Daily Archives: August 21, 2016

Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2016)


The Path­way of Perfection

You are the Self-that-is Becoming,

A Self-Lumi­nous Spark of the One Divine Flame.

You jour­ney through many Worlds, Forms and Lives,

Lift­ing your­self and all these Ener­gy-Forms ever clos­er to the Fullness

To be found with­in the Greater Awareness.

Your play­ground of Con­scious­ness is turn­ing once more,

The “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, the Zodi­ac, leaves behind

The Fixed Fire that is Leo and brings you

Into the Blessed Realm,

Into the Sacred Space of Wholeness.

Here now is your time of Grace, Beau­ty and Virtue,

On bend­ed knee and with great devotion

May you find Peace in your space of Virgo.

For after each Fire Sign, after every time of Inspi­ra­tion and Ide­al­ism, there must come this time…the time in which you expe­ri­ence what is real­ly real. Now those Ideals and Dreams are put to the test of Mat­ter and Form. Just as after your aware­ness of Pres­ence in the realm of Aries must be fol­lowed by your aware­ness of Val­ue in Tau­rus, so too must your aware­ness of Per­for­mance in the realm of Leo be fol­lowed by your aware­ness of Peace in Virgo.

You have always desired one thing, to be at Peace. There is no high­er realm, no greater val­ue than to be at Peace, both with­in and with­out. It is not found here or there, or any­where what­so­ev­er. It is not a place or even a time, it is beyond these things. To be at Peace is found in a high­er State of Con­scious­ness, where inner and out­er realms align, where you and your world are one…for a time.

For you and your world are here for one thing, you are Spir­it mov­ing through Space-Time, and the one injunc­tion pro­pelling the whole of Cre­ation is Growth. For it is all about the Self-That-Is-Becom­ing, from the One and to all those encom­passed in this great cre­ation formed by all the ones of the One. You and your world are part of a myr­i­ad of Ener­gy-Forms that are con­stant­ly grow­ing, con­stant­ly chang­ing, and so your chal­lenge is clear…How do you find Order and Peace in that?

You find and secure your Peace by align­ing and guid­ing your out­er phys­i­cal world inter­ac­tions to the inti­ma­tions of Wis­dom found in your High­er Self. As your aware­ness and con­duct becomes more attuned to the Greater Aware­ness, you make bet­ter choic­es for your­self and for what you bring to your world in Thoughts, Feel­ings and Deeds. And, if you go against these prompt­ings-know­ings of what is “the good”, you end up in a state of Suffering.

The Aware­ness of Vir­go is sharp and clear, it is refined and dis­cern­ing. This is what you need as you try to sep­a­rate the wheat from the chafe of your life. As the world changes and you do not adjust pro­por­tion­ate­ly, either by over­do­ing or under­per­form­ing, by doing too much or too lit­tle, pain begins to be felt. And if you per­sist, the pain will even­tu­al­ly increase beyond your bear­ing. You may fall ill Spir­i­tu­al­ly, and Men­tal­ly and Emo­tion­al­ly and final­ly suf­fer Phys­i­cal illness.

This is not pun­ish­ment. This is “The Way”, the immutable Law of Cause and Effect, and it is your Sal­va­tion. For by this Law the very nature of this uni­verse is formed to help you find your way back to the Light of Love, Beau­ty and Truth. So the pain and the suf­fer­ing of Vir­go is the way you are encour­aged to move away from the less­er, from the self­ish to the self­less, from the unloved to the uncon­di­tion­al lov­ing and so into your Greater Under­stand­ing. The Way of Vir­go is the Path of Heal­ing. It is the way you will find your way to Peace by liv­ing as you are in your inner­most: Beau­ti­ful and Lov­ing, for always remem­ber this, you are a spark of the Divine, and your lib­er­a­tion is wait­ing on you.

The Way of Vir­go is the Path of Heal­ing. It is the Way of Sacrifice.

For you must give up the less­er, you must sur­ren­der your ego

If you are to rise into your Divinity.

This has always been the way, and it has been shown to you by those who came before.

The Ser­vants of the Light, the Lone­ly Watch­ers of Initiation.

Who Offer Inspi­ra­tion and hope, yet too must wait,

For you must lift your­self up.

You must learn to choose between the less­er and the Greater,

You must become what you are here to be,

A Ful­ly Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of Creation.

Wel­come this return to the time of Virgo.

Always and Forever:

Live in Beauty

Walk in Beauty

Made of and by Beauty

May you find your way

To Truth and Light and Love.

May you be at Peace.