Daily Archives: August 14, 2017

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show, #6: The Great Eclipse of 2017-The USA-Donald Trump (Saturday August 19, 2017 @ 6 pm EDT)

Astrological Observations August 2017

The Great Eclipse, The United States and Donald Trump

The Meaning of America and the Great Eclipse on August 21, 2017

Today we will exam­ine the mean­ing and impact of the Great Eclipse of August 2017 which will sweep across the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca from the North­west to the South­east. The eclipse strong­ly impacts the USA astro­log­i­cal chart, as the eclipse is direct­ly oppo­site the USA Moon. I will explain what this indi­cates in terms of the mean­ing and mes­sage for our coun­try. Briefly, the Moon rules the peo­ple in a nation­al chart, and for the US it is placed in the sign of Aquar­ius. This means that the heart and soul that forms the sense of being a US cit­i­zen is our heart­felt com­mit­ment to the cre­ation and preser­va­tion of our “space of free­dom”. This space of free­dom or self-real­iza­tion is fun­da­men­tal to our pur­suit of “Life, Lib­er­ty and the pur­suit of Happiness”.

We will look at where this prin­ci­ple of Hap­pi­ness comes from, look­ing back to the author of our Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence, Thomas Jef­fer­son and the thinkers who inspired him rang­ing from the Ancient Teach­ings, Aris­to­tle, and more recent­ly restat­ed in the Polit­i­cal Philoso­phers of the Enlight­en­ment, specif­i­cal­ly John Locke.

I will then con­sid­er the loca­tion of the Eclipse in the last degrees of Leo, and what that means with regards to its align­ment with one of the Roy­al Fixed Stars, Reg­u­lus. We will con­sid­er what this means for us as it aligns not only with the USA Moon, but this Fixed Star also con­nects to the Mars and Ascen­dant of Don­ald Trump’s chart.

Through­out his­to­ry, eclipses have been expe­ri­enced as por­tends of great chal­lenges and changes; What might we expect to wit­ness in our moment in his­to­ry now?

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this sub­ject or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you.

Please join me on Sat­ur­day August 19th at 6 pm as we con­sid­er the mean­ings behind the cur­rent events in our country.

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:


Here is the link to the show on Sat­ur­day August 19th @ 6 pm EDT:


The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

I very much look for­ward to shar­ing time with you on Sat­ur­day August 19th!

Warm regards,
