Daily Archives: September 8, 2016

Jupiter Enters Libra (September 9, 2016)


The jour­ney of Jupiter around your star takes about 12 years, and as a result Jupiter will usu­al­ly move through one sign per year. But like every­thing in this Uni­verse, unique­ness and indi­vid­u­al­i­ty are at the core of each enti­ty, for at the heart of every speck and mote of this Uni­verse there is the Spark of the Divine. So all plan­e­tary orbits are not cir­cles but ellipses, and as the plan­et moves around the Sun it will “speed up” or slow down” depend­ing upon how close or far away it is from the Sun.

Jupiter entered Vir­go on August 11, 2015 and will now move through Libra until Octo­ber 10, 2017. Jupiter is the Avatar of Truth, the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Reli­gion for you. It rules your Under­stand­ing, it is the shaper of your Beliefs and the source of your Motivations.

By look­ing at Jupiter in your own chart, (or that of any­one else), you can dis­cern the prin­ci­ple deter­mi­nants of the Why, How and What it is that you believe, of what dri­ves you to relate to your world through def­i­nite assump­tions of what is “right” and what is “wrong”, of what is the good and what it means to do good.

As Jupiter changes sign year after year, it pro­vides a refine­ment for that year in the con­text of mean­ing­ful­ness for every­one. Though you will prin­ci­pal­ly be shaped by the posi­tion of Jupiter in your own chart, (and by the aspects it has with the oth­er plan­ets in your chart), Jupiter’s Jour­ney is part of your Jour­ney in Spirt, of mov­ing into the Greater Aware­ness, and so you need this expe­ri­ence of the vary­ing sen­si­bil­i­ties offered by Jupiter through each of the Twelve Signs.

For the last year your seek­ing for Truth, Mean­ing and Moti­va­tion was guid­ed by Jupiter in Vir­go. The “Mean­ing of Life” for Vir­go is to cre­ate a life that makes sense, to live in a world of order where­in each part of life is in bal­ance with every oth­er part. The “good life” is a life of Grace and Ease, it is Refined, Ele­gant and Mean­ing­ful in all ways. The moti­va­tion for the Vir­go part of you is to cre­ate a life of dynam­ic har­mo­ny, or as the ancient wis­dom states, the key to being at Peace is quite sim­ply and pro­found­ly “To Live in Beauty”.

Jupiter in Vir­go was an oppor­tu­ni­ty to re-orga­nize your beliefs and life so to cre­ate a bet­ter cor­re­spon­dence between inner mean­ing and out­er order­ing. To have all the facets of your life, pri­vate time/public time, work/play, rest/activity, to have them all be in bal­anced pro­por­tion­al­i­ty to one anoth­er. To live with Grace and Har­mo­ny, to Live in Beau­ty. By find­ing the bet­ter way to believe, you were able to form a bet­ter life out­ward­ly too.

If this pas­sage of Jupiter were to be expe­ri­enced in a more chal­leng­ing or neg­a­tive way, then Jupiter in Vir­go would have led to greater crit­i­cism and fault-find­ing, for one­self and/or direct­ed at oth­ers. The lit­tlest annoy­ances or trou­bles would have blown out of pro­por­tion, and the Vir­go time of heal­ing would have instead fos­tered greater dis­cord, cre­at­ing even less har­mo­ny with­in and around oneself.

Jupiter in Libra will now bring the focus of Mean­ing­ful­ness into the realm of Rela­tion­ships. Jupiter rules your moti­va­tions, and in Libra there is most cer­tain­ly an oppor­tu­ni­ty for an ele­va­tion and expan­sion of your con­duct towards one anoth­er. Fun­da­men­tal­ly, as always, the Truths to guide your way will always come from with­in, from your High­er Self…from your Heart. They are equal­ly to be found in the Ancient Wis­dom, and from this Sacred Source these truths have flowed out and been incor­po­rat­ed into all Reli­gions and Moral Philosophies.

From your heart, and by these teach­ings, you are remind­ed that each one of you is part of the one Great Life of the One. How you con­duct your­self towards any oth­er will be reflected/redirected back upon you with regards to how oth­ers will con­duct them­selves towards you. In essence, the Law of Kar­ma is per­fect and just, and so you are guid­ed by love to fol­low the Gold­en Rule, “Do unto oth­ers as you would have them do unto you”.

This is “the Way”, for you live in a fun­da­men­tal­ly moral uni­verse and there is noth­ing that will escape this per­fect align­ment gov­ern­ing all relationships…so that how you give, and what you give will be returned to you some day.

Jupiter in Libra is a reminder, that you are here to be kind to one anoth­er, to be gen­er­ous to one anoth­er, to be mind­ful of one another…and by these Right Moti­va­tions, Right Thoughts and Right Actions you will even­tu­al­ly find your­self where you have always been des­tined to be. You will make your way Home on the path of Peace; You will live your life in the way of Truth; You will find your­self by the Wis­dom of Love.

You are here to be sur­round­ed by Love…

You are here to be embraced by Love…

You are here to Love and be Loved…

Just Love.