Daily Archives: May 19, 2016

Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2016)


I am.

I am, That.

I am That…I am.

These are the first three steps that you will take in your life jour­ney as you unfold your divine nature into the ener­gy-form you know as “human”.

In Aries, you expe­ri­ence your­self pure­ly, as Sub­jec­tive­ly Aware…you just are.

In Tau­rus, you expe­ri­ence your­self sub­stan­tial­ly, as Objec­tive­ly Aware…you are also some-thing.

In Gem­i­ni, you expe­ri­ence your­self as the Self-Aware…you are the both sub­ject and object…you expe­ri­ence the essen­tial mys­tery of your self-becom­ing spir­i­tu­al con­scious­ness which is mov­ing through a hier­ar­chy of Ener­gy-Forms, mov­ing through the many realms of Space-Time. You begin your re-dis­cov­ery of the awe­some poten­tials wait­ing to be unfold­ed from with­in, wait­ing with­in your spir­i­tu­al spark of the Divine.

For you are Ener­gy (Spir­it-Con­scious­ness-Love) and you are also Form (a Hier­ar­chy of vehi­cles formed by you to exist on each of the planes of Mat­ter). You are essen­tial­ly, in your core a Mon­ad, a spark of the Divine, a being of Light mov­ing through Space-Time. Your spi­ral jour­ney, which is mir­rored on so many lev­els of being, from the struc­ture of atoms, to the cells in your body, to the very solar sys­tem you jour­ney with­in, (which is also spi­ral­ing through our galaxy, and even your very own Milky Way galaxy spi­ral­ing along with a host of oth­er galax­ies), all of these are the “wheels with­in wheels”, are the whirls and spi­rals of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it that are both the with­in and the with­out form­ing the “warp and weft” of Cre­ation, rang­ing from the inner­most and sub­lime planes to the out­er­most and dens­est planes of energy-forms.

Tru­ly, all of your jour­ney, from your “begin­ning” as an un-self-con­scious spark of the Divine to your even­tu­al Apoth­e­o­sis or Divin­i­ty made ful­ly man­i­fest, is part of the greater jour­ney of Spir­it through the infi­nite ranges of life-forms…For Cre­ation is tru­ly all of and about the Divine or the One, it is the Song of Spir­it shin­ing through the entire­ty of Cre­ation as the Involution/Evolution of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it as it becomes ever more encom­pass­ing and self-ful­filled. Cre­ation is the Divine made man­i­fest in and through all of you who form the Spir­it-Mind-Body of the One. For the great­est false­hood is sep­a­ra­tion, and the fun­da­men­tal Truth is that all life-forms are ones of the One, all are of the One, by the One and indeed form the One.

Through count­less eons of your pere­gri­na­tions in less­er realms and forms, your jour­ney was formed, shaped and guid­ed fun­da­men­tal­ly by the lev­el of the self-unfold­ment of your aware­ness. Even upon reach­ing this most spe­cial king­dom of the human, you still had eons to go before you would reach the most crit­i­cal cross­ing point, the por­tal of true Self-Aware-Consciousness.

The sto­ry is found in many teach­ings, cul­tures and ages, that long ago there walked amongst us “the gods”, who brought to the mind­less ones, the inno­cent but mind­less humans of that time the gift of self-aware­ness. In a pre­vi­ous cos­mic cycle, these Angels of the Light had sim­i­lar­ly been awak­ened by those who came before them, and this self-lumi­nous torch, this spir­i­tu­al fire of under­stand­ing was passed from one to anoth­er. Now it was their Karmic des­tiny and duty to pass on this light to us…Their names are found in many cul­tures, in the tales of Prometheus, Lucifer, Loki and Quet­zal­coatl and many, many oth­ers. In the most ancient of record­ings, found in what is known as the Ancient Teach­ings there is the sto­ry or truth about the Kumaras, beings of a much more advanced state than we, who came at the appoint­ed time, when the Human­i­ty of that peri­od was ready for the next step for­ward in Con­scious­ness, and they walked among us, joined with us and we took the next great step in our journey…we became self-aware.

This step was tak­en long ago, dur­ing an “Age of Gem­i­ni”, yet it is also a series of steps that you will take in each of your lives, and through many years in any one of your lives. For the jour­ney of Self-Aware­ness is won­drous and hard, it requires patience and quick­ness, adapt­abil­i­ty and per­sis­tence, it is the mind seek­ing to know, to know itself and all that is around it too…it is your jour­ney to the gods, and you have as far to go as you have already come.

You are here to learn, to learn to choose between the less­er and the greater, you are here to learn from “cause and effect” and to learn by tri­al and error what is “the good”. To serve the One, to serve Life and Beau­ty and to help one anoth­er, to Love one another…for this is “The Way”, and it is the one true path that will bring you home in the end. When you divide your­self from your­self or from one anoth­er, you will stum­ble and fall, as you have before. And you will have to pick your­self and try again. But this is how you grow, you learn to move away from pain, dark­ness and fear, as you learn what is bet­ter. You will choose to move toward the light, to dis­cov­er and be guid­ed by the truth that is with­in you as much as it sur­rounds you…and so you will choose to live a life of under­stand­ing, beau­ty and love.

Yes, in Gem­i­ni you rise into your self-aware­ness, into your Human­i­ty and towards your Divin­i­ty. In the Realm that is Gem­i­ni you are gift­ed by and rev­el in con­trast and con­tra­dic­tions. You ques­tion your­self and your world, you shine the light that is under­stand­ing upon your world and one another…and you smile and laugh and learn. For you real­ize that the whole of this Cre­ation is just like you, alive, aware…conscious. It is most pre­cious, aware and pre­co­cious as are you and all of your fel­low com­pan­ions. You are here for and because of one anoth­er, and your con­scious­ness depends upon your rela­tion­ships with one another…and this is “revealed” in your very thought-form­s/­words that you have for your under­stand­ing about your most pre­cious gift of self-aware­ness. Look at your lan­guage, your idea-forms that artic­u­late your “know­ing”. Take apart the word “Con­scious”:

Con = Together

Scious = Hav­ing Knowledge

Con­scious means “Togeth­er hav­ing knowl­edge” or “Togeth­er Knowing”…And so this means that “Con­scious­ness” real­ly means this, that the abil­i­ty to be aware of one­self and your sur­round­ings is not an “indi­vid­ual” func­tion at all, but it is tru­ly a reflection/affirmation that we are formed by one anoth­er, we are made of one anoth­er, and our self-devel­op­ment and ris­ing into our Divin­i­ty depends upon one anoth­er. We create/provide the very social expe­ri­ences that form the con­fir­ma­tions and cor­rec­tions to our know­ing about our­selves and equal­ly about the world around us. We need one anoth­er to know, to see what we can­not see with­out one another’s point of view.

It is as if each of us shines our own very bright light of per­cep­tion upon the world around us and we assume that we see what we see clearly…we know and under­stand. But that bright light also cre­ates very deep shad­ows, of what we fail to see or understand…and by def­i­n­i­tion, we do not know what we can­not see or under­stand. Even more, we can­not see if we do not believe or have faith to guide us towards the wis­dom which only comes from shar­ing, con­trast­ing, com­par­ing and accepting.

And so, we have one anoth­er, we have each oth­er in our lives to shine our light upon one anoth­er and remove the shad­ows, the doubts, mis­un­der­stand­ings and fears, we are here to do this for one another…and this is Love. It is by com­par­ing and con­trast­ing and illu­mi­nat­ing for one anoth­er that we slow­ly remove our self-made shad­ows, it is how we rise above our mis­un­der­stand­ings of prej­u­dice, doubt and fear. This is how we can slow­ly but sure­ly move towards the Greater Aware­ness, to a more com­plete con­scious­ness, free from shad­ow and free from fear. This jour­ney of Con­scious­ness that we make hap­pen for one anoth­er will even­tu­al­ly lead to our Great Awak­en­ing into our Divin­i­ty, into our Cos­mic Con­scious­ness that is to be our des­tiny many, many years from now.

Today, and every day, cel­e­brate your Jour­ney of Awakening.

You took a very great step long ago, and espe­cial­ly in this time of Gem­i­ni, (and yet also in that por­tion of Gem­i­ni that is in each and every one of you), you can take anoth­er step every day through the Por­tal of greater Self-Aware­ness, which is equal­ly and tru­ly a por­tal of shared or Col­lec­tive Understanding.

Be a light for one anoth­er, for you are here for this…

Lis­ten to one anoth­er, and seek to bring out from one anoth­er the essen­tial truth which is found with­in each and every one of you, for you are made by, for and of one another.

Resist the shad­owed fears of divi­sion, turn away from those who seek by false­hood to assign blame or divide you from each other.

Ques­tion your­self thoroughly…Begin each day, (and end it too) with self-reflec­tive moments where­in you seek to cor­rect your own errors of assump­tion and judgement.

Be thank­ful to those who ques­tion and chal­lenge you, for they are the mes­sen­gers who will make you wiser.

Help one anoth­er, and as you do this you will grow togeth­er in true wis­dom as you find that your growth in under­stand­ing of your­self and of one anoth­er will only be found, secured and extend­ed through Love, Accep­tance and Humility.

You are a being of Light.

Step out of the shadows…

And Shine!