Monthly Archives: October 2015

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2015)


You are an Immortal…

A Being of Wis­dom, Love and Light.

You began this jour­ney of becom­ing, long, long ago…

Mov­ing from Age to Age, through World after World.

The Divin­i­ty with­in work­ing by count­less forms,

Sweep­ing through a ver­i­ta­ble infin­i­ty of lives.

You are a Hier­ar­chy of Energy-Forms,

From your inner­most Immor­tal Presence,

Reach­ing down into your pre­cious mor­tal frame.

At your inner­most and high­est there is the Spark of the Divine. It is your You, the “Watch­er”, your High­er Self who is lov­ing and lift­ing all these many bod­ies or vehi­cles of your Self-in-Manifestation.

This Inner­most and your less­er forms, all trav­el as one through many Worlds, Forms and Lives. It is this Inte­gral Hier­ar­chy of you that makes pos­si­ble your expe­ri­ence of the many dimen­sions of Space-Time-Form.

In each World, Form and Life, your High­er Self Inspires and Guides these less devel­oped forms of you. And, they equal­ly make pos­si­ble your jour­ney of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it by and through these many Ener­gy-Forms that are the Hier­ar­chies of the Cosmos.

With­in each life episode, each indi­vid­u­al­ly and all of you togeth­er rise high­er and high­er in this Cos­mos of Mind, Love and Will.

You are, in essence, your own lit­tle cos­mos of Life and Love…Yet you are also a pre­cious mote or spark of light with­in the Greater Cos­mos of the One.

For you, once you have crossed the razor’s edge that is self-aware­ness, there comes the poignant, pow­er­ful and awe­some con­fronta­tion with your essen­tial nature, that you are an Immor­tal in a Mor­tal frame. You are in your essence for­ev­er, you some­how “know this”, and yet you are only here in this form and life for a very short while indeed.

You are pow­er­ful beyond reck­on­ing, and yet so frag­ile too. You are Time­less and yet cir­cum­scribed by the immutable Laws of Kar­ma, by the work­ings of cause and effect, your jour­ney seem­ing­ly defined by Birth and Death…and Re-Birth.

In each life, and through many parts with­in any one life you will come to this moment you face now, you come to the Mys­tery and the Promise…

This is the por­tal you face now, this is the Time and Space in which we cel­e­brate this dance of Life after Life, of Birth and Death, of our Immor­tal­i­ty and Mor­tal­i­ty, this is the time that is known as Scorpio.

You are made of all these Liv­ing Ones, they all abide, inform and guide you, from with­in through and from all around you too. These Twelve Avatars of Uni­ver­sal Ener­gies and Forms, this Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones have become pop­u­lar­ly become known as the Signs of the Zodi­ac. They are much more than is con­ven­tion­al­ly under­stood, as they are Builders of this Cos­mos, Prin­ci­ples of the Ancient Wis­dom, a pre­cious Core of the Peren­ni­al Phi­los­o­phy, and their mean­ings and mes­sages are about the sto­ry of Spir­it. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, they reveal, guide and inspire your jour­ney of becoming.

For you to become what you are meant to be, you must and will mas­ter all of these Twelve. To be ful­ly human, to be awak­ened you will be all of these Signs com­plete­ly some­day. But through­out these Twelve there is no greater chal­lenge, no greater test or gift as the one which is held in this the Eighth Sign of Scorpio.

In Libra you met the expe­ri­ence of the oth­er, you formed the sacred space that is shared, the Space of We. It is where that you begin to tran­scend your illu­sion of alone­ness and sep­a­ra­tion, you begin to form the rain­bow bridges of under­stand­ing between one another…but this is not enough. Not for you or for them…You must go fur­ther, beyond. Beyond the illu­sion and to the Truth of One­ness and Union.

This is the promise and per­il of Scor­pio. The sweet joy of becom­ing one with one anoth­er nec­es­sar­i­ly places you upon the path of unimag­in­able Joy as you reach beyond the illu­sion that is sep­a­ra­tion and know in fact that you are tru­ly you when you are one with one anoth­er. That what you see look­ing back at you is anoth­er spark of the Divine, and there in them you see the Mys­tery of the One. In them and in you, and by your let­ting go of fear, you expe­ri­ence what is behind it all…it is all about Love. You feel the feel­ing behind all of Cre­ation, for you now know that you have found one another…again. And there are no words for this, you are in a sacred place that is tru­ly beyond all words…

But because of this you also have tak­en anoth­er step upon the path of pain…for noth­ing and no one is for­ev­er. If you love, you will feel joy; and so you will and must feel pain too. For this is the way of Truth. How could it not be so? The pain you will one day feel, when some­one leaves, or is tak­en away, or when they pass away…You won­der how, how can you bear this pain?

And for a time, maybe a long time, it is seem­ing­ly unbearable…and that is not alto­geth­er bad, for it is the liv­ing proof that you are Human, that you care, and feel…and so you should. But it will pass, for even­tu­al­ly the pain will turn into this Under­stand­ing: that it is the Love that was there, and is here now, and that will always be that is ever-present Song of Spir­it. Your pain is your love, and you will choose to Love again and again.

Because you will accept: that this pain is the refracted/reflected mir­ror of the Joy and Hap­pi­ness that was, is and will be again. For you are bound to one anoth­er from the begin­ning until the end. You are all made of one anoth­er, as all your lives lived, all the expe­ri­ences, feel­ings, hopes, dreams, all of it has been with and through one anoth­er and so you are made by, for and of one another…and you will meet again, and again to con­tin­ue your jour­ney of Light and Love.

It is the Time of Scorpio…it is time to face your great­est fears.

Face down your fear of Rejec­tion, your fear of Loss, your Fear of Death.

You must face them all and know you are an Immortal,

And you have noth­ing to fear.

You are a being of Light and Love.

You were formed by Love,

By the Love of the One, and

By your Love for one another.

This dark­ness will pass,

The Light will shine through.

For you Jour­ney togeth­er, and

You will lift your­self and one anoth­er up.

By Love, Wis­dom and Will,

You will make your way home,

Through this Galaxy of Stars.