Sun Enters Scorpio (October 22, 2016)


The Path of Love

You are an Immor­tal mov­ing through mor­tal forms…

Through count­less Worlds, Bod­ies and Lives, you are the “Self-That-Is-Becom­ing”.

The Watch­er who is with­in, your High­er and Lumi­nous Self,

Guides you, inspires you and holds you in a love that is Unconditional.


The Twelve Ener­gy-Forms of the Zodiac,

Are the Warp and Weave thrilling through the innu­mer­able Hier­ar­chies of Creation.

Your Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney is to Under­stand through count­less Lives,

That you are a pre­cious Spark of this Twelve-Fold, yet tru­ly One, Divine Light and Love.


All these Ener­gy-Forms are ever-present, in all aspects of each and every life,

You are not a sin­gle Sign, but a won­drous, Indi­vid­ual-Inte­gral com­bi­na­tion of them All.

Through each Sea­son and Sign you will find Hope and Inspi­ra­tion for your Journey,

As you lift your­self and one anoth­er towards your Great Awakening,

Your Apoth­e­o­sis with the Stars.

The Wheel of Life turns in your spi­ral jour­ney of Self-Mas­tery. Your yearning/striving to be an adept of the Twelve Ener­gy-Forms you know as the Zodi­ac returns to the ele­ment of Water once more. Of all of these Twelve, per­haps none is more awe­some and/or feared than what you now encounter, the Time of Scor­pio. For it is here you face the great para­dox of Spir­it weav­ing through mate­r­i­al worlds: You are an Immor­tal, yet you trav­el through mor­tal worlds, forms and lives. You are for­ev­er; and yet there is No-Thing that will last.

In Libra you move into the space of “We”; you co-cre­ate the space in which you may find your­self by and through one anoth­er. But in Scor­pio you move beyond the “I and Thou” to form the “We”; you join togeth­er in this space of mys­tery and self-tran­scen­dence. It is here in Scor­pio that you will expe­ri­ence the high­est highs, and the low­est lows; here you meet the sweet Joy of Union and the bit­ter Pain that is Separation.

Scor­pio is the realm of Alche­my, where the mag­ic that is com­bi­na­tion elic­its the quick­en­ing of your spir­it. For you are made of one anoth­er, for­ev­er and always. In any one life you are formed by Par­ents, Sib­lings, Friends, Teach­ers, Lovers and your very own Chil­dren too. All these expe­ri­ences you have had with one anoth­er have been formed and fold­ed into you, and you like­wise have been brought into them too.

Each indi­vid­ual has gifts and strengths; but by the mag­ic of com­bi­na­tion, when you join togeth­er in com­mon vision and purpose…well that is how you become more than what you were, that is how your Self-Becom­ing is quick­ened, that is the way you trans­form your selves and your world too.

To join with one or many, you will form and forge your union upon shared or com­mon val­ues. If there is enough to hold you to one anoth­er, you will. But you will be chal­lenged to let go in order to grow, you will need to sac­ri­fice for one anoth­er too. To live togeth­er or to work togeth­er you will have to adjust to one anoth­er as you give and receive in the space of We. If there is enough com­mon ground, what you give up or sur­ren­der may bring hurt, but the reward will be a bet­ter I and Thou.

To Sac­ri­fice means “to make sacred”; you will and must give up the less­er parts of your­self in order to grow into what is the greater with­in and between you. But you also must be care­ful and true to your­self, for if you give up what makes you “you”, if you make false sac­ri­fices, then this union will fail for you and for them too.

When the Illu­sion of Sep­a­ra­tion is shat­tered, when you know and feel the Truth, that I and Thou are one, there is no greater feel­ing than this. This is the Joy of Scorpio…But the Wheel of Life will turn, and whether you just have a won­der­ful after­noon with one anoth­er, of love and shar­ing with a dear friend or your beloved; Or, have many, many years of liv­ing and lov­ing shared with one anoth­er, at some point you will also have to expe­ri­ence the Pain of Loss too.

This is Truth. If you are to feel the Joy of Union, you will have to expe­ri­ence the Agony of Loss…The knowl­edge of Life and Death, of being an Immor­tal in a Mor­tal Frame, this is the Joy and also the Agony that is Scorpio.

But the mys­tery of Scor­pio is also this…That in any attempt to cross the divide that sep­a­rates I from Thou, you must decide what you will sur­ren­der to join togeth­er, and what you will hold with in order to be true to your­self. You dis­cov­er what is more you, and what is less. By this very rev­e­la­tion of what is more tru­ly me and what is less me as I draw that much clos­er to you, I will remark­ably and joy­ful­ly dis­cov­er that I come clos­er to my own true self too.

This is the mys­tery and rebirth offered by Scor­pio, that by reach­ing out and mak­ing a sacred sac­ri­fice to join with one anoth­er, that you actu­al­ly, in fact, end up com­ing that much clos­er to your­self, and the love that binds you to one anoth­er has also helped you to find your way to own true self too.

That true or High­er Self is your Immor­tal Self…and so you will smile, because you will under­stand, that you have noth­ing to fear. Your pain is real but it will pass, or it will come around as you under­stand that it is just the mir­rored reflec­tion of the Love that was there and will always be there for you and for one another.

For it all comes down to this…you are an Immor­tal Spir­it, you are here because of Love; You are here to Love and be Loved. You will feel the Truth, know this Truth, that your whole Jour­ney is sim­ply to be true to one­self and walk the Path of Love.

Yes, we are made of one another…

We are made by one another,

And noth­ing and no one can come between our true nature.

We are the ones of the One…

We are here to be all for One and one for All.

We will give up the lesser,

And hon­or that which is Greater.

We will sac­ri­fice what is less,

To hon­or that which is True.

To Love one another,

As we are loved by the One,

For­ev­er and ever,


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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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