Monthly Archives: November 2014

Mercury Enters Sagittarius (November 27, 2014)


Your Avatar of Mind­ful­ness is mov­ing on…

Time for you to leave, for now, this spi­ral dance of Elements,

That took you back and forth, by Thought and through Feelings,

Between realms of Air and of Water…

and then Air and Water once again.

Yes, it is time to con­sid­er you and your journey,

To see your­self and your world as well,

Through the Facet that is Fire.

Move your mind into this Realm of Understanding.

For it is by Right Think­ing, and by Right Living,

Through Truth, and by Uncon­di­tion­al Love,

That you become At One…Attuned.

Yes, it is time to Seek, See and Be,

Through the Lov­ing Lucidity,

That is Mer­cury in Sagittarius.

Mer­cury, your mes­sen­ger of the Gods is mov­ing quick­ly now. Sweep­ing into Fire for the next three weeks, and you should take advan­tage of this quick­en­ing in the World of Mind and Thought.

This shift of Mind can help you under­stand and share what could only be Felt or Intu­it­ed as you encoun­tered those deep­est of mys­ter­ies, your Unions and Loss­es, that were met in the realm of Scorpio.

For it is often true, as you grow, as you seek to become what you are meant to be, as you seek to under­stand the mys­tery that is your­self and your world, (which divi­sion, your “Fall”, is real­ly this illu­sion in time, your separation/divide into two, your expe­ri­ence of time as the past, present and future with­in the One Reality)…It is most cer­tain­ly true that you will begin to per­ceive or sense the Greater Real­i­ty in which you abide, and you will intu­it, and you will feel a Greater Aware­ness too. But you can­not yet “Name” it, you can­not yet describe or share what you felt…not yet.

Yet it will come, the High­er Self will lift you up as you stretch your­self to understand…and the mists will part, and the light will become stead­ier, and the words will form in your mind and on your tongue…and you will draw a lit­tle clos­er to the Ancient Wis­dom which is in you as much as it is and forms the worlds around you too…and you will be able to share.

You will lis­ten to the sto­ries that have been passed down, you will hear the ancient truths and remem­ber once more…why, what, whither…for noth­ing changes, real­ly. The forms will have shift­ed, but the Light and Love behind those forms will hold and hold you to the path and to the truth.

And, you will tell your sto­ry too…for you must, that is why you are here. For your Song of Spir­it is need­ed, you are here to bring yet anoth­er pre­cious melody into the Cho­rus of Cre­ation, to this Jour­ney of the Divine that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Mer­cury moves into Sagittarius…

And so shall you.

You will dip your cup into the Well of Wisdom,

To Explain your sto­ry to yourself…

To Accept and Understand.

And you will add your Sto­ry to this Ancient Well,

So that your Song may be added.

For now you remember,

You are here to help one another,

You are here together,

To Live the Wis­dom of Love.

Sun Enters Sagittarius & New Moon in Sagittarius (November 21–22, 2014)



The Greater Awareness

You have come very far…

Through many worlds,

By won­drous forms,

In count­less lives.

There was no “begin­ning”,

There will be no “end”,

For yours is the Jour­ney of Spirit.

You are The Self that is Becoming,

A Spark of the one Divine Flame,

And there is but one injunction:

To Grow.

You are here to Learn,

To Be and Become.

And in this present form, you are here to learn to be ful­ly human.

What is that?

Look to those who have “gone before”,

To them who lift­ed the veil of Isis, for

Their lives are an exam­ple to you.

They are known in many times and places, through many cul­tures and creeds.

Some are very famil­iar to you,

Most have worked and do strive with­out being recognized.

But all belong to the Ancient Order,

The lumi­nous Cir­cle of Cos­mic Consciousness.

They are known as Masters…for they have achieved Full Human Consciousness,

They have become the Self-Mastered.

They are your Teach­ers and Helpers…for most have stayed behind,

To help you and those that still remain.

Their path is your future,

They did not come to start any “reli­gion”,

They came to show you the truth, “the way”.

You are here to Present,

You are here To BE,

You will BECOME, and

You will AWAKEN.

Today you cel­e­brate the Ninth moment in your Twelve-Fold Jour­ney around the Cir­cle of Life, around the Liv­ing Ones who are known to you as the Zodi­ac. All of these ener­gies are part of you, all of them live through you, for you are the Micro­cosm of this Macro­cosm, you are a pre­cious spark in this Cos­mos. You are here to under­stand, mas­ter and live by all of these Ener­gy-Life-Forms (Signs) as you become ful­ly human, as you become ful­ly con­scious too.

You have passed once more through the month of Scor­pio, where you felt the Joy of Union, or the agony of Loss, and from one or both of these Feel­ings you began to sense, to intu­itive­ly per­ceive, the great rhythms of Liv­ing and Lov­ing, of Hold­ing and Releas­ing that are part of your jour­ney through these Spaces of Space.

But now, in this time of Fire, while you walk in the space that is Sagit­tar­ius, you are called to take what was felt with­in, and what you felt between you too, and bring this feel­ing out and into your know­ing, into the realm of Belief, into your Ideals and Under­stand­ing. For it is here that you become the teller of tales, by your shar­ing in sto­ries, and by this you come to your greater under­stand­ing, you come to the rev­e­la­tion that you know as truth…You move into the Tem­ple that is Truth…and you must know, yes you must trust this, that you are in fact a liv­ing Tem­ple of this truth.

For the Truth is not to be found “out there”, it is not held by only one or a few…it is to be found, it is stirred and awak­ened, and hon­ored and sung, by the heart and soul of one and all. The Truths that live on and on, in World after World, in Form after Form, in Life after Life, these Liv­ing Truths are in all of us, in you and me, in our ances­tors and in the Stars too. For the Great Illu­sion and Decep­tion is separation…The Greater Aware­ness is held in the core of one and all, for in truth we are all just ones of the One. There is but one Spir­it, there is but one Life, and there is but one sim­ple Truth…and that is Love.

Your sto­ry and the telling of all of our sto­ries is how you and me and we all come to know who we are, and to dis­cov­er why we are here…and to imag­ine and dream and believe that we are the ones, that we are the co-cre­ators of this Creation.

Just as those who came before you, who have walked this path of the Greater Aware­ness too, just as they freed them­selves from fear as they learned to be or live this Truth, you must share what you have learned of your­self and of one anoth­er. You have faced your dark­ness, but you have cho­sen, again and again, to turn towards the light. You have turned away from Fear and Doubt, and you have turned towards one anoth­er because of who you are, and you choose Love because you Understand.

For that is the Core of Truth,

This is the essence of the Greater Awareness.

We are all of One Life,

We are all of One Spirit,

We are all relat­ed, and

We are here to Love.

Venus Enters Sagittarius (November 16, 2014)


Your bright­ly shin­ing one,

She is singing now…

Of Ancient songs, of the far, far away.

She regales you with dis­tant times and for­eign shores,

Of King­doms and Empires,

Telling tales of Trea­sures and Ancient Truths.

She lifts a lit­tle more, the Veil of Isis,

Whose hid­den ways and passages,

Will lead you beyond the mysteries…

To the Illu­mined Realms,

To that Bless­ing Way.

You will find your path,

To your Place of Peace,

Which was always there with you,

Of course it was, for here it is…

It was always there with you, here

In your Heart of hearts.

Your Avatar of Love and Beau­ty ris­es from the Waters once more, she ris­es from the depths of Scor­pio where you soared to the joys of union, or fell into the despair of your sun­der­ing. Your Avatar of Hearts, who leads you ever onward, she led you to the Veil between the “I and Thou”, and she offered you anoth­er chance of find­ing your­self in and through one anoth­er. That you were to learn, that by let­ting go of the less­er, by the Fric­tion­al Bur­nish­ing off of what is the less­er of you, you actu­al­ly dis­cov­ered, that in com­ing clos­er to your beloved…you actu­al­ly came that much clos­er to your own true self too.

Or, or the Union came apart. Your attempt to leap across that divide did fail, and you find your­self in your loss and pains, swirling in “what might have beens”, and you are left with these seem­ing­ly emp­ty remains. But there is always growth, and often the greater in the loss­es, and you will find, in the dawn­ing of the new day, you will find it there, that there is always the pow­er of the present, the Love of the One, who will bring to you the ever-renew­ing hope of your re-birth.

Whichev­er way you came, whether through the path­way of Joy or Pain, Venus will offer some­thing pre­cious to you now…And, and because you will expe­ri­ence both, for all will rise and fall, (and all will rise again), you will need this help along your way, you will need to find your bet­ter way, for it is a long and cir­cuitous path, to find your way in this Jour­ney of Light that is the Self-that-is-becoming.

Venus Sings to you now of your need to Under­stand, to find the mea­sure of your Joy and your Pain, to see your truth as part of Truth…for your way is found as you con­nect your life and loves with the Wis­dom and Teach­ings of the Ages. Venus lifts you up, to look beyond your place and time, beyond your more self-cir­cum­scribed explanations…you are here to grow, and you have to let go of the dog­mas of destruc­tion found­ed by those who live by fear.

You need to see the com­mon­al­i­ties, the con­nec­tions between this and that, between I and Thou, and to bridge the divides that seem to be there between time and space, between reli­gions, cul­tures and clans…

You need only one Prin­ci­ple to guide you…and that is Love. To know that in the end, you and I, that us and them, that we are all of one Spir­it, that we are all in fact just “ones of the One”, who togeth­er make up this won­drous Jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Venus is here, to show you “The Way”,

For you are here to grow.

To Learn and to Know that what is right and true…

Is what is shared and found to be true for one and for all.

You are here to Grow into Wisdom,

You are here to Know and to Live,

The Wis­dom of Love.

Mars Square Uranus (November 12, 2014)


Your Avatar of Aspi­ra­tions and Actions,

Encoun­ters the Avatar of your Individuation.

Your Desires will be stirred,

Your Aims will be Elevated.

For what you seek,

Your one true Desire,

Is to be who you tru­ly are.

What, what do you need?

You need to be Free.

Yet, to be tru­ly free,

You must free one another.

True Free­dom is formed in the “Sacred Spaces” you forge between one anoth­er, in those Sacred Realms where I and Thou encounter each oth­er to form the “We”. In this cre­at­ed space, in this “Space of We”, each soul must strive to acknowl­edge the Truth and Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty of the oth­er. Each and every “I and Thou” must forge their sacred shared space so as to abide by the one pre­sid­ing prin­ci­ple of a true and Spir­i­tu­al relationship.

That con­di­tion, this Law of Free­dom and Indi­vid­u­a­tion, is that you must seek to form this “Space of We” so as to help one anoth­er to be more of who you are, to be true to one anoth­er as indi­vid­ual spir­its in your shared space. Your togeth­er­ness in hon­or­ing your indi­vid­u­al­i­ties in this shared sacred space is what forms the very sub­stance and sup­port of your free­dom to be yourself.

You want noth­ing more, you need noth­ing more, than for your beloved to become more of who they are with you. And you, you need noth­ing more than for them to give you this same spir­i­tu­al space of self-real­iza­tion too. You do not wish to lim­it your spe­cial­ness, your quin­tes­sence or indi­vid­u­al­i­ty; you want your expe­ri­ence of one anoth­er to cel­e­brate and expand this very spe­cial­ness. This is what you feel in the heart of one anoth­er, this is the sparkle of spir­it you see in their eyes…it is tru­ly this that you love about one another.

Free­dom is this Social Space of self-ful­fill­ment. To be apart and alone, that is not some per­fect real­iza­tion of what it means to be free…it is just quite poor­ly and sad­ly the state of being alone…it is only the shad­ow-side of some twist­ed notion of being free. Being apart or alone may be an attempt to be free “from” something…But what your soul seeks, what your heart desires, what your High­er Self knows is the Way and the Truth is found in this free­dom made by one anoth­er “To Be” and “To Become” for one anoth­er by Love.

Ulti­mate­ly, being with and for one anoth­er, hav­ing joined in this Space of Free­dom, in these Sacred Shared Spaces that release and cel­e­brate your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, you each can become what­ev­er you wish and dream because of your love for one another.

Your dreams are made of this…

To be Yourself,

To be Free.

To Love,

And be Loved.

To be Free.

Mars Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (November 10, 2014)


Your Desires meet,

With your Will.

Your Aims and Actions,

Lensed by a Pow­er­ful Pairing.

Your Guid­ing Intentions,

Focus upon the Purposeful.

For you have Responsibilities,

That you must Fulfill.

As you make your Way,

To a more Sacred Realm.

Mars, your Avatar of the Self-in-Action, meets with Plu­to, your Avatar and Mak­er of Sacred Space. When your Desire meets with your Will, the unreach­able becomes attain­able, the impos­si­ble falls away.

The com­bi­na­tion of Mars and Plu­to forms one of the most potent forces of Spir­i­tu­al strength or pow­er that you will ever wield…but for this very rea­son, this gift must be treat­ed with great respect, held with sin­cere rev­er­ence, and exer­cised with the utmost humility.

All these pow­ers that flow from you…they come from the core of Spir­it that abides with­in you. These pow­ers are not “for you” as the lim­it­ed I or me. You are not here to ask what Spir­it, or God or what­ev­er you may name “that” can “do for you”…You are here to serve Nature, to love your Moth­er-Father, to live for and with Spir­it or God! Ask how you may serve, and you will be lift­ed up and spir­i­tu­al­ly rewarded.

Your ever-grow­ing Wis­dom and Spir­i­tu­al Strength are for this Uni­verse that you and all the heav­en­ly hosts are creating…for you all are in fact this very “Cre­ation”. Your gifts and pow­ers are for the good of one and all, and any exer­cise of them for mere­ly your­self, any inher­ent­ly self­ish use of Spir­i­tu­al pow­er is in truth what is known as “black mag­ic”. When you use Uni­ver­sal Ener­gy for per­son­al and self­ish rea­sons, you dimin­ish the light, and you con­tribute to dark­ness. You have turned away from Truth, and you have left the realm of Kind­ness, Con­sid­er­a­tion and Love.

You are here to dis­cov­er and dis­cern by tri­al and error, to mas­ter your­self through the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple of Cause and Effect, the Mas­ter Keep­er known as Kar­ma. You will learn to choose to do what is good, why? Because quite pure­ly and sim­ply it pro­duces good. Any Intention/Action that helps to grow the greater good, which helps the many and not the few, that is when you push back the dark­ness and extend the Light of Spir­it. That is when you fol­low the path of Truth, that is when you walk “the way”…that is when you are the Life of Wis­dom and you live by Love.

You are here to be respon­si­ble for and to one another…

This is the Les­son and Truth of Capricorn.

You are here to hon­or and keep to the path,

To build upon the great efforts of those who came before.

You are here to pro­tect, pre­serve and act,

To hon­or the source of one and all.

You must use your pow­er to Cre­ate, not destroy.

You will learn to act with Pow­er and by Love…

For it is the Way, it is the only path,

That will take you Home.