Daily Archives: October 24, 2014

Mercury Turns Direct (October 25, 2014)


The tri­als and tribu­la­tions of Mer­cury ret­ro­grade are end­ing today. Oh yes, it seems as if it caus­es noth­ing but trou­ble, that when Her­mes retraces his steps, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Tech­nol­o­gy, Relationships…All Life seems to get turned upside down/inside out. But real­ly, this is not the case at all!

Yes, it appears that this is so, but appear­ances are deceiv­ing. Mer­cury is not “caus­ing” these things. Remem­ber, you are the “Actor” down here, and these ener­gies that are mov­ing through and around you, are not there to frus­trate or harm you. You just need to under­stand and work with them.

For the past three weeks every­one was, whether they real­ized it or not, every­one was more Introspective/Contemplative. So out­ward activ­i­ties and com­mu­ni­ca­tions were more chal­leng­ing. Either through a fail­ure to approach the mat­ter atten­tive­ly, or to receive the mes­sage or action atten­tive­ly. From either one side or both, errors would enter in.

But this was from a fail­ure to appre­ci­ate this shift in the Song of Spir­it that flows through and around you.

What Mer­cury ret­ro­grade offers you is a gift…But life does go on.

So you just have to learn to be even more…

Hum­ble, Thought­ful and Attentive.

When­ev­er these Winds of the Spir­it swirl…Listen for these shifts in the Song of Spir­it, so that you may align your­self with the Greater Self, with­in which you tru­ly abide.

I wrote of this turn­ing in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Mer­cury Direct (Octo­ber 25 until Feb­ru­ary 6, 2015)

Mer­cury goes direct until Feb­ru­ary of 2015. You have com­plet­ed three rounds of Water/Air ret­ro­grades of Mer­cury. This three-fold dance that showed you the link­age between your Feel­ings and Thoughts ends with this reminder that for you to expe­ri­ence the pas­sion of a more per­fect Union depends upon your Con­scious­ness being guid­ed by true Jus­tice and shared Prin­ci­ples, that you must ever be guid­ed by tol­er­ance and under­stand­ing for one another.

Time to turn again…

To con­sid­er more what is “out there”,

To show how more adept you have become, as

You move with a new-found Grace,

Into that Space between I and Thou.

Your Inner wan­der­ings, first by Water and now by Air,

Reveal­ing more tru­ly your rela­tion­ship to yourself,

Were to review/revise your assump­tions and patterns,

Which you forge as your “half” of any rela­tion­ship you are in.

But now you must take this Gift of Contemplation,

Hermes’s Pen­sive Pause,

You must turn with Mer­cury now and build a bet­ter bridge of Understanding,

Between your­self and one another.

The Vita Con­tem­pla­tive must give way to this “Time of Praxis”,

For you are here to build with one anoth­er a far more Intel­li­gent Social Space.

That only in your Mutu­al under­stand­ing and sup­port for one another,

Only in this do you ful­fill your true heart’s desire,

To Love and be Loved.

To know that you can­not see, you can­not know,

With­out the Light of Under­stand­ing that you shine,

For one another.

The Light of Understanding,

That is formed and framed,

By Love.