Monthly Archives: June 2015

Sun Enters Cancer, The Solstice (June 21, 2015)


Four Cor­ners mark the year-long dance around your Star; Four Sea­sons laid out in this Cir­cle of Light, Life and Love.

Two begin as Equinoc­tial, where Day and Night are equal, their por­tals marked by Aries and Libra, the Signs that begin your sea­sons called Spring and Fall.

Two begin as Sol­sti­tial, where Day and Night are most unequal, which begin with Can­cer and Capri­corn, the sea­sons you know as Sum­mer and Winter.

Sol­stice means “Sun Stands Still”, for it is at this time of the year that the Sun ceas­es to move fur­ther North or South in the sky, and begins to move in the oppo­site direc­tion. At either Sol­stice, the Sun will appar­ent­ly rise or set at the same point of the hori­zon for sev­er­al days. Then, on the third of fourth day after the exact Sol­stice, you can see that it has slow­ly begun to move back towards the oth­er Sol­stice point, (where it will arrive six months lat­er). So, for sev­er­al days, it appears as if the Sun is stand­ing still…and you and your world wait for a sign, for a turn­ing in this sto­ry of Light and Love.

Of course these turn­ings reveal the Earth’s bob­bing up and down on its axis, as it tilts towards or away from the Sun dur­ing one orbital sweep around your star. You are wit­ness­ing, what is for you, the fun­da­men­tal “Dance of Light and Love” that flows from the Lord of Light and shines upon you here on the Earth. It is this play of Light and Shad­ow that forms the fun­da­men­tal rhythms of Increase and Decrease, of Life and Death, the Sacred Cir­cle of Begin­nings and Endings…and Re-Begin­nings, that mark your jour­ney through the Cir­cle of Life and Light.

The Zodi­ac, which is known as the “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, is dis­tin­guished and mod­u­lat­ed by the inter­play of two con­di­tions, by the Four Ele­ments and the Three Qual­i­ties, which com­bine to form the Sacred Twelve you know as the Signs. So far in this Zodi­a­cal Year you have been Inspired by the Car­di­nal Fire that is Aries; then you have expe­ri­enced your Sub­stan­ti­a­tion through the Fixed Earth of Tau­rus; and final­ly you have been brought into a greater Self-Aware­ness through the Muta­ble Air that is Gemini…

So now you come to this, to the next turn­ing in the Cir­cle of Life, you come to the last of the Ele­ments and to the begin­ning of yet anoth­er Sea­son. You, in some sense, “begin again”, (for your life is a cir­cle, or real­ly a spi­ral jour­ney, and there is no absolute begin­ning nor end, and you may mark any point on any Cir­cle or Spi­ral and see it as a begin­ning for you…and so it shall be). You begin again as you move into the next Car­di­nal Sign, for now you enter the Sacred Space of Cen­tered Feel­ing as you dive into the Car­di­nal Water sign that is Cancer.

For it is from Fire that you find your Vision or Inspi­ra­tion, and by Earth that you bring your vision into Real­iza­tion, and through Air that you come to Know and Under­stand. But, in the end, you need to bring these all togeth­er, you need to gath­er all of them as one, for this is “the way”, this is the way you and the Uni­verse tru­ly are, and you need to Feel your way and be as you tru­ly are…Whole and Fulfilled…Complete. You bring you and all of your expe­ri­ences togeth­er by Feel­ing the whole of you.

There are three modes of each Ele­ment, and so three “Ways of Feel­ing” to bring you to your whole­ness. In Can­cer, you con­nect to the roots of you, you go with­in to your Sacred Cen­ter, to your ori­gins and foun­da­tions. You look to your Fam­i­ly, to your Vil­lage or Tribe, to your Eth­nic­i­ty, to your Cul­ture and Traditions…and ulti­mate­ly to the One from whom all came. You feel your way back­wards in time, along the sil­ver chord of all your lives stretch­ing beyond all imag­in­ing; and, you will then mys­te­ri­ous­ly and mag­i­cal­ly feel your way ahead too, to what you are yet to be…

In Scor­pio you con­nect to the one (or the many) who is before you, you blow beyond the illu­sion that is sep­a­ra­tion and expe­ri­ence the won­der and mag­ic of “we”, of two becom­ing one, as you enter into the mys­tery of com­bi­na­tion, of trans­for­ma­tion, that sacred space of Alche­my and Rebirth, for it is here that you move into the realm that is the Union with one another.

And final­ly, in Pisces, you reach beyond this life, beyond any one life or form of life as your Spir­it awak­ens to the Greater Aware­ness of the “One Life in the One”. For thrilling through all the par­ti­cles and plan­ets, through all the spaces of Light and Shad­ow, what is the ulti­mate realm of this Cre­ation is there in the One Spir­it. And you come to your Faith-Filled Dream­ing nature, and you will know that all of this won­der that is Cre­ation, that it is the Body and Mind, it is the Heart and Spir­it, that all of this is the Love of the One, which is in truth the breath of life for one and for all.

So in this first of the three, in this Sacred Space that cel­e­brate the Waters of Life, take some time to look with­in, to feel the truth of the liv­ing pres­ence at the cen­ter of you. Whether it is found through your Father or Moth­er, through your Grand­moth­ers or Grand­fa­thers, in your tribe or band of broth­ers and sis­ters, wher­ev­er and through whomev­er you feel your kin­ship and your truth, you will also feel the deep­er and greater truth that all are ulti­mate­ly secured and cen­tered, all are root­ed by and through the one Life and by the one Love that is Spirit.

For your Secu­ri­ty and Cen­ter, the heart of you, is that you are made of and by one anoth­er, and you have been cared for and nur­tured by one anoth­er again and again, (for ages and ages). You are for each oth­er a gate­way to the cen­ter of the uni­verse which is tru­ly to be found with­in you as it is also there in every part of this won­drous home we call Cre­ation too.

If you fol­low your many roots, as you feel your way with these feel­ing-mem­o­ries-truths, as you go deep and deep­er, you will come to the very same cen­ter that is there for one and all. You are all relat­ed, you are all one with the One.

There in the heart of you, there is the heart of this uni­verse too…

For you came from the One, and

Your lives and love are the Song of Spirit.

You will find you way home,

As you under­stand that you nev­er real­ly left after all.

For you live for­ev­er in this Riv­er of Lives and Light,

As you trav­el the Sil­ver Chord of Radi­ant Splendor,

Singing songs of Spirit,

Mak­ing your way Home.