Daily Archives: April 18, 2016

Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2016)


Your year­ly jour­ney with and through the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, what is com­mon­ly known as the Zodi­ac, departs from Aries, the First Realm of Fire. It is time for you and your world to move into this sec­ond act of the Sacred Twelve, it is time to abide in the First Realm of Earth, it is time to come home to Taurus.

This is the heart­beat of Spir­it, “Fire-Earth-Air-Water”, and after each sojourn in the space-time of Fire, (which is the realm of Visions, Ideals, Enthu­si­asms and Dreams), it is nec­es­sary to bring these plans of poten­tial “down to Earth”, it is time to see if these “Gifts of the Spir­it” can become Real and Substantial.

What you will face now is this chal­lenge: Will you be able to take the Inspi­ra­tion you found as you moved through the realm of Aries and make it come “to be”. For in Fire your soul/spirit is filled by this Intu­ition­al Truth: that you are a Divine Spark, and in essence, as a Spir­i­tu­al Mon­ad, you are “one of the ones of the One”, and so your sacred heart cen­ter is tru­ly the Foun­tain-Source of the “Infini­ties of Poten­tial­i­ty”. You are des­tined to become a ful­ly self-con­scious, Dream­ing-Mak­er Co-Cre­ator of Creation.

But the ques­tion is, can you take your Idea/Ideal and fash­ion “some-thing”, can you form your­self and your world into mean­ing­ful real­iza­tions and pur­pose­ful­ness today? The ques­tion is, can you bring your Ide­al into Being, can you breath upon the “Waters of What-Might-Be” and be a “Mak­er of Value”?

The First ques­tion of Aries is: Who are you?

The Sec­ond ques­tion of Tau­rus is: What are you?

You are brought by Aries to real­ize that you are a unique instance of the one Divine Spir­it. You are a spark of the Divine, a mon­ad trav­el­ling through Worlds, Forms and Lives as you unfold your­self by Imma­nence, by the sacred path of “Self-Becom­ing”. You grad­u­al­ly ascend from unself-con­scious spark of the Divine, and through many, many, many lives you will even­tu­al­ly become a self-ful­filled human: endowed with Cos­mic Con­scious­ness, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Cen­tered Spir­i­tu­al Will.

In Earth, and here by Tau­rus, you will make many “things”. You will pour your­self into count­less forms, objects and activ­i­ties, into phys­i­cal-emo­tion­al-social-cul­tur­al-spir­i­tu­al vehi­cles of Self-Realization…but the most impor­tant “thing” you will ever fashion…well that is you.

The real ques­tion will for­ev­er be, (as you will at many times doubt or feel your­self to be “unwor­thy”): What is the val­ue of you?

And the real or ulti­mate answer or truth will for­ev­er and ever be: Your val­ue is beyond measure…for you are priceless.

Why? Because beyond any forms of self-real­iza­tion, beyond all the phys­i­cal cre­ations you have fash­ioned, and into which you poured some mea­sure of the val­ue that is you, (and by this you cre­at­ed and bestowed your val­ue into “some-thing”)….beyond and behind all these things you make as a cre­ator, there abides in you this truth. You are one with the One Spir­it, a Spark of the Divine, which is the true source and mak­er of all val­ue, the foun­tain-source for all these worlds. Above all and any oth­er val­ue of you there will always be the Ulti­mate source of Beau­ty, Val­ue and Cre­ation… behind it all there is quite won­der­ful­ly and sim­ply Love.

You are one of the ones of the One…and your truth worth and val­ue is beyond all reck­on­ing. You have not even as yet begun to com­pre­hend how far you have come nor how far you will yet trav­el as you ful­fill your des­tiny to be the Dream­ing-Mak­ing-Cre­ator. You will pass through many Worlds, Forms and Lives…but these are not who or what you are.

You came from the stars…

You are des­tined to become a star…and then to go beyond.

And behind it all there is but one Force, one Truth, one Value…
