Monthly Archives: April 2015

Sun Enters Taurus (April 20, 2015)


The first ques­tion in the Book of Life is:

Who are you?

And the sec­ond, per­haps even more mys­te­ri­ous query will ever be:

What are you?

The Zodi­ac, the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, the Ener­gy-Forms that fill the spaces of space, that form (and inform) all of this Cre­ation (for know what your heart tells you is so, the whole Uni­verse is tru­ly “alive”), reveal and bestow the mean­ings, pur­pos­es and des­tinies for every mote and speck in this Cos­mos. For each and every mon­ad or par­ti­cle, from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal on up to unimag­in­able infini­ties, whether in min­er­als, plants or ani­mat­ed beings, in flow­ers and bees, in a sin­gle mol­e­cule or in the moun­tains, and moons and stars, and so also in each cell of your body, and most impor­tant­ly, abid­ing for­ev­er at the cen­ter and very high­est part of your being too, all of these ener­gy-forms have as their ensoul­ing core, all have as their most pre­cious heart, a self-lumi­nous spark of Divinity.

You are part of a vast Hier­ar­chy of Spir­it, which is upon a jour­ney of Con­scious­ness, of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it mov­ing from states of aware­ness that begin with just the mer­est sense of being, on upwards to forms of un-self-aware con­scious­ness to ever more evolved and pur­pose­ful states of self-aware con­scious­ness. The entire­ty of Cre­ation is a spi­ral­ing chain of Life-Forms, of Spir­its mov­ing in and out of Mat­ter as each one, and then all togeth­er, jour­ney to ever greater reach­es of Spir­i­tu­al self-fulfillment.

You find your­self now in the Human King­dom, where a great chal­lenge and gift is offered to you. Here as “human” you have what greater beings and less­er can only imagine…you have the gift of choice. It is because you are here to dis­cov­er who and what you are, to under­stand like­wise who and what trav­els with you too, and you can only do this, as you learn by tri­al and error, through reach­ing up and falling down, and reach­ing up again…you learn what is good and what is less good. You are here to learn to lift your­self up, to con­scious­ly choose to con­tin­ue upon the path of Spir­it, to align your­self with your ori­gin and so hon­or the path that forms your destiny…you learn by fol­low­ing this cir­cuitous path of self-unfold­ment, you learn and choose what is good and true.

In Aries, wher­ev­er it is found in your chart, and when­ev­er you are in such a time and place that speaks of this, you are to learn again that in Aries you are here to find your true Self, to acknowl­edge “the pres­ence” with­in, to become aware of the “aware­ness of aware­ness” that watch­es over all that you were, are and are yet to be. It is your know­ing of know­ing, it is the first gate you must pass, the Por­tal of Spir­i­tu­al Pres­ence: “I am”.

Now in this time of Tau­rus, and when­ev­er and wher­ev­er you encounter this Liv­ing One, you are brought before the Sec­ond Por­tal of Spir­it to expe­ri­ence what you know as your man­i­fes­ta­tions, your mate­ri­al­iza­tions, your won­drous forms of embod­i­ment which serve you in what­ev­er world and dimen­sion you find your­self to be mov­ing through.

You are com­posed by a hier­ar­chy of vehi­cles of self-real­iza­tion. Descend­ing from the realm of pure Spir­it, you have a Spir­it Body, a Men­tal Body, an Emo­tion­al Body and then some form of Phys­i­cal Body too. But always, in each of these forms, and at the core of each of the innu­mer­able par­ti­cles mak­ing up these bod­ies, there is the pri­mal ener­gy-form, the essen­tial essence of all these Light-Forms, there abides the One, there you are one with the Divine.

This is the answer to your sec­ond ques­tion, of what are you? You are “THAT”, you are a spark of the Divine. And that as much as is it is with­in you, is you, it sur­rounds you too. You are a pre­cious par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, and as much as your core is a por­tal to the Infi­nite, being of and from the Divine, then too you will know that the entire­ty of Cre­ation is with­in you too! You are a Divin­i­ty mov­ing towards mas­tery, as is the entire­ty of Cre­ation so mov­ing too…The Illu­sion you must over­come is this appear­ance of sep­a­ra­tion, and the Greater Aware­ness to which you strive is to know and to live the Truth that there is but one Spir­it, one Con­scious­ness and one Divine Will.

That is why you are here, to learn, to grow, to under­stand and so to smile…to look with­in your­self and to “bow” to that divin­i­ty that is the core and true essence of you…And that is why you are here to equal­ly turn to your broth­ers and sis­ters, to revere all crea­tures, plants, moun­tains and stars…You are to turn to them all and bow your head in most joy­ful acknowl­edge­ment… and say the Bless­ing of Truth, which express­es this fun­da­men­tal One­ness of Creation:

Namaste” (“I bow to the Divine with­in you”).

I am that, I am.
