Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2017)

The Gift of Self-Aware­ness, The Path of Awakening

These are the first three steps on the path of Awakening,

Aries = I am

Tau­rus = I am that

Gem­i­ni = What am I; and what is That?

These are the first three steps you will take, on any world, in any life and every day. In Aries, you expe­ri­ence sub­jec­tive aware­ness, you are aware of you; in Tau­rus, you expe­ri­ence objec­tive aware­ness, you are aware that you are some-thing; and in Gem­i­ni, you expe­ri­ence the cre­ative ten­sion of this essen­tial dual­i­ty of you and of all Cre­ation, that you are a You, and you are a That.

You are in your inner­most, as is all of Cre­ation, a pre­cious spark of the one Spir­it involving/evolving itself through a con­tin­u­ous stream­ing of Spir­it-Life into forms of Mat­ter. All of Cre­ation is Spir­it involv­ing itself into ever more per­fect vehi­cles of Sub­stan­tial Being, which brings ful­fill­ment to yet ulti­mate­ly lim­its the fuller real­iza­tion of Spirit.

That is because the very essence of Spir­it or Life is to Grow, to Become or Change, and there is no final form or per­fec­tion of Mate­r­i­al Being to be had. These evolv­ing innu­mer­able forms of Spir­it-Mat­ter come into being for a lim­it­ed time, and they form the Man­i­fest­ed sto­ry of the One, whose Con­scious­ness and Body is formed by all of Cre­ation togeth­er. The One Spir­it and all Mat­ter-Forms togeth­er form Cre­ation; Cre­ation is the Jour­ney of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it cease­less­ly seek­ing more ade­quate worlds, forms and lives of Self-Realization.

Yet, the very Gift of Self-Aware­ness aris­es from or is formed by this essen­tial ten­sion between Sub­ject and Object. The quin­tes­sen­tial dichoto­my between Spir­it and Mat­ter forms the exquis­ite “ecsta­sy and agony” of the twin pil­lars of Gem­i­ni, and it is this which gives birth to your won­drous gift of “Know­ing”. The fact of your essen­tial Immor­tal­i­ty mov­ing through these mor­tal forms, try­ing to evolve ever more per­fect forms, it is this which forms your “ache of the soul”, your yearn­ing of you to know, grow and become.

Your essen­tial nature as Spir­it yearns to be whole, to find a way to resolve or bridge “You and That”. This is the thresh­old you cross every time as you move through the world of Gem­i­ni; this is what pulls and tugs on all beings who have crossed from unself-con­scious forms into ever more rar­efied forms of Self-Aware Con­scious­ness. This is you tak­ing yet anoth­er step on the Path of Awakening.

You have jour­neyed for a very, very long time. Many worlds, forms and lives came before you entered this realm of being human, of your begin­ning to be Self-Aware. You entered this spe­cial phase of your Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney, one that brings you the abil­i­ty to under­stand and have real choice, pre­cise­ly because it begins to form and forge the rain­bow bridge of light between your low­er mind and high­er rea­son­ing powers.

And, this could only be accom­plished by you also mov­ing through con­tin­u­ous­ly refined vehi­cles of self-real­iza­tion that ful­fill your need to become a being with rea­son and choice. You have come to this aware­ness, where you are able to make adjust­ments as you encounter action/reaction, as you come to under­stand cause and effect. You are here to ful­fill your Spir­i­tu­al Des­tiny; you are here to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for what you think and what you do, and par­tic­i­pate as an ever more con­scious co-cre­ator of Creation.

But, trag­i­cal­ly and inevitably, and tru­ly act­ing as the essen­tial quick­en­ing to even greater evo­lu­tion of your spir­i­tu­al poten­tial, all these vehi­cles of your mor­tal life, all these mat­ter-forms will be inad­e­quate to the Spir­i­tu­al ful­fill­ment that you are and are yet to be. The ten­sion between your Divin­i­ty and your mor­tal­i­ty con­tin­ues with you through­out your many lives as human, as you steadi­ly climb the Moun­tain of Truth and Wis­dom towards Enlightenment.

And so, you lift your eyes and look to the stars, and your cry goes out to the Universe:

Why, why must I suffer?”

And the Stars reply:

Because, because you are not yet what you will one day be.”

How can you bridge this unbridge­able gap between Spir­it and Mat­ter? By fol­low­ing the path of Spir­it, by lis­ten­ing to your own qui­et and lov­ing voice with­in, by shar­ing your expe­ri­ences and thoughts with those with whom you jour­ney, and by fol­low­ing the great ones who came before, whose lives and works have illu­mined this path that you fol­low too.

At the cen­ter of each par­ti­cle and mote of Cre­ation, in the cen­ter of all the mol­e­cules and atoms of your body, and in own your spir­i­tu­al heart too, there in that inner­most sanc­tum is the guid­ing pres­ence of you. It is there you will find the spark of the divine, and it is known in the Ancient Wis­dom as your Mon­ad of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness. And it is this, this Divin­i­ty that is at the cen­ter of all cen­ters, it is this that gives birth to and dri­ves for­wards and upwards all of this, all that is and is becom­ing. It is your high­er self, it is your uncon­di­tion­al love, and it is also your High­er Con­scious­ness too.

What­ev­er form Spir­it takes on is ulti­mate­ly inad­e­quate to contain/express the truth of spir­it which is ever unfold­ing, ever-becom­ing some-thing more. This impass­able space, this Divi­sion of the one into the many, this is the source of your spir­i­tu­al unease. It is known as Divine Dis­con­tent, your yearn­ing to grow clos­er to the Divin­i­ty with­in and reach out­wards to the Divin­i­ty that is all around too…but how to do this. What­ev­er the form of self-real­iza­tion, it will ulti­mate­ly be unable to sat­is­fy Spirit.

But there is a Way; and the reward is great. Knowl­edge will lead to Wis­dom, and wis­dom will bring you Peace of Mind. This is the gift of Intel­li­gence; the Fruit of Rea­son is Under­stand­ing. You as “Spir­it Self-Reflec­tive”, you will move beyond your pain of dual­i­ty, and be a ful­filled Spir­it mov­ing through mate­r­i­al or mor­tal worlds, forms and lives. Yes you will still feel the ache in your soul, often more for oth­ers than for your­self, but you will also be filled with the Joy of Under­stand­ing too.

Your way through this dis­con­tent, the path­way toward peace, is by the devel­op­ment, or bet­ter put, the align­ing of your low­er mind with and by your high­er mind, with the spir­i­tu­al pres­ence found in your High­er Self. This process, this mov­ing through the por­tal of Awak­en­ing is what begins with Gemini.

Here you will find once more the Path. This Path is found in the awak­en­ing of your Gift of Intel­li­gence, and it is this that will even­tu­al­ly bring you to accep­tance and under­stand­ing. It is by Intel­li­gence and Wis­dom that you will even­tu­al­ly and con­scious­ly expe­ri­ence your One­ness with­in and the One­ness that sur­rounds you too. This is how you “meet your beloved”, for it is this Divin­i­ty with­in your­self which will keep you cen­tered in your Truth as you walk the cir­cuitous path of curios­i­ty, of ques­tions, con­trasts and com­par­isons. Yes, this is the Way of Intelligence.

But what is this gift; what is Intelligence?

Intel­li­gence is the fac­ul­ty of com­par­ing-con­trast­ing, of con­sid­er­ing the dual­i­ties the Self encoun­ters in Subject/Object, and of all the divi­sions with­in and with­out, as your spir­it cease­less­ly seeks to find a way out of divi­sion and back to the One. This is the pulse of Cre­ation on any plane of man­i­fes­ta­tion: It is The­sis ver­sus Antithe­sis, which is resolved by a more mean­ing­ful, ele­gant or beau­ti­ful Synthesis…and this unfolds con­tin­u­ous­ly, and for­ev­er and ever on all planes of existence.

But in truth, espe­cial­ly in your human form, this process of deter­min­ing what is more or less true, to sep­a­rate out (con­tin­u­ous­ly) the “wheat from the chafe” of your expe­ri­ence of real­i­ty, so that you might con­tin­u­al­ly work towards more encom­pass­ing and ele­gant answers on the Path of Life, does not, it real­ly can­not take place in separation.

Intel­li­gence and Know­ing will not func­tion by you and for your­self alone or apart from those with whom you jour­ney. As with all of Spir­it, in all of Life, we are part of the Greater Whole and we are made up by and through our inter­re­la­tion­ships with one anoth­er. The way you devel­op and engage your fac­ul­ty of rea­son­ing, the neces­si­ty for your intel­li­gence to func­tion, is through com­par­ing, shar­ing, con­trast­ing and cor­rect­ing your thought-forms in your inter­ac­tions with many, many others.

This Truth of the Way of Know­ing is revealed in your very lan­guage. The word “Con­scious­ness” is made of two words, “Con” which means “Togeth­er” and “Scious­ness” which means “Know­ing”.

Con­scious­ness means lit­er­al­ly “Togeth­er Knowing”!

You real­ly, on your own, know very lit­tle. Your way of think­ing, your cat­e­gories and labels, con­cepts and sup­po­si­tions, have been impart­ed to you by all with whom you have direct (and often indi­rect con­tact). Our thoughts are made by one anoth­er, and we are all mixed up with and entan­gled with one anoth­er. You may not wish to acknowl­edge this, but most of what you put forth as your own fact, thought or ide­al is real­ly the pass­ing on from some­one else, (who also passed that on from some­one else, and so on).

Yes, unfor­tu­nate­ly, we alone and divid­ed from one anoth­er will know lit­tle and less over time. But togeth­er, striv­ing and shar­ing we can come to under­stand a very great deal. But this requires each of us to engage with one anoth­er, to share, dis­cuss, argue, con­trast and com­bine so that we lift our thought-forms for one anoth­er. This is in fact anoth­er aspect of our love for one anoth­er. You need one anoth­er to refine your under­stand­ing and love for one another.

It is as if you are a light-beam, shin­ing your par­tic­u­lar per­spec­tive upon the mat­ter at hand. It may appear per­fect­ly illu­mi­nat­ed, but you will also cre­ate a shad­ow from this lim­it­ed point of view. You can­not know what you do not see; and, you will not see what you can­not imag­ine or under­stand. So, by hav­ing another’s point of view, by adopt­ing a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive from your own, you can reduce the shad­ow and see the ques­tion in a more well-round­ed and com­plete man­ner. And by shin­ing many minds/lights upon the mat­ter at hand, you will slow­ly but sure­ly help one anoth­er to step out of the shad­ows and into “the Light”.

The pow­er of Intel­li­gence is the abil­i­ty to see a sit­u­a­tion more com­plete­ly, to see it whole and make it whole. Between one way of see­ing or approach­ing a prob­lem or ques­tion, and anoth­er way of see­ing the issue at hand, the Intel­li­gence seeks for the “Third Way”, the path that usu­al­ly encom­pass­es some­thing from both those oth­er ways and by so doing ris­es above them too. And though you cer­tain­ly can do this by rea­son­ing with­in and for one­self, the process is most cer­tain­ly quick­ened when two or more of you put your minds togeth­er and find a bet­ter way.

So, help one anoth­er to under­stand “That”.

Lis­ten to one anoth­er, dis­cuss and share with one anoth­er and move togeth­er into the Greater Understanding.

Give thanks to those with whom you trav­el; For they are a Light unto you.

Give thanks to those who have secured their Awak­en­ing; their exam­ple will light your way now too.

Remem­ber always, you are here to grow…

You are here to learn.

Keep ask­ing questions.

Live your life with Wonder.

Love one another.

And for­ev­er and ever,

Shine on.


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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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