Monthly Archives: July 2015

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2015)



These are not those “things” as you know them.

These are mod­u­la­tions of the one Light of the Cen­tral Star.

They form the Four Cor­ners of the Cos­mos; They are the Wheel­ing Cross of Ener­getic Rays from which all of you and all of this cre­ation is made. With­in you, and through­out the cos­mos these ener­gies weave togeth­er the Song of Life which is this won­drous jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

In turn, these Fun­da­men­tal Four man­i­fest in Three States of Expres­sion: Car­di­nal, Fixed and Muta­ble, (Form­ing, Hold­ing and Trans­form­ing). Togeth­er, these 4 in 3 ways form the “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, the Zodi­ac to you. From the most infin­i­tes­i­mal forms of life on up to the Galac­tic, these Spir­i­tu­al Rays weave togeth­er to form the lives of one and all.

All Twelve are active, all of the time, in each and every mote and speck of cre­ation, through all the inter­me­di­ary Life-Forms (includ­ing you), up through the Hier­ar­chy that is Cre­ation into the spi­ral­ing sys­tems of plan­ets and stars, and then beyond to even greater gath­er­ings you know as galax­ies, and clus­ters of galax­ies too…and even more, for there are dimen­sions inward­ly and out­ward­ly, hier­ar­chies with­in hier­ar­chies, far beyond your present perceptions.

This Cir­cle of Life fol­lows a nat­ur­al rhyth­mic pro­gres­sion of unfold­ment, where­by each sign pre­pares for and leads into the next, and yet all of them togeth­er form an ever-present whole, an inte­gral Spir­i­tu­al Cir­cle of Light, a con­stant inter­play of ener­getic forms of meaning.

To know these Ener­gies and Live them as one, this is the Jour­ney of Cre­ation you are upon. Today you cel­e­brate anoth­er turn­ing in the Wheel that is Life, today you enter again a place of Fire, today you make your way into the Time of Leo.

To under­stand what is before you now, you need to look back, to con­sid­er from where you have just come. You need to remem­ber and to bring your­self out­ward now into a greater expe­ri­ence of self-real­iza­tion, for this is how you ful­fill the promise of the time and the space that you had with­in Cancer.

It is by Can­cer that you turn inward and feel the foun­da­tions that secure your life back and forth through time beyond imag­in­ing. To reach back to the count­less lives that you have lived in worlds and var­i­ous forms; to feel also the sup­port and love that is forged in the depths and extent of your feel­ings for your present-day com­pan­ions; and, to appre­ci­ate also this rib­bon of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, the “Sil­ver Chord” that extends out into the count­less lives ahead of you too. You find in Can­cer the source of you, you feel the whole and heart of you, and from this affir­ma­tion there aris­es with­in you an answer­ing surge of spir­i­tu­al fer­vor. The “Fires” are stirred with­in you once more as you sal­ly forth into the realm that is Leo.

As much as your first expe­ri­ence of Spir­i­tu­al Fire in Aries was the expe­ri­ence of the Aware­ness of Self, or for Self-Aware­ness, the time that is Leo is for the expe­ri­ence of the greater Release of your Self, this time of Leo is for Self-Expres­sion. It is in Leo that you Grow as a Cre­ator, you take Risks as a Leader, as you more per­fect­ly live in the Uncon­di­tion­al Love that is your Spark of the Divine Light.

Leo is a part of you, and it should and can be active in every moment of your life. But in this month of Leo, you should strive to con­nect more deeply with your Authen­tic Self, and so bring forth your Truth and Essen­tial Nature, what is called your “Quin­tes­sence”.

I love to exam­ine words, and the ori­gin of this word quin­tes­sence is from the Latin, (and then by way of French and Mid­dle Eng­lish). In Latin, it is the “quin­ta essen­tia”, which means “fifth essence”. The Age you now trav­el through, the Age of present day Humans, is known as the time of the Fifth Root Race. And, of course, Leo is the Fifth Sign of the Zodi­ac. The Four Essen­tial Ele­ments, of Fire-Earth-Air-Water were said to be held as one by this Fifth Ele­ment, Ether, from which all are derived and which per­me­ates them all.

The essence of Leo is this: In Leo you are to release from the secured cen­ter you forged in Can­cer the Truth of you…and that Truth is that you are, in your Essence, in your Quin­tes­sence, you are a Spark of the Divine…you are Pure and Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

You are here to dis­cov­er who and what you are…and then you are to be the very best of that. You are here to find your bliss, to be your bliss. To do this by liv­ing as you were made, by being present ful­ly where you are, and by know­ing that you ulti­mate­ly abide in the heart of the One, as a Spark of the Divine…You are here to be as you are, Pure Love for your­self, and for one anoth­er too.

For from this very expe­ri­ence of the Essence that is you, you will also know that this is true for every part of this Cre­ation too. You are here to be your­self, to Love your­self Unconditionally…and you are here to Love one anoth­er this way too.

This is all there is. This is the Truth and Teach­ing that was there in the Begin­ning, that holds all the Realms and Worlds togeth­er, and it is this Love that will wel­come you home too.

This is the Jour­ney you are upon…

It is the Path of Self-Aware­ness, Self-Expres­sion and Self-Understanding.

It is the Jour­ney from, in and to Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

All of the hurts, pains and ter­ri­ble trau­mas of this world,

Will one day be washed away,

When this Truth is lived by one and all.

For Today, and for all your tomor­rows to come,

You have but one Essence that will bring you home,

Just Love.