Daily Archives: November 25, 2015

Saturn Squares Neptune (November 26, 2015)


Real­i­ty and Dreams, Fear and Faith

Sat­urn meets Nep­tune today, (and again June 17, 2016 and Sep­tem­ber 10, 2016).

I begin today with this new for­mat of audio record­ings. I will con­tin­ue to write for the blog on a month­ly basis, but I want to devote most of my writ­ing time to work­ing on a book.

This meet­ing of Sat­urn and Nep­tune speaks to our expe­ri­ence of Real­i­ty being formed and re-reformed by our won­drous fac­ul­ty of Imag­i­na­tion and Dream­ing. We are always seek­ing to become some­thing more, to advance our­selves and our world so as to ful­fill our dreams of a bet­ter life. But we must equal­ly be aware that this avatar of Dream­ing  in com­bi­na­tion with Sat­urn can also give rise to Illu­sions, Delu­sions and Decep­tions if mis­ap­plied or mis­un­der­stood. As always, the key to work­ing with and with­in this hier­ar­chy of forces is to remain cen­tered and secured by the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples found in all spir­i­tu­al, philo­soph­i­cal and sci­en­tif­ic teach­ings (Sat­urn in Sagit­tar­ius), while equal­ly being open in a lov­ing way to the Inspi­ra­tion that leads you to the greater aware­ness and life offered up to you by your High­er Self (Nep­tune in Pisces).

Please select the link below and lis­ten to my brief com­men­tary on this sig­na­ture align­ment for the next nine months.

Sat­urn-Nep­tune commentary