Daily Archives: May 19, 2017

Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2017)

The Gift of Self-Aware­ness, The Path of Awakening

These are the first three steps on the path of Awakening,

Aries = I am

Tau­rus = I am that

Gem­i­ni = What am I; and what is That?

These are the first three steps you will take, on any world, in any life and every day. In Aries, you expe­ri­ence sub­jec­tive aware­ness, you are aware of you; in Tau­rus, you expe­ri­ence objec­tive aware­ness, you are aware that you are some-thing; and in Gem­i­ni, you expe­ri­ence the cre­ative ten­sion of this essen­tial dual­i­ty of you and of all Cre­ation, that you are a You, and you are a That.

You are in your inner­most, as is all of Cre­ation, a pre­cious spark of the one Spir­it involving/evolving itself through a con­tin­u­ous stream­ing of Spir­it-Life into forms of Mat­ter. All of Cre­ation is Spir­it involv­ing itself into ever more per­fect vehi­cles of Sub­stan­tial Being, which brings ful­fill­ment to yet ulti­mate­ly lim­its the fuller real­iza­tion of Spirit.

That is because the very essence of Spir­it or Life is to Grow, to Become or Change, and there is no final form or per­fec­tion of Mate­r­i­al Being to be had. These evolv­ing innu­mer­able forms of Spir­it-Mat­ter come into being for a lim­it­ed time, and they form the Man­i­fest­ed sto­ry of the One, whose Con­scious­ness and Body is formed by all of Cre­ation togeth­er. The One Spir­it and all Mat­ter-Forms togeth­er form Cre­ation; Cre­ation is the Jour­ney of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it cease­less­ly seek­ing more ade­quate worlds, forms and lives of Self-Realization.

Yet, the very Gift of Self-Aware­ness aris­es from or is formed by this essen­tial ten­sion between Sub­ject and Object. The quin­tes­sen­tial dichoto­my between Spir­it and Mat­ter forms the exquis­ite “ecsta­sy and agony” of the twin pil­lars of Gem­i­ni, and it is this which gives birth to your won­drous gift of “Know­ing”. The fact of your essen­tial Immor­tal­i­ty mov­ing through these mor­tal forms, try­ing to evolve ever more per­fect forms, it is this which forms your “ache of the soul”, your yearn­ing of you to know, grow and become.

Your essen­tial nature as Spir­it yearns to be whole, to find a way to resolve or bridge “You and That”. This is the thresh­old you cross every time as you move through the world of Gem­i­ni; this is what pulls and tugs on all beings who have crossed from unself-con­scious forms into ever more rar­efied forms of Self-Aware Con­scious­ness. This is you tak­ing yet anoth­er step on the Path of Awakening.

You have jour­neyed for a very, very long time. Many worlds, forms and lives came before you entered this realm of being human, of your begin­ning to be Self-Aware. You entered this spe­cial phase of your Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney, one that brings you the abil­i­ty to under­stand and have real choice, pre­cise­ly because it begins to form and forge the rain­bow bridge of light between your low­er mind and high­er rea­son­ing powers.

And, this could only be accom­plished by you also mov­ing through con­tin­u­ous­ly refined vehi­cles of self-real­iza­tion that ful­fill your need to become a being with rea­son and choice. You have come to this aware­ness, where you are able to make adjust­ments as you encounter action/reaction, as you come to under­stand cause and effect. You are here to ful­fill your Spir­i­tu­al Des­tiny; you are here to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for what you think and what you do, and par­tic­i­pate as an ever more con­scious co-cre­ator of Creation.

But, trag­i­cal­ly and inevitably, and tru­ly act­ing as the essen­tial quick­en­ing to even greater evo­lu­tion of your spir­i­tu­al poten­tial, all these vehi­cles of your mor­tal life, all these mat­ter-forms will be inad­e­quate to the Spir­i­tu­al ful­fill­ment that you are and are yet to be. The ten­sion between your Divin­i­ty and your mor­tal­i­ty con­tin­ues with you through­out your many lives as human, as you steadi­ly climb the Moun­tain of Truth and Wis­dom towards Enlightenment.

And so, you lift your eyes and look to the stars, and your cry goes out to the Universe:

Why, why must I suffer?”

And the Stars reply:

Because, because you are not yet what you will one day be.”

How can you bridge this unbridge­able gap between Spir­it and Mat­ter? By fol­low­ing the path of Spir­it, by lis­ten­ing to your own qui­et and lov­ing voice with­in, by shar­ing your expe­ri­ences and thoughts with those with whom you jour­ney, and by fol­low­ing the great ones who came before, whose lives and works have illu­mined this path that you fol­low too.

At the cen­ter of each par­ti­cle and mote of Cre­ation, in the cen­ter of all the mol­e­cules and atoms of your body, and in own your spir­i­tu­al heart too, there in that inner­most sanc­tum is the guid­ing pres­ence of you. It is there you will find the spark of the divine, and it is known in the Ancient Wis­dom as your Mon­ad of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness. And it is this, this Divin­i­ty that is at the cen­ter of all cen­ters, it is this that gives birth to and dri­ves for­wards and upwards all of this, all that is and is becom­ing. It is your high­er self, it is your uncon­di­tion­al love, and it is also your High­er Con­scious­ness too.

What­ev­er form Spir­it takes on is ulti­mate­ly inad­e­quate to contain/express the truth of spir­it which is ever unfold­ing, ever-becom­ing some-thing more. This impass­able space, this Divi­sion of the one into the many, this is the source of your spir­i­tu­al unease. It is known as Divine Dis­con­tent, your yearn­ing to grow clos­er to the Divin­i­ty with­in and reach out­wards to the Divin­i­ty that is all around too…but how to do this. What­ev­er the form of self-real­iza­tion, it will ulti­mate­ly be unable to sat­is­fy Spirit.

But there is a Way; and the reward is great. Knowl­edge will lead to Wis­dom, and wis­dom will bring you Peace of Mind. This is the gift of Intel­li­gence; the Fruit of Rea­son is Under­stand­ing. You as “Spir­it Self-Reflec­tive”, you will move beyond your pain of dual­i­ty, and be a ful­filled Spir­it mov­ing through mate­r­i­al or mor­tal worlds, forms and lives. Yes you will still feel the ache in your soul, often more for oth­ers than for your­self, but you will also be filled with the Joy of Under­stand­ing too.

Your way through this dis­con­tent, the path­way toward peace, is by the devel­op­ment, or bet­ter put, the align­ing of your low­er mind with and by your high­er mind, with the spir­i­tu­al pres­ence found in your High­er Self. This process, this mov­ing through the por­tal of Awak­en­ing is what begins with Gemini.

Here you will find once more the Path. This Path is found in the awak­en­ing of your Gift of Intel­li­gence, and it is this that will even­tu­al­ly bring you to accep­tance and under­stand­ing. It is by Intel­li­gence and Wis­dom that you will even­tu­al­ly and con­scious­ly expe­ri­ence your One­ness with­in and the One­ness that sur­rounds you too. This is how you “meet your beloved”, for it is this Divin­i­ty with­in your­self which will keep you cen­tered in your Truth as you walk the cir­cuitous path of curios­i­ty, of ques­tions, con­trasts and com­par­isons. Yes, this is the Way of Intelligence.

But what is this gift; what is Intelligence?

Intel­li­gence is the fac­ul­ty of com­par­ing-con­trast­ing, of con­sid­er­ing the dual­i­ties the Self encoun­ters in Subject/Object, and of all the divi­sions with­in and with­out, as your spir­it cease­less­ly seeks to find a way out of divi­sion and back to the One. This is the pulse of Cre­ation on any plane of man­i­fes­ta­tion: It is The­sis ver­sus Antithe­sis, which is resolved by a more mean­ing­ful, ele­gant or beau­ti­ful Synthesis…and this unfolds con­tin­u­ous­ly, and for­ev­er and ever on all planes of existence.

But in truth, espe­cial­ly in your human form, this process of deter­min­ing what is more or less true, to sep­a­rate out (con­tin­u­ous­ly) the “wheat from the chafe” of your expe­ri­ence of real­i­ty, so that you might con­tin­u­al­ly work towards more encom­pass­ing and ele­gant answers on the Path of Life, does not, it real­ly can­not take place in separation.

Intel­li­gence and Know­ing will not func­tion by you and for your­self alone or apart from those with whom you jour­ney. As with all of Spir­it, in all of Life, we are part of the Greater Whole and we are made up by and through our inter­re­la­tion­ships with one anoth­er. The way you devel­op and engage your fac­ul­ty of rea­son­ing, the neces­si­ty for your intel­li­gence to func­tion, is through com­par­ing, shar­ing, con­trast­ing and cor­rect­ing your thought-forms in your inter­ac­tions with many, many others.

This Truth of the Way of Know­ing is revealed in your very lan­guage. The word “Con­scious­ness” is made of two words, “Con” which means “Togeth­er” and “Scious­ness” which means “Know­ing”.

Con­scious­ness means lit­er­al­ly “Togeth­er Knowing”!

You real­ly, on your own, know very lit­tle. Your way of think­ing, your cat­e­gories and labels, con­cepts and sup­po­si­tions, have been impart­ed to you by all with whom you have direct (and often indi­rect con­tact). Our thoughts are made by one anoth­er, and we are all mixed up with and entan­gled with one anoth­er. You may not wish to acknowl­edge this, but most of what you put forth as your own fact, thought or ide­al is real­ly the pass­ing on from some­one else, (who also passed that on from some­one else, and so on).

Yes, unfor­tu­nate­ly, we alone and divid­ed from one anoth­er will know lit­tle and less over time. But togeth­er, striv­ing and shar­ing we can come to under­stand a very great deal. But this requires each of us to engage with one anoth­er, to share, dis­cuss, argue, con­trast and com­bine so that we lift our thought-forms for one anoth­er. This is in fact anoth­er aspect of our love for one anoth­er. You need one anoth­er to refine your under­stand­ing and love for one another.

It is as if you are a light-beam, shin­ing your par­tic­u­lar per­spec­tive upon the mat­ter at hand. It may appear per­fect­ly illu­mi­nat­ed, but you will also cre­ate a shad­ow from this lim­it­ed point of view. You can­not know what you do not see; and, you will not see what you can­not imag­ine or under­stand. So, by hav­ing another’s point of view, by adopt­ing a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive from your own, you can reduce the shad­ow and see the ques­tion in a more well-round­ed and com­plete man­ner. And by shin­ing many minds/lights upon the mat­ter at hand, you will slow­ly but sure­ly help one anoth­er to step out of the shad­ows and into “the Light”.

The pow­er of Intel­li­gence is the abil­i­ty to see a sit­u­a­tion more com­plete­ly, to see it whole and make it whole. Between one way of see­ing or approach­ing a prob­lem or ques­tion, and anoth­er way of see­ing the issue at hand, the Intel­li­gence seeks for the “Third Way”, the path that usu­al­ly encom­pass­es some­thing from both those oth­er ways and by so doing ris­es above them too. And though you cer­tain­ly can do this by rea­son­ing with­in and for one­self, the process is most cer­tain­ly quick­ened when two or more of you put your minds togeth­er and find a bet­ter way.

So, help one anoth­er to under­stand “That”.

Lis­ten to one anoth­er, dis­cuss and share with one anoth­er and move togeth­er into the Greater Understanding.

Give thanks to those with whom you trav­el; For they are a Light unto you.

Give thanks to those who have secured their Awak­en­ing; their exam­ple will light your way now too.

Remem­ber always, you are here to grow…

You are here to learn.

Keep ask­ing questions.

Live your life with Wonder.

Love one another.

And for­ev­er and ever,

Shine on.