Daily Archives: October 9, 2017

Jupiter Enters Scorpio – The Way of Truth (October 10th, 2017 — November 8th, 2018)

Jupiter Enters Scorpio – The Way of Truth

Jupiter is the Avatar of your Truth. In your birth chart, it pro­vides an indi­ca­tor as to the way in which you will work towards what is known as the “greater under­stand­ing”; it illu­mi­nates the path of Truth you are to fol­low in any life.

By rul­ing what is true for you, what gives mean­ing and mean­ing­ful­ness to your life, Jupiter also indi­cates how you will relate to the larg­er world around you. By hold­ing and shap­ing your moti­va­tions or your inten­tion­al nature, Jupiter helps you to find and fol­low your path of Self-Fulfillment.

Jupiter will move through the 12 signs of the Zodi­ac in rough­ly 12 years. Though your own place­ment of Jupiter in a sign indi­cates how your will find your way in gen­er­al, it is also true that you need to inte­grate your own way of truth and being with the oth­er 11 ways too. You are here to learn to mas­ter all these ener­gies so that you may become ful­ly human.

Every year, if you open your under­stand­ing to a more com­pre­hen­sive and inclu­sive approach, you can devel­op a more inte­gral, nuanced and spir­i­tu­al­ly pur­pose­ful way of being. By mod­u­lat­ing your own way with that of the cur­rent place­ment of Jupiter, you lift your own under­stand­ing into the Greater Under­stand­ing that is your destiny.

But there is per­haps no greater les­son or gift than the pas­sage of Jupiter, (or any plan­e­tary body), through the sign of Scor­pio. Because of all the mys­ter­ies and truths you will encounter in this life, or in any life, it is this one that stands at the cen­ter of them all.

It is here that you meet “The Great Illu­sion” that is formed by you being an “I”, a sep­a­rate self-con­scious­ness of being, so that your very nature clear­ly seems to cre­ate an unbridge­able divide between you and every oth­er being.

For you have for­got­ten your truth: Long, long ago, you left from the One Spir­it as a mon­ad of con­scious­ness, to become anoth­er sparkling dew­drop among count­less oth­ers who in their pere­gri­na­tions through Space-Time form the Body of the One. Yet this seem­ing sev­er­ance or sep­a­ra­tion from the One brings about nev­er-end­ing pain and con­fu­sion, and it forms the soul­ful aching, the eter­nal long­ing for your return to the envelop­ing Peace and Love that is the One.

You seek to become unit­ed again and so become whole once more. You seek to shat­ter your alone­ness, and by reach­ing out to your fel­low sparks of the Divine you hope to feel this joy again, to be brought into the grace of peace, love and under­stand­ing that is of the One.

But what you will find, in life after life, is that this expe­ri­ence of reach­ing out to one anoth­er, of form­ing Unions of Sacred Space you share with one anoth­er, and of neces­si­ty mak­ing sac­ri­fices for and to one anoth­er, that it is pre­cise­ly here where you learn that by this giv­ing up the less­er in your­self you dis­cov­er the great­ness that is always and for­ev­er in them and in you too.

The mys­tery that is Union, the sub­lime mys­tery and gift of Scor­pio, reveals this Ker­nel of Ancient Wis­dom and Truth to you: That as you sur­ren­der the less­er parts of you to one anoth­er, as you draw clos­er to them and them to you, you are brought into the pres­ence of your own truer Self. You reach beyond your mor­tal frame and touch the Divine with­in and around you.

You come clos­er to the essence of you as you feel your way to the under­stand­ing that the One that you for­ev­er seek was (and will always be) there, right there as the very cen­ter of you…and of every­one else too. The Great Illu­sion is your feel­ing of sep­a­ra­tion; The Great Truth is that you are nev­er alone, you are not and can­not be sep­a­rat­ed from the One or from one anoth­er, for what you are and what sus­tains you through world after world, and in life after life, is the Love of the One that is you, and this equal­ly forms the Ocean of Cre­ation in which you and all the sparks of the Divine abide.

As much as Jupiter in Libra brought you into the Space of the Encounter with one anoth­er, and that Truth informed the Third Space that is Rela­tion­ship, it is here in Scor­pio that you lift the Veil of Isis and you must bow your head to the Gift of the Spirit.

You do this for one anoth­er as you join in com­mu­nion with each oth­er, for you have bro­ken the bonds of the great­est illu­sion; now you know, now you feel the truth that you are That. You know you are here in this mor­tal shell that brings you from such awful pain into the most unimag­in­able joy; you know that you are an Immor­tal danc­ing through worlds and lives as you draw ever clos­er to the one before you, and the one with­in you and to the One that is All.

You say the words to yourself:

I am That, I am.

You look upon one anoth­er and say:


You are one with one anoth­er, and with the One.