Daily Archives: August 17, 2016

Full Moon in Aquarius (August 18, 2016)


You are special…oh yes, yes you are!

You are a one of kind; a dis­tinct, spe­cial sparkling gem of the cosmos.

And dur­ing this time of Leo, you are remind­ed to bring forth even more authen­ti­cal­ly the Quin­tes­sence that makes you “you”. Wher­ev­er you have Leo in your being, you must dig deep with­in your soul and bring forth and reveal your­self, your self-lumi­nous essence shin­ing through your won­drous ways of lead­er­ship, cre­ativ­i­ty and love.

But in every month there comes a crit­i­cal moment, a rev­e­la­tion and bal­anc­ing of the ener­gies and forms for that time. When the Moon has come to its fur­thest reach­es, beyond this beau­ti­ful blue Earth, it stands oppo­site to the Sun and reveals the coun­ter­point­ed truth held by the oppo­site sign. Today/tonight the Sun now roars with the truth of Leo; the Moon lov­ing­ly offers the Wis­dom that is Aquarius.

The essence that is Leo encour­ages you to seek recog­ni­tion, respect and approval. But in your striv­ing for such out­ward affir­ma­tions, you may often go against your own true self to meet what you believe the one before you (or the many) wants or needs from you. Rather than being authen­tic and ful­fill­ing your true pur­pose, you become enthralled by the need for those approvals that can take you away from your true nature. You look not with­in for the song of truth that is in your heart, and instead become way­laid by the need for out­ward approval and the roar of the crowd.

The Moon in Aquar­ius reminds you that what you are to bring forth from with­in your­self is your own spe­cial expres­sion of what you share with those with whom you jour­ney. The many of which you are a one, whether it be your fam­i­ly, tribe, cul­ture or human­i­ty as a whole, is formed by a palette of pat­tern and mean­ings, of sen­si­bil­i­ties, tastes, inten­tions and truths that you will mix togeth­er into your own unique expres­sion of that whole…Yes, you are a unique one, but you are still one of a kind. You must hold these togeth­er in your own way to ful­fill your­self and be true to one anoth­er too.

Tru­ly, we are all made of one anoth­er. In this life and through count­less lives, we have formed one anoth­er, loved and helped one anoth­er, shared and shaped one anoth­er so that in the end we are all mixed together…I am in you, and you are in me. You trav­el with your com­pan­ions, here and now and in life after life, com­ing in Incar­na­tion Waves to con­tin­ue your jour­ney of form­ing a more per­fect self and a more per­fect union too.

Leo roars that you are here to lead, cre­ate and love; Aquar­ius reminds you that you are made of one anoth­er, that you are here to dream of a bet­ter tomor­row for each oth­er. Because your dreams are made of one anoth­er, your hap­pi­ness and your ful­fill­ment is tru­ly mine, and mine is yours.

Always remem­ber: We are the “ones that are the self-becoming”,

We are all for one, and one for All.

We are sparks of the divine, dream­ing creation’s song.

As it is writ­ten upon the Great Seal of the Unit­ed States:

E Pluribus Unum”, Out of many One.

Be true to your­self; and be for one anoth­er too.

And all your dreams will come true.