Daily Archives: November 21, 2015

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 22, 2015)


The Path of Wis­dom; The Path of Peace

You are a spark of the Divine,

A pil­grim of spir­it, on a jour­ney of becoming.

Always reach­ing towards the Greater Awareness,

Ever abid­ing in a more Encom­pass­ing Love,

You are the builder of lumi­nous Holy Spaces,

Formed and filled by your mighty Will.


You have walked in shad­owed pain-filled places,

Those dim-lit realms of mor­tal loss and grief.

But this is the price you that you will pay,

It is the levy that leav­ens your soul,

As you seek the path of Peace,

As you find the way to Joy,

As you make you way by your Heart,

For you will one day awak­en, and you will realize,

That you abide in an ever­last­ing Love.


You have come through many realms,

In Airy spaces of pure rea­son and Knowing,

By Earthy orders of what is Real and True,

Swept by Waters of Feel­ing and Empathy,

You come once more to the Spir­i­tu­al Fires of Sagittarius.

You enter this Realm of Understanding,

As you find your way to Truth.


The Path will always seem to be “out there”,

In the Great Halls of Knowl­edge and Wisdom,

In the Philoso­phies, Reli­gions, Sci­ences and Arts,

That were formed, forged and lived by

The Mas­ters, Sages and Seers long, long ago.

For many have walked these paths before you,

And they left behind these ker­nels of understanding,

So that their spir­it lives on for you,

In these Lights of Rea­son, Faith and Love.


But you must know and understand,

That these truths are the very warp and weave of your Universe,

From the Cos­mic Spaces stretch­ing to the far­thest Hierarchies,

Down to the Infin­i­tes­i­mals in the Inner­most spaces of Space.

From the Macro­cosm to the Micro­cosm, as above it is so below,

And so also, most tru­ly, form­ing your own very Heart and Soul.


The Truth is, the Path to Truth will always be…

Found with­in, (as much as it sur­rounds you too).

The Roy­al Road is in you, and so you will find the way,

By your own Divine Spark, your “dear­ly beloved”, will be your guide,

Offer­ing inspi­ra­tion, leav­en­ing your aware­ness even in the dark­est hour.

Like a touch of a feath­er, or the faintest scent of a flower,

Your pre­cious Voice of the Silence will bring you home.


Truth Is.

And no Truth can be imposed by one or by many,

It will not be lived in Force or ful­filled through Fear.

Truth is drawn out from with­in, from your Quin­tes­sence of Spirit,

And each one of you will come to see and live by a Greater Truth giv­en time.

And the Pre­cious Key, the Great­est Truth, that holds and forms all oth­ers is this:

The Love of the One for one and for all.


And because of this, because you are all ones of the One,

When­ev­er you tres­pass upon one another,

When­ev­er you force this or that “truth” upon any oth­er, you will “sin”…

And there will be no truth there.

When­ev­er any­one claims that their truth is “Truth”, they shall fall into darkness,

For they have lost the source of Truth which is Love, Com­pas­sion and Empathy.


How will you know, how will you dis­cern the less true from the greater?

Your heart of hearts, your kind­li­ness and gentleness,

Your dear­ly Beloved will always help you to let go of the lesser,

And so you will move towards the greater understanding.

You will move clos­er to a Greater Love.


And because of this, your growth in Understanding,

Will always be matched by the depths of your Humility.

For those who have walked the path before you have shown this to be the way:

The more you Know, the more you will under­stand and accept one another.

The more you Under­stand, the more Love will inform your Creation.

The more you Love, the clos­er you will come to Peace.


For some, Phi­los­o­phy means “the love of Wisdom”,

But for those who tru­ly under­stand, it means “the Wis­dom of Love”.

Truth as Love is made man­i­fest by you as you Love one another.

As you should…For you are one another.


The great illu­sion you are here to dis­pel is your sep­a­ra­tion from one another.

And when you do this,

When you love and are loved as you are by the One,

There will be Peace for one and for all.


There is no Reli­gion high­er than Truth…

There is no Truth high­er than Love…

Love one another.
