Daily Archives: July 21, 2017

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2017)

The Gift of Respect, The Way of Love

There are Three Lessons in Fire:

In Aries, you expe­ri­ence the Les­son of Presence.

In Leo, you expe­ri­ence the Les­son of Authenticity.

In Sagit­tar­ius, you expe­ri­ence the Les­son of Understanding.

Today you move from the Lunar Waters of Can­cer into the Solar Fires of Leo. Your expe­ri­ence of Can­cer for the past month, (and tru­ly found in each and every day too, since all of these signs are the ever-present, Twelve-Fold Ener­gy-Forms of the Uni­verse), Can­cer has brought you clos­er to the Root of You, to your essen­tial Essence or “Quin­tes­sence”.

Now, hav­ing gone with­in and felt the truth of your “Self that is the Cen­ter”, you have the urgent and irre­press­ible need to release your­self. Through motion, or E‑motion, you out­ward­ly act in ways to ful­fill your­self. You must move from with­in and go out­wards, you must Per­form, (act through a form of self-real­iza­tion, that is to “Per-Form”). You seek to release and so be your­self by Self-Expres­sion, Cre­ativ­i­ty, Lead­er­ship and Love.

This is the realm that is Leo;
This is the Sign of the Sun; This is the place where you “Shine”!

Some­where in your chart you are Leo, and here you will shine always. It is there that you release your Self (what­ev­er is your Sun Sign) in a man­ner that reveals and cel­e­brates the truth that is in and of you.

You have come clos­er to your true self in Can­cer, as you washed your soul in the waters of life, in your roots of remem­brance. Hav­ing felt this, hav­ing yoked your life to your truer self, then you may bring forth by Leo what is a more lov­ing form of you.

Here in Leo, you are chal­lenged, for it is upon you to choose well: “What stage shall I act upon? What role should I act through? What man­ner of expres­sion should I become?”

All the world is a stage, and it waits for you to be you.

And, if you do choose well, then you will find that you are being a bet­ter you, releas­ing and reveal­ing your­self through ever more authen­tic forms of self-expres­sion; you rise into that truer you…and those who wit­ness this will cheer and applaud and say, “I see you!”

And this is what you need, and it is all you have ever want­ed. To be seen for who and what you are is what will bring a smile. You sim­ply want “to be your­self”; and you need to be loved for this too. You need to be appre­ci­at­ed and respect­ed for being exact­ly who (and what) you are.

That is all you and every­one else wants too. And, this is also the les­son of Leo: that for you to be Authen­tic, for you to be seen in your truth, to be tru­ly for who you are, it is equal­ly true that you must do this for oth­ers too. Respect and Love are not demand­ed or tak­en, they are freely giv­en when you are Authen­tic. That is why you will shine even brighter, ever more tru­ly, when you show this same con­sid­er­a­tion of Respect and Love to those who see you in your truth. You reap what you sow, you are what you give:

I see you; I see you too!”

When you step into the right role, when you act upon the prop­er stage, you become an inspi­ra­tion for others…you become a Star. Your light, your love, shines forth and is returned a thou­sand-fold by those who love you back. You earn respect because you treat oth­ers with respect. Your shin­ing exam­ple inspires oth­ers to believe and be them­selves too, and the world becomes a lit­tle bet­ter, and the light becomes a lit­tle brighter.

You are here to lead by exam­ple, by inspir­ing oth­ers to believe in them­selves too. The world does not need “lead­ers” who think that lead­ing means telling peo­ple “what they should do, or be, or not be”. Lead­er­ship is part of your Spir­i­tu­al core, the know­ing truth that with­in one and all is the self-lumi­nous spark of the Divine.

Spir­it forms in each of us the capac­i­ty to Lead, to know that what peo­ple need is some­one who believes in them. All who tru­ly lead do so through this lov­ing acknowl­edge­ment: That by the sim­ple act of look­ing the oth­er in the eye and say­ing to them: “I see you, I believe in you…and you can do this”. This is “the Way”, and that by doing this you open your heart and theirs to a bet­ter world too.

By rec­og­niz­ing and respect­ing the divin­i­ty in any oth­er you help them and your­self to be, you help one anoth­er “to shine”.

You need to live this Leo part of you every sin­gle day. The way is this, quite simply:

Love your­self as you love one another.”

By this, you are true to your­self and you encour­age every oth­er to love and believe in them­selves too.

Yes, Leo is about being in touch with the essence of Spir­it; You are here to be a Cre­ator, you are here to Love and be Loved.

Cel­e­brate this time of Leo:

Stretch your­self.

Lead by Example.

Love your­self; and Love one another.

Look one anoth­er in the eye.

See what is look­ing back at you, and smile…

Now, sim­ply say what you see,
