Daily Archives: April 10, 2016

Podcast—2016 Forecast–Part Four


Podcast—2016, Part Four

Jupiter Square Saturn

Today we con­sid­er anoth­er of the sig­na­ture align­ments for 2016, Jupiter Square Saturn.

The syn­od­i­cal cycle (from one con­junc­tion to the next con­junc­tion) of Jupiter and Sat­urn is 20 years long. Their rela­tion­ship artic­u­lates the vary­ing inte­gra­tions of our under­stand­ings, (Philoso­phies, Sci­ences, Reli­gions) with our sub­stan­tial real­iza­tions of our Ideas into the “real” or phys­i­cal world, (Insti­tu­tions, Busi­ness­es, Gov­ern­ments, and quite lit­er­al­ly our “way of life”).

When Jupiter and Sat­urn are form­ing align­ments that are more har­mo­nious, what is Real and how we Under­stand it are in greater agree­ment. And when they are in a peri­od char­ac­ter­ized with more ten­sion between them either our mean­ings or our real­i­ty (or both) do not add up or make sense/or func­tion as they should. It is at such times that we either have to refine our under­stand­ing and/or make adap­tive changes to our struc­tures so that we can bet­ter meet our needs and live a life of beau­ty, har­mo­ny and peace.

Today’s pod­cast con­cerns the Jupiter/Saturn align­ment from August 2015 through May 2016, which is formed by their wan­ing square, and this is their last major aspect before they meet in a his­toric con­junc­tion dur­ing 2020. This align­ment we are fac­ing now is a pre­cur­sor and prepa­ra­tion for that major shift in 2020. What might that shift entail?

We can also under­stand the Jupiter/Saturn cycle as being orga­nized into a larg­er series of repeat­ed con­junc­tions that occur in the same ele­ment (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) over a peri­od of about 180 to 200 years. Most recent­ly we have been expe­ri­enc­ing their con­junc­tions in Earth since 1842, but in 2020 they will begin a new series in the ele­ment of Air (until 2219). These series of con­junc­tions in a par­tic­u­lar ele­ment con­tribute to defin­ing a peri­od Spir­i­tu­al­ly (and Cul­tur­al­ly, Eco­nom­i­cal­ly and Polit­i­cal­ly). For exam­ple, the pre­vi­ous Water peri­od (1425–1663) could be called an “Age of Faith”, and the fol­low­ing Fire peri­od (1663–1842) an “Age of Explo­rations”, and our Earth peri­od (1842–2020) an “Age of Mate­ri­al­iza­tion”. What will arrive in 2020 is an Age of Air, or what we might call an “Age of Ide­al­iza­tion” or an “Age of Etherealization”.

Here is a list of the pre­vi­ous Great Muta­tions of Jupiter and Sat­urn, which can help us to under­stand what we are being formed by with regards to the pre­vail­ing  greater con­text of mean­ing in each his­tor­i­cal period:
Water 1425–1663 (Age of Faith), pri­or 690–868, 165BC-74AD, 960BC-781BC

Fire    1663–1842 (Age of Explo­ration), pri­or 868‑1047, 74AD-253, 781BC-582BC

Earth 1842–2020 (Age of Man­i­fes­ta­tion), pri­or 1047–1226, 253–452, 582BC-384BC

Air     2020–2219 (Age of Ide­al­iza­tion), pri­or 1226–1425, 452–690, 384BC-165BC


So, this year’s wan­ing square is the final shift/release before a new 200 year cycle com­mences. We are not only fac­ing a turn­ing point regard­ing what we have made of our Beliefs/Realities since 2000, but in some fash­ion we are also fac­ing the final karmic adjust­ment of what has been our the­mat­ic par­a­digm since 1842!

This final and Wan­ing Square of Jupiter to Sat­urn is informed by their respec­tive sign posi­tions, Vir­go for Jupiter and Sagit­tar­ius for Sat­urn, or between the realms of Earth and Fire. The wan­ing square requires that each one of us indi­vid­u­al­ly, and also col­lec­tive­ly, take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to “let go” or “rise above” both the thought-forms (or ideas) and formed-thoughts (or real­i­ties) in order to grow. Giv­en what was revealed at their last oppo­si­tion in 2010-11 ( with ref­er­ence back to the ori­gin point of 2000 and the wax­ing square of choic­es 2005-06), we now are asked to rise above our more lim­it­ed under­stand­ing of not only our time, but what has been cen­tral or core mean­ings and lessons we have come through since 1842.

For myself, I believe that one of our major lessons (or awak­en­ings) that has been re-dis­cov­ered dur­ing this peri­od, (and has espe­cial­ly been brought to a fin­er point by our Envi­ron­men­tal, Eco­nom­ic, Polit­i­cal and Cul­tur­al crises) is that we have re-dis­cov­ered the truth with regards to our mate­r­i­al exis­tence: “More does not equal More”.

We most cer­tain­ly have cre­at­ed vast wealth (for a few), and more for many oth­ers since the 1840’s. But we have done so through “Cre­ative Destruc­tion”, as our rela­tion­ship to our home plan­et became one of “tak­ing” rather than “tak­ing care”. Our time-frames became imme­di­ate and urgent, and we for­got that the con­se­quences of our actions would be expe­ri­enced by those who came long after us…and they will cer­tain­ly cast a shad­owed view back upon us as they won­der, “what were they think­ing, why did they not care?”

Quan­ti­ty does not equal Qual­i­ty, and we are expe­ri­enc­ing the need to reestab­lish our lives in the Way of Beau­ty, to find our joy by liv­ing in a greater har­mo­ny and bal­ance with one anoth­er and with our plan­et. Though there was a great expan­sion of mate­r­i­al well-being for the past 200 years, the true costs were not fac­tored into the “Ledger Book of Life”. As much as there was great cre­ation of phys­i­cal arti­facts, there was arguably equal or greater destruc­tion too of the phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, men­tal and spir­i­tu­al realms on Earth as well.

For the future, for the Age of Air that begins in 2020, what might we find? There will be the enjoy­ment of expe­ri­enc­ing life more sim­ply, of hav­ing less “things” to come between one anoth­er. We will need to adopt a sim­pler, yet more spir­i­tu­al lifestyle and re-inte­grate our lives with the life of Moth­er Earth. We will get back to “Liv­ing in the Light”, for our des­tiny is to be con­scious co-cre­ators on this plan­et. Now that we under­stand more tru­ly the com­plex web of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it that is life on Earth, we must pro­tect and sup­port these very lives we depend upon for our very own survival.

We are here to be the Dreamer-Makers…

Let us fol­low the Ancient Wisdom…

Walk in Beau­ty, Live in Beauty…

Love one another.

Here is Part Four of the 2016 Pod­cast — Jupiter Square Saturn