Daily Archives: October 7, 2014

Full Moon Eclipse in Aries & Mars Trine Jupiter (October 8, 2014)


The Grand Fire Trine of Uranus, Jupiter and Mars cli­max­es today and com­bines with the Eclipsed Full Moon. All togeth­er, the Moon oppo­site the Sun, com­binined with the three points of the Grand Trine form a most Beau­ti­ful Grand Trine “Kite” pat­tern as you can see in the pic­ture above.

The dance of the plan­ets spi­rals and swirls all around you, always form­ing intri­cate pat­terns of mag­is­te­r­i­al beauty…But some days, like today, their spir­i­tu­al melodies reveal a har­mo­ny of mean­ing that is tru­ly won­der­ful, lov­ing and wise.

I men­tioned this Lunar Eclipse in my 2014 fore­cast, and here is what I wrote then:

Full Total Lunar Eclipse (Octo­ber 8)

The third Eclipse of the year is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries. As in all Lunar Eclipses, the Earth­’s shad­ow is pass­ing over the Moon. This means that the mes­sage you need from Aries is hard­er to dis­cern as it is obscured by the Earth­’s shad­ow, and the req­ui­site bal­ance you would receive to the pre­vail­ing Solar Forces in Libra may take more effort to understand.

Here is infor­ma­tion about the Eclipse and where it will be vis­i­ble, which is through­out the Pacif­ic Ocean and the lands that sur­round it.

The Gifts of the Spir­it that are brought to you by the Grand Fire Trine was described in my post­ing of Sep­tem­ber 25, 2014, and you can and should read that here, “Jupiter Trine Uranus”. For today, let’s con­sid­er the mean­ing behind the Eclipse Full Moon, and fold in the inspi­ra­tion that is offered up by Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo and Mars in Sagit­tar­ius too.

Each Full Moon pro­vides a nec­es­sary reflec­tive coun­ter­point to the dom­i­nant theme of the month, which is set by the Sun’s pas­sage through any one sign. With the Sun in Libra, the Solar ener­gies are bend­ing you, they are pulling you towards a greater self-sac­ri­fice so that you will be able to cre­ate, pre­serve and extend your part­ner­ships. But giv­en this, you actu­al­ly will find that you need to be remind­ed, here and now, that you are, by def­i­n­i­tion, one-half of any rela­tion­ship that you are in.

There­fore, for you to cre­ate and pre­serve a tru­ly bal­anced field of social mean­ing­ful­ness, you must seek for ways to pos­i­tive­ly assert your­self. You are and must be the “oth­er” half of the “Scales of Libra” in order for there to be a rela­tion­ship between one and anoth­er. If “every­one” is on the one side over­much, if there is no coun­ter­point of sense and sen­si­bil­i­ty, if the bound­aries between Self and Oth­er are not made well, then you just end up with co-depen­dence and enmeshment.

But today’s Full Moon in Aries is being shad­owed by the Earth, for as the Moon reach­es it fur­thest point beyond the Earth’s orbit, where it should be ful­ly Illu­mined by the Sun, the Earth is posi­tioned between the Sun and Moon so that the Earth’s shad­ow pass­es over the face of the Moon.

The Illu­mi­na­tion or Rev­e­la­tion of the Full Moon is obscured, hid­den and so you must pierce beyond your own self-cast shad­ows (for it is you and your doubts and fears that will pre­vent you from see­ing the Greater Real­i­ty of you and your World). You have to look beyond this dim lit real­i­ty, you need to see the Light that is always there for you, (and real­ly, tru­ly, is with­in you too), but that light is now hid­den by the dark­ness of your present day illusion.

You can only be with one anoth­er when you are true to your­self; You can only be true to your­self by know­ing that you are made by and for anoth­er too. You are you because of one anoth­er, you have shaped and formed one anoth­er, for ages and ages, and the Illu­sion you face is your sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er. Yet, you are indi­vid­ual sparks of the Divine too, and you must relate to one anoth­er in such a man­ner that cel­e­brates and nur­tures your dif­fer­ences from one anoth­er as much as you build your ener­getic-webs of shared expe­ri­ences and sen­si­bil­i­ties too.

The Truth of Libra/Aries is that is that you are you and also a we too…

You must stand in the Middle…

In the light of the beau­ti­ful Full Moon,

Which is equal­ly the Light of your Sun too.

There are no Shadows,

Only degrees of Light and Love,

Danc­ing a Spi­ral Dance.

There is I and Thou,

There is One and Many,

Embraced by Love,

One with the One.