Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2015)


You are the Alpha,

And you are the Omega.

You were there in the “begin­ning”,

And you will be there at the “end”.

Your Spi­ral Dance of Spir­it came out from No Thing…

From the Un-Man­i­fest, from Non-Being…

From “Noth­ing”, came all this Creation.

Out of the Dark­ness, now there is this Light,

Out of “That”, out of the One,

Came all of you, came all of you ones of the One.


All of this Creation,

Is a vast Spi­ral­ing Hier­ar­chy of Consciousness,

The One Light behind it all, you know and feel as Love.

Span­ning inward­ly and outwardly,

Between the Twelve Dimen­sions, and also with­in them too,

By the Dream­ers and the Builders,

From the intri­cate spi­ral­ing dance of the Infinitesimals,

To the Vast Spi­rals of Stars, Galax­ies and hosts of Super-beings,

It is all the same,

It is all the One,

It is all of you.


In Time and Space,

In Motion and in Still­ness too,

All of this Man­i­fes­ta­tion, this is the Body of the One.

All form the won­drous Spi­ral Dance of Spirit,

All Sing the Spir­it Songs of Consciousness.

All of this, and all of you,

All of “That” is this Jour­ney of Becoming.

All of this is Creation,

Which is from, comes from, and is made by your Love.

All of this, all of this, becomes as the becom­ing of Spirit

Because of you.


Your year begins in Fire,

In the spring­ing forth that is Aries.

Your year now clos­es in Water,

In the draw­ing inward that is Pisces.


The whole Arc of this year, and all your many years,

Of what you faced in your self-made fates,

And what you forged anew in reply,

Now you must draw and weave these ener­gy-forms together,

To Form your resplen­dent, shin­ing Robe of Glory.

From all these mem­o­ry-mean­ings are formed and found,

That most pre­cious gem,

That sparkling star, your High­er Consciousness,

And it is tru­ly this, this Story,

This is the Sto­ry and Truth that is you.


Here in this sacred space, this is your time,

To remem­ber who and what you were, are, and yet will be.

You are the Dream­er in your Creation,

Walk­ing the sacred Path­ways of the Presence,

For though it seems to be just behind or beyond you,

As you move in these Times and Spaces,

You will abide, as always,

In the only Cre­ative Space of Freedom.

Here in your ever­last­ing Presence,

Here you will find the Way,

Here you will be a Creator

Here in the Eter­nal Now.


Each step you take is precious,

Each Sign, each month a les­son for you,

By which you become and so make what you will be.

And there is no end to that, no final step that you may see.


Yet wise ones do say, there is some­thing even clos­er to you here,

That here in Pisces the final song and Truth of Spir­it rings out.

Here you walk beside the Ever­last­ing Waters,

Here you behold the Won­ders of your Faith and Dreaming.

For this is the gift of your Ori­gin and Destiny,

That you are a spark of the Divine,

Here is your Foun­tain-Source of Truth.

This forms your most price­less essence,

Your Dia­mond-Body, your Pearl of Great Price,

This very Quin­tes­sence that is you.


Yes, you are a Dreaming-Creator,

And, it is time to see the pow­er of your Faith,

And, to under­stand why you still have Fear.

To know that what you shall become,

Is always mea­sured by what you gave,

And so you shall receive, exactly

What you made by you before.


To under­stand that what brought you low,

Shall be the very means that will lift you up.

For you can only grow in your stumbling,

To try, and fail and to try again.

And so you learn and choose to do better.


And you will only know this in liv­ing by Truth,

You will only under­stand this by liv­ing with Faith,

You will only feel this by liv­ing through Love.


You will know and walk this path of the Wise Ones,

To see and live for the dawn­ing of your bet­ter days.

For only you can make that Shin­ing City on the Hill,

You can and will do this someday.


So in this time of Pisces,

Remem­ber who you are,

A Dream­er, a Creator,

Who by walk­ing your Path,

In For­give­ness and Humility,

By Kind­ness and Compassion,

You will awak­en to your Truth,

An Immor­tal in this mor­tal Frame.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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