Your Keeper of those “realms beyond”,
Infinities stretching beyond your blue orbed sphere.
Mars, your Avatar of Desire and Action,
Circles round from Aspiration to Manifestation.
Leaving the Realm of Fire,
He enters your Space of Destiny,
A most Substantial and Earthy Realm.
It is not enough for you to dream and imagine,
You are here on Earth to become,
To be the Dreamer-Maker, the Self-Made-Manifest.
So you must climb a circuitous stony path,
Forging a Diamond Body of Karma-Dharma,
To be revealed in your Self-Illumined Spirit-Matter.
Mars enters Capricorn today,
Your Spiritual Warrior calls to you.
His Song of Self-Assertion/Self-Actualization has shifted,
And you must lift your gaze from the path.
You must look ahead, for you can see it now,
Your Fulfillment, your Origin and Destiny,
More Humbled and filled with Gratitude,
You can understand your Purpose and Prize.
Your heartfelt endeavors have made more of you,
And remade your world and your companions too, and
There is something more than was before.
And you have earned some well-earned praise,
For shouldering those Joys and Burdens,
That forms your path here upon the Earth.
But you must know, that your journey is far from done,
Your Self-Master-Crafting, The Great Work continues,
Stretching far beyond this humble Plateau you stand upon today.
This Mountain of Making, your Crowning Achievement,
Is part of a greater undertaking you share,
With hosts upon hosts of fellow Light-Weavers,
Seeking as you the Greater Life, the Greater Understanding,
As all stretch upwards, all bending back towards the Light Divine.
The Message of Mars in Capricorn is about Responsibility in Action.
For your Self-Becoming/Self-Making is not your own or of you at all.
You stand upon a path blazed by innumerable souls who came this way,
Long, long ago.
Their Light and Love help you upon the path today,
And it is your Duty and Responsibility to likewise turn to those who follow you.
To extend yourself, to bend your actions, feelings, thoughts and will to helping those,
Who look up to you now as you once did too,
So that you are reaching forwards and backwards, helped and helping,
Much as those who came before you, still on this path too,
Will lift you higher and higher each and every day.
For the Cosmos is a Spiritual Hierarchy of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.
You are but one Spark along a Never-Ending Luminous Chain.
You are only what you are because of one another.
You are here to help one another…
You are here to be for one another…
You are here quite simply to Love.