Your Spiritual Journey,
Is all about Holding on…
and Letting go.
You will visit countless worlds of manifestation,
You will pass through many wondrous hierarchies of form,
You will live many lives moving through each form…
But even so, you will ever and forever always journey on.
For you seek for the Transcendent,
The promise of Permanence,
You yearn to experience an eternal you,
Behind all these constantly changing worlds, forms and lives.
The Taurus Full Moon in this month of Scorpio is the necessary compliment to the Scorpio Full Moon of six months ago. It was during that Month of Taurus, it was then that you were reminded to bow your head and give thanks to the Hierarchy of Love and Wisdom that lights your path. The great lessons embodied in the Life and Teachings of the Buddha are honored at that time. One of the most important of these is this: that the nature of you is that you are a host of energies and forms that is constantly developing, changing, growing into something more…and that there is nothing “permanent” in your “human” form.
But it is equally true that one abiding constant that you will find in your many lives, throughout your many journeys, is held for you in what are known as the Perennial Truths, the Ancient Wisdom Teachings. These gifts of the Spirit become real for you by and through those who have come this way before, the many compassionate wise ones who will ever show and help you in the next step, who loving offer their help so that you may find “the way”…but you, of course, must walk this sacred path yourself.
Here in the Light of the Taurus Moon you are given another loving gift of Wisdom. Just as you need to accept the ephemeral nature of your bodily lives and forms while moving through the time that is Taurus, you equally need some reassurance as you journey now through the Joys and Pains of Scorpio. For as you encounter your heartfelt leaps and falls, as you find Union and Separation, as you experience Death and Rebirth, that through it all you will find yourself making your way to the abiding loving presence behind it all.
For what you must leave behind is your fear…that you are alone, that you are separate, and the presiding nature of things is that nothing lasts. The Great Illusion is this separation, and the Abiding Truth is that all of this, the entirety of Creation is of, by and for the One. All these Worlds, Forms and Lives form the radiant robe of Glory of the Divine which is found at the center of every speck and mote of Creation. All of “this” is The Divine, whose Center is Everywhere and whose Circumference is nowhere.
At the center of each and every mote and particle of Creation is a spark of this Divine, each like you a Self-Unfolding, Self-Becoming Presence of Consciousness. That presence, that Awareness of Awareness, is your constant companion through all the Worlds, Forms and Lives. And you will come to know this and feel this in many, many ways in your journey. But behind it all, the essence of it truly, is that you are one with the One, and you journey in the embrace of a Pure and Unconditional Love…and you will come to know and live that you are this Love.
You are here to grow…
To move from form to form,
To Be, and Not to be.
To be a One, and to be Many.
To be Love, and be Loved.
As it was invoked six months ago at the Buddha Full Moon, it is quite right and fitting to bow your head in the light of the Full Moon today and tonight, and be grateful. To give thanks to those who have gone ahead, and bow your head and offer up once again the Great Invocation:
From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door
where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.