Your Avatar of Desire and Action,
Is pushing beyond the rims of reality.
For Forty Days you have climbed a little higher…
You have pulled and pushed yourself along,
Striving to ascend that winding-weaving way.
As by Leaps and by Falls, and leaping yet again,
You have made your circuitous journey.
You have forged another well-earned space,
Upon your Path of Purposefulness.
For this is how it is done,
This is your Self-Unfoldment,
This is your Destiny.
You have sought by Capricorn to do your part…
To Bring your Vision in Truth together,
To Fold your Ideal into Forms,
And by Praxis make yourself a Greater Reality.
You came to this world, your Earth,
To bring Spirit, Thought and Feeling into Matter,
To be a Creator, to be what you are…and yet so much more.
Your Desire formed your Actions,
Now met in your Self-Substantiation,
Your ever-growing Responsibilities,
To be a Maker/Creator,
To be a One.
You look out now from this Higher Place, to the far, far away…And you realize, that your journey is far from done. For you are here to unfold and become, you are in fact the Self-that-is-Becoming. And this means that your Journey of Life-Consciousness-Spirit is for one thing truly, and that is quite simply, purely and wonderfully this…you are here To Grow.
But you Journey with many other ones, within a wondrous shining host. You travel with one another, with your Brothers and Sisters, for you will never be nor can you become alone, not ever. Your Aims and Intentions are modulated now as Mars moves on, through those Gleaming Ideals of your Brighter Tomorrows that is Aquarius…and you will find your Dream and your Fulfillment is to be made in, by and through one another, for how could it be otherwise…
Your Aims and Actions now will be focused upon the World that you wish to live in, in the shining dreams of what is yet to be. You will know that in fact that your dreams are made of one another, for what else is there. Your dreams are not made of “things”, of your possessions and the transient, passing objects of this or that…Your Dreams are made of one another, of your fulfillment and shared experiences by which you come to be and love one another…You are one another’s dreams, and you are made of one another too.
Your real Dream is this Living Reality of Individual Self-Fulfillment, and this is found and forged in your Dream-Making Space that you call “Freedom”. It is your freedom “to be” and “to become” which is only possible when your Aims and Intentions are to allow one another, to encourage one another to be more truly who they are by being in this Shared Space of Self-Fulfillment. For from the One has come the Many, and out of Many there is in the end but One.
Freedom is not the “freedom from” something, it is your freedom (and their freedom) “to be and become”…and this quite simply is the Shared Sacred Space you create with and for one another. And this, this is what Mars is leading you into now. For without Freedom for all, there can be no Freedom for any. That is why your sacred duty is and will always be to help to extend the Spaces of Freedom for one and for all.
This is your Sacred Path of the Self that is-Becoming; This is your Creation Song.
Your Avatar of Action is calling to you now.
You are here to help one another…
You are here to free one another…
You are here to become who you are…
You are here to be what you are,
A brightly shining one,
Singing Creation’s Song.