Monthly Archives: August 2015

Sun Enters Virgo (August 23, 2015)


You are a Spark of the Divine…

Pro­pelled by one imma­nent purpose.

You are what you are…

As you Grow, as you Become,

As you unfold your infi­nite potential.

Your pur­pose, to ful­fill your Divinity…

To become what you inher­ent­ly are.


Through all these Forms and Worlds,

In life after life, age upon age,

A pres­ence, an awareness,

A Light that shines within.

Listen…for the Voice of the Silence.

And You will find your way.


The Cycling, Spi­ral­ing Jour­ney of Spirit

Is turn­ing once more.

For there are 3 great moments in the

Sea­sons of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

There is a time to Start…

There is a time to Hold…

And a time, like now, that you must Let Go.


Each Sea­son starts with a Car­di­nal Sign,

You Begin a new Cycle of Activity.

A Fixed Sign fol­lows, the Mid­dle of a Season,

Where stead­fast­ness and deter­mi­na­tion hold sway.

Ah, but it is now, in a time of Transition,

Here in this moment of Mutability,

Of Adapt­abil­i­ty, Inge­nu­ity and Grace…

It is here where your Spir­i­tu­al Self tru­ly shines through.


In each of the four Muta­ble signs, as one Sea­son flows into the next, you must adapt and adjust. You use your gifts of Self-Aware­ness and Dis­cern­ment to har­vest the lessons and form a more per­fect Life. You take the essence of what you have learned and leave the rest. By this you tru­ly shine as a Cre­ator, form­ing your­self into ever more refined real­iza­tions of your essen­tial nature.

The Wheel of Life turns, and it is time to reap your pre­cious har­vest found in the mean­ings and mes­sages of Vir­go. It is in this time that you seek to find your way along the Inte­gral Path of Whole­ness, where­by a mean­ing­ful order­ing aris­es from an ever grow­ing align­ment between your Inner World or Spir­i­tu­al Nature that is grad­u­al­ly yet sub­stan­tial­ly real­ized in your out­er real­i­ty too.

When you come to this expe­ri­ence, of Inner and Out­er Attune­ment, you are in your “place of seren­i­ty”. You walk the path of whole­ness; you are Beau­ty in motion when you lis­ten to the Still­ness in your Heart and walk the Inte­gral path­way of Peace.

But you and all of Cre­ation are of the One, the One Spir­it, whose beat­ing heart is to Grow and Become…and so there is no Final, Per­fect or Sta­t­ic Form in all these worlds, forms or lives…There is no “Per­fec­tion”. There is only Becom­ing, there is form­ing and re-form­ing, mov­ing in and mov­ing out, there are begin­nings, mid­dles and end­ings that are the tran­si­tions to ever renew­ing begin­nings. There is only the path­way, and you must walk on…

Yet, yet behind it all there is…the Pres­ence. With­in you, and with­in every speck and mote of Cre­ation there abides the Spark of the Divine. And to vary­ing degrees, each and every Life-Con­scious­ness-Spark of the Divine has come to some Aware­ness of this, that all is One and One is all. So that all of these, the entire innu­mer­able hosts of the ones are learn­ing from this still­ness and from this motion too, and so through them all and guid­ing them all is found the shin­ing path that is from and leads back to the One.

Your aware­ness of aware­ness, your pres­ence, is the most Divine part of you. It is your beloved, form­ing a nev­er-end­ing source of Uncon­di­tion­al Love. It is this which will lead you to your path of beau­ty, to heal­ing and re-birth. For in order to become what you have yet to be, you must ever seek to align with this good that is your heart, and bring this Peace and Love and Beau­ty into the world around you too.

This is the time of Virgo,

Where you cel­e­brate by sacrifice.

You let go of the lesser,

To raise up what is greater.

This is the time to Remem­ber, once more, that you are Beautiful…

This is the time to Lis­ten to the Voice of the Silence…

This is the time for Humil­i­ty, Ser­vice and Grace.

Walk in Beauty,

Live by Love,

Go in Peace.