Monthly Archives: October 2014

Mars Enters Capricorn (October 26, 2014)


Your Keep­er of those “realms beyond”,

Infini­ties stretch­ing beyond your blue orbed sphere.

Mars, your Avatar of Desire and Action,

Cir­cles round from Aspi­ra­tion to Manifestation.

Leav­ing the Realm of Fire,

He enters your Space of Destiny,

A most Sub­stan­tial and Earthy Realm.


It is not enough for you to dream and imagine,

You are here on Earth to become,

To be the Dream­er-Mak­er, the Self-Made-Manifest.

So you must climb a cir­cuitous stony path,

Forg­ing a Dia­mond Body of Karma-Dharma,

To be revealed in your Self-Illu­mined Spirit-Matter.


Mars enters Capri­corn today,

Your Spir­i­tu­al War­rior calls to you.

His Song of Self-Asser­tion/­Self-Actu­al­iza­tion has shifted,

And you must lift your gaze from the path.

You must look ahead, for you can see it now,

Your Ful­fill­ment, your Ori­gin and Destiny,

More Hum­bled and filled with Gratitude,

You can under­stand your Pur­pose and Prize.


Your heart­felt endeav­ors have made more of you,

And remade your world and your com­pan­ions too, and

There is some­thing more than was before.

And you have earned some well-earned praise,

For shoul­der­ing those Joys and Burdens,

That forms your path here upon the Earth.


But you must know, that your jour­ney is far from done,

Your Self-Mas­ter-Craft­ing, The Great Work continues,

Stretch­ing far beyond this hum­ble Plateau you stand upon today.

This Moun­tain of Mak­ing, your Crown­ing Achievement,

Is part of a greater under­tak­ing you share,

With hosts upon hosts of fel­low Light-Weavers,

Seek­ing as you the Greater Life, the Greater Understanding,

As all stretch upwards, all bend­ing back towards the Light Divine.


The Mes­sage of Mars in Capri­corn is about Respon­si­bil­i­ty in Action.

For your Self-Becom­ing/­Self-Mak­ing is not your own or of you at all.

You stand upon a path blazed by innu­mer­able souls who came this way,

Long, long ago.

Their Light and Love help you upon the path today,

And it is your Duty and Respon­si­bil­i­ty to like­wise turn to those who fol­low you.

To extend your­self, to bend your actions, feel­ings, thoughts and will to help­ing those,

Who look up to you now as you once did too,

So that you are reach­ing for­wards and back­wards, helped and helping,

Much as those who came before you, still on this path too,

Will lift you high­er and high­er each and every day.


For the Cos­mos is a Spir­i­tu­al Hier­ar­chy of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

You are but one Spark along a Nev­er-End­ing Lumi­nous Chain.

You are only what you are because of one another.

You are here to help one another…

You are here to be for one another…

You are here quite sim­ply to Love.

Mercury Turns Direct (October 25, 2014)


The tri­als and tribu­la­tions of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade are end­ing today. Oh yes, it seems as if it caus­es noth­ing but trou­ble, that when Her­mes retraces his steps, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Tech­nol­o­gy, Relationships…All Life seems to get turned upside down/inside out. But real­ly, this is not the case at all!

Yes, it appears that this is so, but appear­ances are deceiv­ing. Mer­cury is not “caus­ing” these things. Remem­ber, you are the “Actor” down here, and these ener­gies that are mov­ing through and around you, are not there to frus­trate or harm you. You just need to under­stand and work with them.

For the past three weeks every­one was, whether they real­ized it or not, every­one was more Introspective/Contemplative. So out­ward activ­i­ties and com­mu­ni­ca­tions were more chal­leng­ing. Either through a fail­ure to approach the mat­ter atten­tive­ly, or to receive the mes­sage or action atten­tive­ly. From either one side or both, errors would enter in.

But this was from a fail­ure to appre­ci­ate this shift in the Song of Spir­it that flows through and around you.

What Mer­cury ret­ro­grade offers you is a gift…But life does go on.

So you just have to learn to be even more…

Hum­ble, Thought­ful and Attentive.

When­ev­er these Winds of the Spir­it swirl…Listen for these shifts in the Song of Spir­it, so that you may align your­self with the Greater Self, with­in which you tru­ly abide.

I wrote of this turn­ing in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Mer­cury Direct (Octo­ber 25 until Feb­ru­ary 6, 2015)

Mer­cury goes direct until Feb­ru­ary of 2015. You have com­plet­ed three rounds of Water/Air ret­ro­grades of Mer­cury. This three-fold dance that showed you the link­age between your Feel­ings and Thoughts ends with this reminder that for you to expe­ri­ence the pas­sion of a more per­fect Union depends upon your Con­scious­ness being guid­ed by true Jus­tice and shared Prin­ci­ples, that you must ever be guid­ed by tol­er­ance and under­stand­ing for one another.

Time to turn again…

To con­sid­er more what is “out there”,

To show how more adept you have become, as

You move with a new-found Grace,

Into that Space between I and Thou.

Your Inner wan­der­ings, first by Water and now by Air,

Reveal­ing more tru­ly your rela­tion­ship to yourself,

Were to review/revise your assump­tions and patterns,

Which you forge as your “half” of any rela­tion­ship you are in.

But now you must take this Gift of Contemplation,

Hermes’s Pen­sive Pause,

You must turn with Mer­cury now and build a bet­ter bridge of Understanding,

Between your­self and one another.

The Vita Con­tem­pla­tive must give way to this “Time of Praxis”,

For you are here to build with one anoth­er a far more Intel­li­gent Social Space.

That only in your Mutu­al under­stand­ing and sup­port for one another,

Only in this do you ful­fill your true heart’s desire,

To Love and be Loved.

To know that you can­not see, you can­not know,

With­out the Light of Under­stand­ing that you shine,

For one another.

The Light of Understanding,

That is formed and framed,

By Love.

New Moon in Scorpio, Partial Solar Eclipse (October 23, 2014)


The Time of Scor­pio is at hand…

You stand before the Eighth Portal.

You have come togeth­er, hold­ing hands,

But now you face the ulti­mate Illu­sion and Promise.

You face the divide that lies between “I and thou”,

That you are sep­a­rate from one another.

You will have your Sal­va­tion by your Faith,

Which is found­ed upon the Greater Understanding,

That you and I are “One”,


You are an immor­tal, abid­ing for a time in this won­drous mor­tal frame.

There is no form which will last, for every “thing” must pass away.

You have no eter­nal phys­i­cal body or even name of you,

For you are Spir­it, and at the core of you burns a Spir­i­tu­al Spark of the Divine.

Your one Imper­a­tive, your truest call­ing, is to grow, to learn…and so become.

You must move in, and through and then beyond any one form.

For each of these embod­i­ments is both a fulfillment,

and your prison too.

Beside you, with­in you, a Lumi­nous Pres­ence in your journeys,

Inspir­ing, Guid­ing and Lov­ing the whole stream­ing Lives of these forms of you,

There abides Pure Love, there is your Beloved, who is your sil­ver chord to the One,

The One from which all came, and to which all will one day return.

Your High­er Self moves with you through all these Worlds and Lives,

Yet ever-lift­ing and draw­ing you clos­er to an even greater you,

Beyond any life or world, you ascend to ever more sub­tle forms of Self-Realization.

You must be born into form, and you also must release, again and again.

You cel­e­brate this life, but quake at the por­tal of the next, which you call death.

You want to live for­ev­er, yet your Immor­tal­i­ty was already a given.

You will come to real­ize the Truth,

That you live only in “the Eter­nal Now”,

That you were, are and will always be in motion,

Through Worlds, and Forms and Lives.

There is no ces­sa­tion, no still­ness that abides.

You have names for your pas­sages, from mys­tery to mystery,

What you mar­vel and fear, these Births and Deaths, they are mere doorways,

For you are Spir­it, and your path leads ever onward.

You are nev­er alone, and your Lives and Loves are always with you…

They are you.

You have formed one anoth­er and your Paths are spun and twinned together.

You are a host of energies/experiences, of count­less lives then and now.

From a Star you went forth, with a whole hosts of Lights,

You all went forth togeth­er to become this Uni­verse of I and Thou.

From this lit­tle Cos­mos of your Cre­ation, yes you, and you and you,

All of you will become Stars your­self someday.

For that is your Destiny.

From One into many lives, from a Star to being a host of many Stars and then beyond,

You are here to rise above the great Illu­sion that is Separation,

You are here to cross the divide between “I and Thou”,

You will come to see and know,

That you Live in the Light of the One.

That you are embraced in the love for one another,

The won­drous reflec­tion of the Love of the One.

You, you are a pre­cious spark of Light Divine,

And you are here to Grow into a Sun.

This is the month of Scor­pio, and these Truths about and lessons in your Mor­tal­i­ty and Immor­tal­i­ty are the core of this sign’s Song of Spir­it. With­in each and every one of you, some essen­tial part of you is Scor­pio, some­where this Song sings of your Truth. Of your long­ing to be part of some­thing greater, to belong with and be for one anoth­er, to join in Unions of Self-Tran­scen­dence and break your Fear of Rejec­tion, the Fear of Loss, the Fear of Death.

Make no mis­take, this is a big day for you and for Scor­pio too…

Today the Sun Enters Scor­pio, and there is a New Moon in Scor­pio, and that New Moon is a Solar Eclipse, and Venus Enters Scor­pio too! It would be awful­ly hard to miss the mes­sage of the stars with so much being offered to you now.

When­ev­er a Sign begins with a New Moon, there is a rein­forc­ing empha­sis of its mes­sage, it is even more sacred and spe­cial. The next few Sign tran­si­tions will be like this, the Sun chang­ing Signs along with a New Moon, and this series of New Moons will lead to a very spe­cial New Moon at end of this year, at the begin­ning of a new sea­son in Capri­corn. That align­ment will indeed be accom­pa­nied by sacred cer­e­monies and ini­ti­a­tions for those who are ready.

You will feel this tran­si­tion today, from Air to Water, from Thought to Feel­ing. The three Water Signs are about “Con­nec­tiv­i­ty”: In Can­cer you re-affirm and re-con­nect to the roots of you, to your Fam­i­ly and Home, to your Cul­tur­al and Spir­i­tu­al Foun­da­tions, and from this Cen­ter­ing upon your Ori­gins you can feel that you “Belong” to this flow of Being that is Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. In the last Water Sign of Pisces, you open your­self to the bound­less­ness of Spir­it and Cre­ation, feel­ing-know­ing your­self to be an essen­tial part of the Greater Life of Spir­it. You Find Joy and Peace in Know­ing that you are tru­ly one with the One, and your Faith becomes your Truth, your Des­tiny ful­filled as an Illu­mined co-cre­ator of this Creation.

And so here, in Scor­pio, you feel that most pre­cious, per­son­al con­nec­tion, that I and you have joined togeth­er, fac­ing one anoth­er, let­ting go of our fears, so that as we release our­selves from the less­er we are able to build upon the greater Val­ues and Love that we share. We turn towards one anoth­er and join in sacred unions of self-tran­scen­dence which become the very instru­ment of our self-ful­fill­ment by and through our uncon­di­tion­al love for one another.

I wrote about this par­tic­u­lar New Moon Eclipse in my Gen­er­al Forecast:

Solar Par­tial Eclipse (Octo­ber 23)

The final Eclipse of the year is a Par­tial Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees of Scor­pio. Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble, which begins off of Kam­chat­ka, Rus­sia and races over to Cana­da and most of the Unit­ed States.

On this first day of Scor­pio, when you again take up a most awe­some task (that you will encounter again and again in your jour­ney upon this Earth), you face the Spir­i­tu­al Neces­si­ty of over­com­ing the Illu­sion that is your expe­ri­ence of Sep­a­ra­tion. Today you now meet this moment with the added empha­sis and pow­er brought by the eclipse. A deep­er seed­ing of mean­ing will be offered to those who have the courage to look beyond appear­ances and seek for the under­ly­ing truth.

Every New Moon is spe­cial, and each Solar Eclipse forges an even greater offer­ing of guid­ance and inspi­ra­tion for that expe­ri­ence of that Sign. But even more is offered to you today. For with the Sun enter­ing Scor­pio and also align­ing with an eclipse of the Moon, Venus also par­takes in this “Triple Con­junc­tion of Truth”.

As you make your attempts to bet­ter join with one anoth­er, to lay aside fear and show your strength by your will­ing­ness to offer one anoth­er a space to share togeth­er, as you reveal your char­ac­ter and spir­i­tu­al grace by replac­ing your cau­tion, self-doubt and fear of rejec­tion with your open­ness and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, Venus here too will come to lend you a hand.

For the entrance of Venus, your Avatar of Love, into Scor­pio reminds you that you have noth­ing to fear but fear. That you are here to Love your­self, and you are here to love one anoth­er as your­self too…for how could you not. For who stands before you is some­one who long ago, and today and in many lives to come will be one of the ones who made and will make you who you are. You are already made of one anoth­er, you are all mixed up togeth­er, for ages and ages, and the Illu­sion that you must wash away is the sep­a­ra­tion that seems to be between you.

You are found­ed in Love…

You have forged one anoth­er by your many Lives of Lov­ing one anoth­er too…

You will become what you will by being Co-Cre­ators of this Creation…

Your Cre­ation, which is held togeth­er by the Light that is Spirit,

And you will Know and Feel this Light as Love.

Full Moon Eclipse in Aries & Mars Trine Jupiter (October 8, 2014)


The Grand Fire Trine of Uranus, Jupiter and Mars cli­max­es today and com­bines with the Eclipsed Full Moon. All togeth­er, the Moon oppo­site the Sun, com­binined with the three points of the Grand Trine form a most Beau­ti­ful Grand Trine “Kite” pat­tern as you can see in the pic­ture above.

The dance of the plan­ets spi­rals and swirls all around you, always form­ing intri­cate pat­terns of mag­is­te­r­i­al beauty…But some days, like today, their spir­i­tu­al melodies reveal a har­mo­ny of mean­ing that is tru­ly won­der­ful, lov­ing and wise.

I men­tioned this Lunar Eclipse in my 2014 fore­cast, and here is what I wrote then:

Full Total Lunar Eclipse (Octo­ber 8)

The third Eclipse of the year is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries. As in all Lunar Eclipses, the Earth­’s shad­ow is pass­ing over the Moon. This means that the mes­sage you need from Aries is hard­er to dis­cern as it is obscured by the Earth­’s shad­ow, and the req­ui­site bal­ance you would receive to the pre­vail­ing Solar Forces in Libra may take more effort to understand.

Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble, which is through­out the Pacif­ic Ocean and the lands that sur­round it.

The Gifts of the Spir­it that are brought to you by the Grand Fire Trine was described in my post­ing of Sep­tem­ber 25, 2014, and you can and should read that here, “Jupiter Trine Uranus”. For today, let’s con­sid­er the mean­ing behind the Eclipse Full Moon, and fold in the inspi­ra­tion that is offered up by Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo and Mars in Sagit­tar­ius too.

Each Full Moon pro­vides a nec­es­sary reflec­tive coun­ter­point to the dom­i­nant theme of the month, which is set by the Sun’s pas­sage through any one sign. With the Sun in Libra, the Solar ener­gies are bend­ing you, they are pulling you towards a greater self-sac­ri­fice so that you will be able to cre­ate, pre­serve and extend your part­ner­ships. But giv­en this, you actu­al­ly will find that you need to be remind­ed, here and now, that you are, by def­i­n­i­tion, one-half of any rela­tion­ship that you are in.

There­fore, for you to cre­ate and pre­serve a tru­ly bal­anced field of social mean­ing­ful­ness, you must seek for ways to pos­i­tive­ly assert your­self. You are and must be the “oth­er” half of the “Scales of Libra” in order for there to be a rela­tion­ship between one and anoth­er. If “every­one” is on the one side over­much, if there is no coun­ter­point of sense and sen­si­bil­i­ty, if the bound­aries between Self and Oth­er are not made well, then you just end up with co-depen­dence and enmeshment.

But today’s Full Moon in Aries is being shad­owed by the Earth, for as the Moon reach­es it fur­thest point beyond the Earth’s orbit, where it should be ful­ly Illu­mined by the Sun, the Earth is posi­tioned between the Sun and Moon so that the Earth’s shad­ow pass­es over the face of the Moon.

The Illu­mi­na­tion or Rev­e­la­tion of the Full Moon is obscured, hid­den and so you must pierce beyond your own self-cast shad­ows (for it is you and your doubts and fears that will pre­vent you from see­ing the Greater Real­i­ty of you and your World). You have to look beyond this dim lit real­i­ty, you need to see the Light that is always there for you, (and real­ly, tru­ly, is with­in you too), but that light is now hid­den by the dark­ness of your present day illusion.

You can only be with one anoth­er when you are true to your­self; You can only be true to your­self by know­ing that you are made by and for anoth­er too. You are you because of one anoth­er, you have shaped and formed one anoth­er, for ages and ages, and the Illu­sion you face is your sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er. Yet, you are indi­vid­ual sparks of the Divine too, and you must relate to one anoth­er in such a man­ner that cel­e­brates and nur­tures your dif­fer­ences from one anoth­er as much as you build your ener­getic-webs of shared expe­ri­ences and sen­si­bil­i­ties too.

The Truth of Libra/Aries is that is that you are you and also a we too…

You must stand in the Middle…

In the light of the beau­ti­ful Full Moon,

Which is equal­ly the Light of your Sun too.

There are no Shadows,

Only degrees of Light and Love,

Danc­ing a Spi­ral Dance.

There is I and Thou,

There is One and Many,

Embraced by Love,

One with the One.

Mercury Turns Retrograde (October 4, 2014)


Time to turn around again…

To glance back and reconsider…

Whence, wither…and why.

Here is what I not­ed in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast regard­ing this third and final Mer­cury ret­ro­grade for 2014:

Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade (Octo­ber 4 until Octo­ber 25)

The third and final ret­ro­grade of 2014 is here, and Mer­cury will move from about 2 Scor­pio back to around 17 Libra. Just as in the pre­vi­ous two ret­ro­grades, you are bridg­ing the ele­ments here as you move back out of Water and into an Air Sign. With all three Mer­cury ret­ro­grades hav­ing had this link­age of Water and Air, you have been giv­en an oppor­tu­ni­ty to form a much deep­er appre­ci­a­tion of the inte­gral con­nec­tion between the depth of your Feel­ings and the wis­dom of your Thoughts. As you will often find though with Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, many issues in your present day life may slow down or be put on hold as you go back to fin­ish some mat­ters that you left behind.

Her­mes, the mes­sen­ger of the Gods is pass­ing you by. Oh yes, it seems as if he is going “back­wards” to you…But that is because your point of view is lim­it­ed and cir­cum­scribed by the nature of your expe­ri­ence in this dance of the plan­ets. Plan­ets nev­er go in reverse, of course, but rel­a­tive­ly speak­ing you will come to real­ize more about the nature of truth vs. Truth, and that what appears to be so obvi­ous­ly true, well it is not quite true after all.

In a way, each Mer­cury ret­ro­grade pro­vides anoth­er reminder from the stars, as you strive to become wis­er, that the key to this is Humil­i­ty. Mer­cury reminds you that you must first let go of your pre­sump­tions and pre­con­cep­tions, which by deliv­er­ing to you what you expect also hide from you the Greater Real­i­ty in which you abide. You must be hum­bled by your mis­con­cep­tions, and the errors and mis­takes that they cre­ate, you must “suf­fer” in order to let go of the less­er so that you might rise into the Greater Under­stand­ing. For when you let go of your old, cer­tain per­spec­tives (which are also your blind­ers), you can then open your­self to the uni­verse with the eyes of a child, filled with won­der and new-found delights.

You are seek­ing “the way”, you are always look­ing for answers. The prob­lem is you do not know what you do not know, and you can­not find a bet­ter answer unless you pose a more inclu­sive ques­tion. You have to con­stant­ly ques­tion your assump­tions, and there is no bet­ter time to do this than when Mer­cury takes you back with­in your­self, and this “Men­tal­i­ty of the Moment” turns inward and helps you to con­sid­er the nature of thought itself.

Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to re-exam­ine you, to turn your won­der­ful fac­ul­ty of self-con­scious/­self-aware­ness back upon itself, and with the help of your High­er Self, to pierce beyond your own self-cast shadows.

First you must be will­ing to take these oppor­tu­ni­ties, to know that in every sin­gle moment in which you expe­ri­ence an obsta­cle, delay, imped­i­ment and defeat is yet anoth­er chance for you to turn your­self around. Each cri­sis is actu­al­ly anoth­er pre­cious moment in which you can choose to grow, to take anoth­er path, to find a bet­ter way to be. And, if you do this, you will become more aligned with and true to your High­er Self, who is ever faith­ful, stead­fast and by your side. Your High­er Self or Beloved is there always with kind­li­ness and com­pas­sion, whose “soul” pur­pose is to lift you up into this bet­ter way of being…but you have to choose…you must choose to let go of the old ways and grow.

From now until Octo­ber 10th, Mer­cury will ret­ro­grade in Scor­pio and Her­mes’ lamp of lucid­i­ty will shine upon your most heart-felt of feelings…that you desire to tru­ly cross the divide between I and Thou and expe­ri­ence a deep, deep union with one anoth­er. To do this, with Mercury’s help, you need to shine the lamp of Min­er­va upon your shad­ows, those fears of rejec­tion and loss, and do what­ev­er you can to put them behind you.

If you fail to do this, then these karmic bonds will pre­vent you from being a freer, liv­ing spir­it, where spir­i­tu­al strength is mea­sured in your vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, com­mit­ment and open­ness. For it is these Lov­ing Qual­i­ties which form the absolute require­ment for build­ing a greater union with one another.

Yes, you were hurt, and yes you can (and will) be hurt again, for this is how you learn…But if you hold your­self back and fail to cre­ate the con­di­tions for what your heart desires, well then you have already lost, for you have reject­ed your­self, and anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow will be lost. Choose instead to face your fears, choose instead to let them go…and grow.

Then from the 10th until the 25th of Octo­ber, while Mer­cury con­tin­ues to ret­ro­grade in Libra, you will be remind­ed of how your aware­ness is formed through the inter­play of one another’s points of views and per­spec­tives. You are not made by you alone, as many, many souls have touched and illu­mi­nat­ed your jour­ney, and helped to form and forge your aware­ness, as you have done like­wise for count­less souls as well.

You are made of one anoth­er, and you need to take this time to remem­ber that you do not, real­ly, know much on your own at all. The very term “Con­scious­ness” means “Know­ing-Togeth­er”, and you should see that your mind and thought-forms are more like a field of ener­gies that sweep through and between you, mak­ing each of you what you are, but that your very con­scious­ness is insep­a­ra­ble from you being made of and by one anoth­er too. Your strength comes from shar­ing, blend­ing and know­ing together.

You need one anoth­er, to bal­ance and coun­ter­point, to medi­ate and mod­u­late your thoughts through one anoth­er. With Mer­cury ret­ro­grade in Libra, you need to refresh your “Mind that is Relat­ed­ness”, to be thank­ful to those who have sup­port­ed your jour­ney on this path to wis­dom, and be grate­ful that they gave you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help them to see beyond their shad­ows too.

Wel­come this gift of the Spirit…

Mer­cury is ret­ro­grade now, and stronger than ever.

You are here to grow,

You are here to be together.

You are here to learn,

You are here to be better.

Let Her­mes light your way!