm of the Archer…stretching, seek­ing and aim­ing for that Lumi­nous Tar­get, the ever-reach­ing aspi­ra­tion of your soul, the Heart of Truth, the Truth that is your Heart.

Mars is your Avatar of Desire, your self-pro­pelling insis­tence to go beyond, to grow and become more than what you have become so far. You are not so much a human being; you are the Self that is Becom­ing, (as is the entire­ty of Cre­ation, for each and every speck and mote, and Cos­mic Won­der too, all of it is of Spir­it, all are ones of the Light Divine). At the core of you, in your pre­cious lumi­nous cen­ter there is the Spark of Divin­i­ty. You are Spir­it, a lumi­nous being who is seek­ing to become, and your one impelling pur­pose that surges from this Divin­i­ty is to Grow.

There is no begin­ning that you will under­stand, and there is cer­tain­ly no end to what you will be or become…the only thing to know is this: you must, you can, you will rise high­er and high­er, go far­ther and deep­er than you can ever imag­ine now. Your lives stretch back beyond all know­ing, and your lumi­nous path stretch­es out ahead into the infin­i­ty that is Space.

Mars is com­ing now, out from the Waters of Scor­pio, where you crossed the divide between I and Thou. It is here where you encoun­tered the mys­tery of mys­ter­ies, here is what you faced and felt: that the great Illu­sion of your present form is Sep­a­ra­tion. The Great Long­ing and Truth you feel in your heart, is that all are of One Spir­it. That this is “the Way”, and so every­thing and every­one of you will seek to be reunit­ed, to be made whole again. You seek to be one again, as you already are in your heart of hearts, by being made as one again by, through and with one anoth­er in your Unions.

You faced your fears of Rejec­tion and Loss, you saw through the Illu­sion of this divi­sion into these many bod­ies and forms. For your High­er Self brings you through life after life to an ever increas­ing aware­ness and expe­ri­ence of your one­ness with all of Cre­ation. You, by the pas­sion that is Scor­pio, came a lit­tle clos­er to one anoth­er, you expe­ri­enced the one Ener­gy behind all forms, and you crossed the bound­aries that seem­ing­ly sep­a­rate you, and you felt the truth in this expe­ri­ence in your Love for one another.

Hav­ing plumbed the depths of this Truth, hav­ing felt the won­der of one­ness even for the briefest while, you have a need, you aspire now to lift your­self and this expe­ri­ence up into a greater realm of Con­scious­ness. From out of the world of your inner­most Feel­ings you seek to ride the streams of Spir­it that swirl and leap into the Inspi­ra­tions that spring from Fire. You aspire now to take what was per­son­al­ly mov­ing and see through to the eter­nal truths that stand behind what was felt with­in. You wish to dip into the Wells of Wis­dom and soothe your soul with calm and lucid Understanding.

For under­stand this, many, many have come along this path before you, and though you must do the work and walk this path too, they have left their Ways of Mean­ing for you. They are like bread­crumbs and whis­pers that inti­mate the Won­der that is this Cos­mos, and their offer­ings can help you to find your way as you con­sid­er the Eter­nal Forces and Forms that stand behind the mere appear­ances of your present day Reality.

You must seek to bind what was felt with­in to what you will dis­cov­er and learn by Seek­ing and Search­ing through many Teach­ers and Teach­ings. You will strive and dis­cern through the Sci­ences, Philoso­phies and Reli­gions that there is but one Riv­er of Truth, that flows around you but also ris­es from with­in you too. For As Above, so Below, as With­in, so Without…there is no dif­fer­ence. All are held as one by One, all are one in Spir­it. So the Truth that flows from your heart will ulti­mate­ly be met with the Truths that are lov­ing­ly passed down from your Elders too…

And from this you will find your Peace, you will know that though there are many, many paths, and that there are many, many melodies…you will know and accept that there is but One Song of Spir­it. There is but one Truth behind all truths, and that is the Truth that binds all to one, and the One to one and all…and you will smile for you know it is so, you will know that it is Love.

Mars has been in Scor­pio since July 25th, and now he moves upon the path­way of Sagit­tar­ius, build­ing and form­ing up into the one of the sig­na­ture align­ments of 2014, the Grand Trine of Fire which will be most exact at the Aries Full Moon on Octo­ber 8th.

May the Fires of Aries, Leo and Sagit­tar­ius light your way…

May you be Mind­ful­ly Present,

May you be Lov­ing­ly Respectful,

And may you Live the Truth of your Heart,

Love one another.

Full Moon in Pisces (September 8, 2014)


You walk the path of awakening…

You yearn to find your peace within,

And so there­by to have it sur­round you too.

You search for the mean­ing of life.

You look and long for under­stand­ing, and

One day you will know, you will real­ize, that

The Answers were always there, for they are in fact,

With­in you as much as they sur­round you too.

Look up at your elder broth­ers and sis­ters, the Plan­ets, Stars and won­ders above.

Their wheel­ing motions in the spaces of Space,

Regale and Inspire you with these ancient Songs of Life and Spirit.

They weave their Webs of Des­tiny and Truth,

Which also forms your Robe of Glo­ry too.

You are here to learn, you are here to grow…

And you will understand,

For that is your Des­tiny too.

You are to become out­ward­ly what you are in your inmost.

You are a Hier­ar­chy of Energy-Forms,

From bare­ly con­scious, sleep­ing Par­ti­cles of Dust,

On up to your Radi­ant Cen­ter of Illu­mined Light and Love.

And your whole jour­ney is this lift­ing up of all your var­i­ous bodies,

Into ever high­er, sweet­er and most sub­lime Realms.

You are here to be Full-Filled, to come into your place of Peace,

By, through and with this Resplen­dent Truth and Light and Love.

Anoth­er Full Moon will Light your way tonight. Anoth­er Gift of Spir­it will arch across the heaven’s above. Your Day­keep­er and Night­watch­er will greet one anoth­er once more. As the Sun sets the Moon will rise, and they will once again point the way towards the one true Path, the Inte­gral Path that is the Way of Spirit.

As the Sun holds now and shines by the Truth that is Vir­go, the Moon will answer with her reflec­tive light and pro­vide what is most nec­es­sary as a Bal­ance and Coun­ter­point by the Truth that is of Pisces. For this is the way of it. There is no one path or way, there is no one truth which can stand alone and apart, (except in that all these ways and truths are held in the Truth that there is but One Spirit)…for there is the One, the Divine with­in which all live and grow, and all are held togeth­er by one Truth-Force, Love.

All the melodies and themes of spir­it depend upon one anoth­er for their full­ness and mean­ing­ful­ness. They can­not be sep­a­rat­ed, for it is this Greater Truth that there is but One Spir­it, which will appear to you in count­less facets and forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion. Each theme or melody is true, but you will find its greater mean­ing is only dis­cerned in the light of this con­trast and bal­ance as exem­pli­fied in moments such as the Full Moon.

The Truth of Vir­go is there to hold you to the path of Crit­i­cal Dis­cern­ment. It is by this Gift that you are to con­stant­ly seek for your own self-improve­ment and growth. By using your ever-grow­ing aware­ness, you are able to free your­self from your ancient pat­terns of self-real­iza­tion that have out­lived their effi­ca­cy and now stand as your self-lim­i­ta­tions instead. You rise into more mean­ing­ful under­stand­ings and forms of expres­sions, which in turn can only take you so far. When you reach a cer­tain lev­el of dis­com­fort, or pain or suffering…you turn, you seek to under­stand and accept, and you let go and grow…again.

But Inte­gral to this process of Self-Tran­scen­dence is the oppo­site Gift of Spir­it found in the Realm of Pisces. For it is in Pisces that you expe­ri­ence the Grace of Faith, it is here in Pisces that you encounter your true source of Self-over­com­ing and Self-Tran­scen­dence. You are a Dream­er, you are an Imag­i­neer, and what you Believe you will become. The Truth of Vir­go, that you have the Sen­si­bil­i­ty and Intel­li­gence to dis­cern what is and what is not, what works and what does not. The greater truth is that this gift of Vir­go is made pos­si­ble and real by the Inspi­ra­tions of Pisces which fill your heart and soul with the Shin­ing Light of Love that is behind the whole of this Cre­ation. You need Vir­go to know How to do what you do; you need Pisces and your Imag­i­na­tion to Light your way of Dream­ing beyond what is, and so become what you are yet to be.

Stand tonight in the Middle,

Take the Noble Path of Integration…

Watch your star as it sets, watch your moon rise.

Hold them both togeth­er, embrace Vir­go and Pisces.

You are the Seek­er, you are the Dreamer.

You are here to Learn, to Grow…

To Dream,

To Believe,

To Love and be Loved.