Daily Archives: September 21, 2017

Sun Enters Libra – The Equinox – (September 22, 2017)

The Gift of Companionship, The Way of I and Thou

Life is Spir­it; Spir­it is Life.

At the core of any par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, there abides Light and Love, there at the cen­ter of every­thing and every­one there is the Spark of the Divine.

This dew­drop of divin­i­ty is Pure Con­scious­ness; it is a Dia­mond Body of True Love.

Each Mon­ad of the Divine exists in its own Sacred Space, which over time is formed more per­fect­ly into the liv­ing abode of a Self-Aware Cos­mic Con­scious­ness, which is guid­ed and informed by Uncon­di­tion­al Love and held in its Sacred Space as a unique “one of the One” by its Spir­i­tu­al­ly Cen­tered Will.

This is what forms the entire­ty of Cre­ation, rang­ing from the infin­i­tes­i­mals of inner space on up to the Galac­tic Con­scious­ness­es that encom­pass a celes­tial host of Stars, Plan­ets and Life-Forms.

And This is what you are too, a pre­cious dew-drop of Spir­it who is slow­ly but sure­ly becom­ing self-aware, draw­ing clos­er and clos­er to your own true nature: that you are a Divin­i­ty that is learn­ing to be a Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Uni­verse; to be a Lov­ing Cre­ator who is Wise and Hum­ble too.

This Jour­ney of Spir­it, this Path­way of Light and Love, is the Jour­ney of Awak­en­ing that is forged and made by you and by your com­pan­ions too. You could nev­er be what you are, “a self-becom­ing human”, with­out one anoth­er. A sin­gu­lar, uncon­nect­ed, unre­lat­ed human is just not even pos­si­ble, it would quite sim­ply not be “human” at all.

For you are tru­ly made of and by one anoth­er. In world after world, in life after life, you are formed by all with whom you have direct and indi­rect inter­re­la­tion­ships. You are formed by your par­ents, by your sib­lings and friends, class­mates and col­leagues, by your loves of for­mer lives and in the eter­nal now too, so that all your broth­ers and sis­ters in Spir­it are there with you, and you in them too. Your Thoughts-Val­ues-Morals, and the Love that holds them all, the essen­tial ele­ments of you, are all shaped by the count­less encoun­ters you have with one anoth­er. You are your rela­tions; you are an “I” and a “host of we”; and it is out of these many that you become the one that is you.

We are all “Mixed-up”; each of you is in so many oth­ers, and so many, many oth­ers are what makes you what you are too. That is why this next expe­ri­ence in the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, the Twelve-Fold ener­gy forms that hold this Uni­verse togeth­er, is so impor­tant for you to under­stand and mas­ter. For in truth, you are made of all Twelve Signs, just in dif­fer­ing pro­por­tions and com­bi­na­tions. If you are to know your­self and become what you tru­ly are meant to be, then you must embrace some part of each sign as an essen­tial part of you.

Today you move into the realm of Libra; Today you meet with one anoth­er in that most Sacred Space of I and Thou; Today you enter the Mys­tery, where you will meet and make your­self through one anoth­er in the “third space” that is Relationship.

After the attune­ments, align­ments, adjust­ments and heal­ing of Vir­go, you are ready for this. You have done your home­work, you have won greater self-mas­tery through crit­i­cal self-exam­i­na­tion, and you are now more tru­ly you, and you are more at peace.

Now you see before you the Truth of Spir­it; that you can only become who you real­ly are when you are with one anoth­er. You gaze into the eyes of the one before you, and what is shin­ing back from those win­dows of the soul is so famil­iar. It is the same or essen­tial “aware­ness or pres­ence” that is there with­in you too. It is the One, it is the Love of the One for all the ones that comes shin­ing through each of you.

In any rela­tion­ship, there are three “spaces”. You exist in your own sacred space; and the oth­er before you, they are in their own sacred space too. Nei­ther of you may or should tres­pass upon the oth­er, nei­ther of you should lose your­self in the oth­er. But togeth­er you can build this “Third Space” of We, the space you make togeth­er. This is the play­ground of your “self that is becom­ing”; this is your space of self-trans­for­ma­tion and self-ful­fill­ment by and through one another.

It is here that you learn, work and play; here is where each of you become as you live for your­self and for one anoth­er too. By mov­ing into rela­tion­ship, you move into greater self-aware­ness through your dance of spir­it with one anoth­er. You can­not mere­ly do what you want with­out care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion for them too. You form a space of mutu­al ben­e­fit by at first uncon­scious­ly, and then ever more con­scious­ly, cre­at­ing a frame­work to guide, sup­port and pro­tect your inter­ac­tions with one anoth­er. Each of your own indi­vid­ual self-ful­fill­ments depends upon the ful­fill­ment of the oth­er. You expe­ri­ence the liv­ing real­i­ty that their dreams com­ing true are the very sub­stance of your dreams made real too.

Yes, it is here in Libra that you expe­ri­ence the Quick­en­ing of your Spir­it; it is here that you lift one anoth­er up into the Greater Aware­ness that is forged and found­ed by being part of one anoth­er, cre­at­ing one anoth­er by Love.

You need one anoth­er to be yourself.

You look back to your ances­tors, and under­stand how much you owe to those who came before.

And, you look around your­self and real­ize how much you need those with whom you jour­ney now.

You are one, and you are many.

Bow your head; Open your heart.

Smile at the one who is before you.

Know that you are one and the same,
