Daily Archives: April 21, 2016

Full Moon in Taurus – The Buddha Moon (April 22, 2016)


You are a Pil­grim of Spir­it; You are a Hier­ar­chy of Energy-Forms,
Mov­ing through Worlds, Bod­ies and Lives, for you abide in each of the 7 sacred realms.
You are a Micro­cosm of the Macro­cosm, learn­ing to know yourself.
You are a Phys­i­cal being, and Ether­ic, and Astral too.
These inte­gral vehi­cles of Ener­gy-Forms con­tin­ue into your Low­er Mind,
Then through the High­er Men­tal guid­ed by your Intuitional.
Final­ly, all of these are, as is all of Cre­ation, made into one.
For you are guid­ed by, inspired by and loved by
Your spark of the Divine, Your Mon­ad, your High­er Self, your one of the One.

Yes, you are a Mon­ad of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it trav­el­ling through Space-Time.
Your ori­gins are as far beyond your remembering,
As your future is more glo­ri­ous than you may imagine.
You began as an unself-con­scious spark of the Divine, and
You will become in time a ful­ly con­scious Co-Cre­ator of Creation.

You will lift your­self and one anoth­er up, by learning,
For it is by choice, through tri­al and error, that you grow.
Being guid­ed by the one Immutable Law, of cause and effect, by Karma,
You will to learn to choose what is good and true, and to let go of the rest.
You will learn to know your­self, and so equal­ly know this Uni­verse too.
You will jour­ney with count­less oth­er life-forms,
Who just like you are on this sacred path of Self-Becoming,
Formed, Guid­ed and Inspired by the Self-Lumi­nous Hier­ar­chy of Love.

Your jour­ney is pre­cious, and so you will nev­er walk alone.
For many have come this way before you…and they wait.
They range from beings beyond imag­in­ing, whose nature is far removed
From these human tri­als and tribulations.
To those who work, in forms and beyond forms,
Tire­less­ly striving/serving to heal by love.
They wait for you, watch over you, care for you.
Though you must do “the work”, of lift­ing your veil of doubt and fear
And so come by your own self-becom­ing to the ever­last­ing Truth,
They do what they can to help, lift­ing spir­its, send­ing com­fort and hope.
And when need­ed, an emis­sary will come to remind one and all,
To show “the way”, to lead you back to the sacred path of a
Freer Mind, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Cen­tered Will.

Among all the count­less beings who have come this way before, today we cel­e­brate and hon­or one of our “own”. For today is the Day of the Bud­dha, today we bow our heads and hon­or the first of our Kind. For just as you must some­day too, the Bud­dha was the first, he is the “Self-Awak­ened One”. He threw off the shack­les of uncon­scious­ness to become a com­plete human…what is known in the Ancient Wis­dom as a Jivanmukta…a freed Monad.

He is no longer bound by the Law of Kar­ma, he has made his final choice…
And he chose to wait…he chose to wait for all of you. For this is the Way, this is the Truth…this is Love.
He stands now, at the por­tal of self-transcendence,
He will wait for each of you to make your way.
For this is the Great Sac­ri­fice, this is Sacred Love.
He waits for you to be ful­ly human,
He waits for you to be the Self-Awak­ened too.

We cel­e­brate the Bud­dha today because it is said the he was born at the Full Moon of Tau­rus, achieved enlight­en­ment at anoth­er Full Moon of Tau­rus, and final­ly left his phys­i­cal form at anoth­er. His expe­ri­ence and sto­ry illus­trates one of the fun­da­men­tal truths you must mas­ter, you are an Immor­tal mov­ing through Worlds, Forms and Lives that are mor­tal and impermanent.

Your prin­ci­ple pain aris­es from “attach­ment”, from the desire to con­tin­ue and hold to this or that “thing”, whether it be an object, an expe­ri­ence, a loved one, or even your very own life…you suf­fer because you have forgotten…You are an Immor­tal Spir­it mov­ing through these forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion, but none of these can hold you for­ev­er, noth­ing can or will last for­ev­er in these mor­tal realms. You are Spir­it, you are here to grow, and there is no “con­tain­er” that can ever be enough, there is noth­ing that can hold for­ev­er the Light-Truth-Love that abides with­in you.

What you must do, what you have always done, is to sim­ply walk on. You are here to be what you are, Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it thrilling through count­less forms of self-becom­ing, seek­ing, stretch­ing, and grow­ing for­ev­er and ever.

You should cel­e­brate each encounter with your world and with one anoth­er. Mar­vel at the Sun setting…but it will end. And so, you will turn and watch as your Star ris­es again at the dawn. When in the phys­i­cal, live in Beau­ty by mov­ing through Life by Love. Know that whether you are with some­one for a won­der­ful after­noon, or for many, many years of rich­ly lived lives…it too will end. And it will hurt, as it must, but you will come to know that this pain is the mir­rored reflec­tion of the joy you shared, and will con­tin­ue to share again and again too.

Cel­e­brate your Spir­it in Motion, mov­ing from form to form, grow­ing and becom­ing as you move ever clos­er to the moment of true free­dom and spir­i­tu­al grace. Freed from doubt, free of fear, you under­stand your destiny.

Today/tonight cel­e­bra­tions will held around the world, to hon­or one who came before us, but one who is just like you and me…The teach­ers do not come to start a reli­gion, that is for those who come after. The teach­ers do not come and say “pray to me”. Every true Teacher comes in order to quite pro­found­ly yet sim­ply say: “Do as I have done, fol­low the path that is with­in you, lis­ten to the whis­pers of your own High­er Self who is singing the same songs I have sung to you. Fol­low this path and you will be wel­comed home too.”

To all who seek, an answer will come.

To all who serve, a door will open.

Join with those who seek by serv­ing, in cel­e­bra­tion of the truth of your des­tiny and the exam­ple of the one who came before, and who waits until all have made their way home too. Hold the Great Invo­ca­tion in your Mind, Heart and Will as you repeat the promise made of a bet­ter world to be:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.