Sun Enters Aries – Happy Astrological New Year! (March 20, 2017)

Hap­py Astro­log­i­cal New Year!

The Les­son of Pres­ence — Mov­ing through the Eter­nal Now


What are you going to do now; how do you begin; where do you begin? How should you start the day, the week, the year? Because this is most impor­tant, it is fate­ful­ly impor­tant to you.

The first thoughts you think, the first feel­ings you feel, the first actions you take, they flow forth from you, and they will both mold you and give form to what you cre­ate. By these first steps, “you make what you make of you”.

Each and every step you take will set in motion a chain of cau­sa­tion that echoes down through time and space. Though every sin­gle step mat­ters, it is the first one that sets the pat­tern for what is to fol­low. So, con­sid­er wise­ly what are you going to do; who are you going to become?

Today you begin the Astro­log­i­cal New Year in the “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, the fun­da­men­tal Spir­i­tu­al Hier­ar­chy of Life you know as the Zodi­ac. Today you start the next jour­ney of you in Aries.

In your life, as in all things, first things come first…This is the Les­son of Aries, this is your les­son of “Pres­ence”. It is here, right now in Aries, it is always here that your past and your future are brought togeth­er in the only place you are free to be the cre­ator, here in the Eter­nal Now.

You must remem­ber this, that you are in fact a unique com­bi­na­tion of all twelve ener­gy-forms of the Zodi­ac. Some part of you is Aries, some oth­er part Tau­rus and even Gem­i­ni is part of you too. This is because these Sacred Twelve form the Spir­it-Sub­stance of Cre­ation. From the small­est infin­i­tes­i­mal on up to the grand­est stel­lar won­ders of Galax­ies and beyond, each part and par­ti­cle of Cre­ation is at its core a radi­ant par­ti­cle of the One Spir­it whose “Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”.

In life after life and through all the moments in any life, you move through Space-Time in this “vehi­cle” of you: your body, feel­ings, thoughts and spir­it. In each moment, you bring your­self into some “space”, and that space changes, and so do you. You turn a cor­ner and encounter something/someone; you enter a room and are faced with the Ener­gy-Forms that were already present. And in the very next instant, you must deter­mine how you will be, what you will be, and who you will become.

Aries is the begin­ning, it is you aware of you. It is by Aries that you take the first step. It is by Aries that you are self-aware and new­ly awak­ened to and so inspired by the pow­er and joy of new begin­nings. But before you leap into the next moment or the new day, before you move out you must under­stand you…before you go “out” you must look within.

How you meet the moment before you is formed by your lev­el of self-aware­ness, which is most cer­tain­ly revealed by what informs your “Pres­ence”, your Moti­va­tions and Inten­tions. What is in your head and heart, what do you “Desire”? Because if you wish to know “where” and “how” you might be going, you must look with­in to under­stand the “why” you are com­ing from.

As you move through space-time, as you enter a “new-space”, you must imme­di­ate­ly ascer­tain what you should bring to bear to meet this moment well. If the sit­u­a­tion is already too ener­gized, then you need to bring your calm­ing self. And if the sit­u­a­tion is lack­ing in ener­gy, then you must bring more live­li­ness to bear.

If you lean in too much, you will be over­whelm­ing; and if you hold back over­much you will be under­whelm­ing. But it you can bring to bear in each moment that per­fect bal­ance of you that fits, then you will be wel­com­ing and wel­comed, and you will be well-met indeed.

For each encounter with the Now, there is a hier­ar­chy of con­sid­er­a­tions that should be formed into your pres­ence. It will often mat­ter how you are attired. It will very much mat­ter how you hold your­self, as your demeanor or dis­po­si­tion will be crit­i­cal to your recep­tion. It will mat­ter how well you speak, and how well you listen.

But all of this and more will flow from your aware­ness; all of this comes from your inte­gral com­bi­na­tion of Right-Inten­tion, Right-Think­ing, and Right-Feel­ing. It is by this that you are tru­ly you in Right-Action. Your spir­i­tu­al aware­ness, your lev­el of inten­tion, will deter­mine how you will be and what you will next become.

If you under­stand the “Why” of you, then you will know that you are one of many ones whose jour­ney is the Song of Spir­it. If you can tru­ly under­stand that each of you is pre­cious, then you will know that you are equal­ly pre­cious for one anoth­er too. Then you will under­stand this “Why”; you will know that the truth of you is Love. Then you will stand in the Eter­nal Now, the place of Free­dom and Truth, and when you do this you will tru­ly shine.

You are here to be who and what you are, and only you will make it so. If you have lis­tened to your soul’s true nature, you will bring ever increas­ing Light and Love into every moment met in the Eter­nal Now. You will take your next step in your self-becom­ing as you:

Lead with Kindness
Act with Courage
And love one anoth­er as you love yourself.

Because this is who you are; this is who we are.
You are one of the ones of the One.
You are here because of Love,
You are you to be this Love.

Fol­low the Wis­dom of the Ages,
It is writ­ten there in your heart.
Know Thy­self; Love One Another,
And you will be you as you,
Live by Love in the Eter­nal Now.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

One thought on “Sun Enters Aries – Happy Astrological New Year! (March 20, 2017)

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