Monthly Archives: September 2017

Sun Enters Libra – The Equinox – (September 22, 2017)

The Gift of Companionship, The Way of I and Thou

Life is Spir­it; Spir­it is Life.

At the core of any par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, there abides Light and Love, there at the cen­ter of every­thing and every­one there is the Spark of the Divine.

This dew­drop of divin­i­ty is Pure Con­scious­ness; it is a Dia­mond Body of True Love.

Each Mon­ad of the Divine exists in its own Sacred Space, which over time is formed more per­fect­ly into the liv­ing abode of a Self-Aware Cos­mic Con­scious­ness, which is guid­ed and informed by Uncon­di­tion­al Love and held in its Sacred Space as a unique “one of the One” by its Spir­i­tu­al­ly Cen­tered Will.

This is what forms the entire­ty of Cre­ation, rang­ing from the infin­i­tes­i­mals of inner space on up to the Galac­tic Con­scious­ness­es that encom­pass a celes­tial host of Stars, Plan­ets and Life-Forms.

And This is what you are too, a pre­cious dew-drop of Spir­it who is slow­ly but sure­ly becom­ing self-aware, draw­ing clos­er and clos­er to your own true nature: that you are a Divin­i­ty that is learn­ing to be a Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Uni­verse; to be a Lov­ing Cre­ator who is Wise and Hum­ble too.

This Jour­ney of Spir­it, this Path­way of Light and Love, is the Jour­ney of Awak­en­ing that is forged and made by you and by your com­pan­ions too. You could nev­er be what you are, “a self-becom­ing human”, with­out one anoth­er. A sin­gu­lar, uncon­nect­ed, unre­lat­ed human is just not even pos­si­ble, it would quite sim­ply not be “human” at all.

For you are tru­ly made of and by one anoth­er. In world after world, in life after life, you are formed by all with whom you have direct and indi­rect inter­re­la­tion­ships. You are formed by your par­ents, by your sib­lings and friends, class­mates and col­leagues, by your loves of for­mer lives and in the eter­nal now too, so that all your broth­ers and sis­ters in Spir­it are there with you, and you in them too. Your Thoughts-Val­ues-Morals, and the Love that holds them all, the essen­tial ele­ments of you, are all shaped by the count­less encoun­ters you have with one anoth­er. You are your rela­tions; you are an “I” and a “host of we”; and it is out of these many that you become the one that is you.

We are all “Mixed-up”; each of you is in so many oth­ers, and so many, many oth­ers are what makes you what you are too. That is why this next expe­ri­ence in the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, the Twelve-Fold ener­gy forms that hold this Uni­verse togeth­er, is so impor­tant for you to under­stand and mas­ter. For in truth, you are made of all Twelve Signs, just in dif­fer­ing pro­por­tions and com­bi­na­tions. If you are to know your­self and become what you tru­ly are meant to be, then you must embrace some part of each sign as an essen­tial part of you.

Today you move into the realm of Libra; Today you meet with one anoth­er in that most Sacred Space of I and Thou; Today you enter the Mys­tery, where you will meet and make your­self through one anoth­er in the “third space” that is Relationship.

After the attune­ments, align­ments, adjust­ments and heal­ing of Vir­go, you are ready for this. You have done your home­work, you have won greater self-mas­tery through crit­i­cal self-exam­i­na­tion, and you are now more tru­ly you, and you are more at peace.

Now you see before you the Truth of Spir­it; that you can only become who you real­ly are when you are with one anoth­er. You gaze into the eyes of the one before you, and what is shin­ing back from those win­dows of the soul is so famil­iar. It is the same or essen­tial “aware­ness or pres­ence” that is there with­in you too. It is the One, it is the Love of the One for all the ones that comes shin­ing through each of you.

In any rela­tion­ship, there are three “spaces”. You exist in your own sacred space; and the oth­er before you, they are in their own sacred space too. Nei­ther of you may or should tres­pass upon the oth­er, nei­ther of you should lose your­self in the oth­er. But togeth­er you can build this “Third Space” of We, the space you make togeth­er. This is the play­ground of your “self that is becom­ing”; this is your space of self-trans­for­ma­tion and self-ful­fill­ment by and through one another.

It is here that you learn, work and play; here is where each of you become as you live for your­self and for one anoth­er too. By mov­ing into rela­tion­ship, you move into greater self-aware­ness through your dance of spir­it with one anoth­er. You can­not mere­ly do what you want with­out care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion for them too. You form a space of mutu­al ben­e­fit by at first uncon­scious­ly, and then ever more con­scious­ly, cre­at­ing a frame­work to guide, sup­port and pro­tect your inter­ac­tions with one anoth­er. Each of your own indi­vid­ual self-ful­fill­ments depends upon the ful­fill­ment of the oth­er. You expe­ri­ence the liv­ing real­i­ty that their dreams com­ing true are the very sub­stance of your dreams made real too.

Yes, it is here in Libra that you expe­ri­ence the Quick­en­ing of your Spir­it; it is here that you lift one anoth­er up into the Greater Aware­ness that is forged and found­ed by being part of one anoth­er, cre­at­ing one anoth­er by Love.

You need one anoth­er to be yourself.

You look back to your ances­tors, and under­stand how much you owe to those who came before.

And, you look around your­self and real­ize how much you need those with whom you jour­ney now.

You are one, and you are many.

Bow your head; Open your heart.

Smile at the one who is before you.

Know that you are one and the same,


Mercury Turns Direct in Leo (September 5, 2017)

You have been wait­ing for this. Mer­cury has been “slow­ing down” for a few days now, and it begins mov­ing for­ward once again today. It was ret­ro­grad­ing from August 12th until now, but it will take a lit­tle while to get back to its reg­u­lar motion. You may expe­ri­ence or observe that your per­son­al thought-forms and exter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions may not com­plete­ly nor­mal­ize until Mer­cury leaves its ret­ro­grade zone on Sep­tem­ber 19th.

The past three weeks would have been best spent in qui­et reflec­tion, con­tem­pla­tion and self-cor­rec­tion. But of course, in our mod­ern world life goes on, and hav­ing that kind of oppor­tu­ni­ty is rare indeed. Hope­ful­ly, you did find some time each day to bend your thoughts back upon your­self, and you were able to clear away some of the accu­mu­la­tions of mis­ap­pre­hen­sion, incon­sis­ten­cy and con­fu­sion that often cloud your consciousness.

Now, it is time to apply this clear­ing of your thought-forms to the world around you. While most of this ret­ro­grade was in Vir­go, Mer­cury is turn­ing direct in the sign of Leo. That brings the focus of your mind (and dis­pos­es oth­ers like­wise) to be most shaped by con­cerns regard­ing Respect, Hon­or and Love. These thought-forms and sen­si­bil­i­ties are in everyone’s mind and upon everyone’s tongue. Much like the phys­i­cal weath­er, it is best to be pre­pared for what may come by under­stand­ing what con­di­tions pre­vail at any one time.

You would do well to pause and con­sid­er how to approach any mat­ter with a true con­sid­er­a­tion of the respect you need to show to one anoth­er, always. Cer­tain­ly, you should have a keen appre­ci­a­tion for your own self-regard, which is found­ed upon know­ing who and what you tru­ly are, a self-aware spir­it whose core is formed by spir­i­tu­al love. From this, you should find com­fort and grace in endur­ing and healthy love and respect for your­self. You can stay cen­tered and true, with clear thoughts and inten­tions as you hold your­self with this knowl­edge of your ori­gin and destiny.

But you must equal­ly acknowl­edge, that any per­son who is before you is owed this same con­sid­er­a­tion too. Whether that per­son be friend or stranger, your “mas­ter” or “ser­vant”, that per­son before you is fun­da­men­tal­ly your equal, walk­ing the same path of self-awak­en­ing and self-ful­fill­ment as you. If you want their respect, you must earn that by show­ing them the same respect you wish to receive from them.

Think respect­ful­ly, speak kind­ly and lis­ten atten­tive­ly because it is how you wished to be treat­ed too. If you wish to under­stand one anoth­er, to grow in con­scious­ness which can only be accom­plished by com­min­gling your thoughts with one anoth­er, you must do what­ev­er you can to open your minds to one anoth­er by acknowl­edg­ing the fun­da­men­tal and com­mon val­ue you share; that each of you is a spark of the Divine, and each of you is ulti­mate­ly a lumi­nous being whose true nature is formed by Divine Love.

You have had time to reflect and make amends for wrong­ful thoughts and deeds.

Turn the page in the book of life, and face the promise of bet­ter days.

Your thoughts, words and deeds will forge your future.

Choose wise­ly, act lovingly.

And you will shine.